Feb 28, 2009

'Cosmic Eye' Photographed Staring Across Space

A spectacular "cosmic eye" has been photographed in space by a telescope in Chile, showing a distant nebula in which sunlike stars are burning themselves out.

The image of the Helix nebula, which lies 700 light years away in the constellation Aquarius, was captured with the Wide Field Imager instrument at the La Silla Observatory high above the Atacama Desert.

The Helix is a planetary nebula — a kind of stellar old people's home, in which stars at the end of their lives shed clouds of gas, often creating intricate patterns that shine with great beauty.

The Helix nebula is one of the closest planetary nebulae to Earth, but it is hard to see visually because its light is spread thinly over a large area of sky, a quarter of the size of the full Moon.

The main ring of the Helix nebula is about two light-years across, or half the distance between the Sun and the nearest star.

Around the inside of the ring, it is possible to see small blobs that resemble droplets of water, known as "cometary knots," which have faint tails that extend away from the central star.

Hore.. Gaji di Bawah Rp 5 Juta Dapat Insentif

JAKARTA, RABU — Pemerintah akan memberikan insentif Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) pasal 21 untuk karyawan dengan gaji di bawah Rp 5 juta.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Dirjen Pajak Darmin Nasution, di gedung DPR, Jakarta, Rabu (25/2). "Yang jelas, yang kita rancang hanya karyawan dengan gaji sampai Rp 5 juta. Yang di atas Rp 5 juta tidak. Kalau sektornya, saya belum bisa bicara," kata Darmin.

Menurut Darmin, saat ini Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) tengah dirancang bersama Menkeu. Penentuan pembatasan gaji untuk insentif PPh 21 dilakukan karena karyawan dengan gaji di bawah Rp 5 juta dinilai pantas mendapat insentif.

"Yang di atas Rp 5 juta itu kan sudah menikmati penurunan tarif. Lagi pula, yang pantas itu yang bawahlah," ujarnya.

Darmin mengatakan, insentif PPh 21 ini akan berlaku masa pajak Februari dan pembayarannya dilakukan Maret.

Is this Atlantis?

THIS is the amazing image which could show the fabled sunken city of Atlantis.

It shows a perfect rectangle the size of Wales lying on the bed of the Atlantic Ocean nearly 3½ miles down.

A host of criss-crossing lines, looking like a map of a vast metropolis, are enclosed by the boundary.

They seem too vast and organised to be caused naturally.

On February 19th the possibility of an extraordinary discovery had oceanographers and geophysicists captivated.

The site lies 620 miles off the west coast of Africa near the Canary Islands — a location for Atlantis seemingly suggested by the ancient philosopher Plato.

He believed it was an island civilisation sunk by an earthquake and floods around 9,700BC — nearly 12,000 years ago.

The “grid” showed up on Google Ocean, a Google Earth extension that uses a combination of satellite images and marine surveys.

On February 19th Dr Charles Orser, curator of historical archaeology at New York State University — and one of the world’s leading authorities on Atlantis — called it “fascinating”.

He said: “The site is one of the most prominent places for the proposed location of Atlantis, as described by Plato. Even if it turns out to be geographical, this definitely deserves a closer look.”

The legend of Atlantis has captured the imagination of scholars for centuries.

Situated in an area called the Madeira Abyssal Plane, the grid was spotted by aeronautical engineer Bernie Bamford as he browsed through Google Ocean.

Experts Warn of 'Terminator'-Style Military-Robot Rebellion

Autonomous military robots that will fight future wars must be programmed to live by a strict warrior code, or the world risks untold atrocities at their steely hands.

The stark warning — which includes discussion of a "Terminator"-style scenario in which robots turn on their human masters — is part of a hefty report funded by and prepared for the U.S. Navy's high-tech and secretive Office of Naval Research.

The report, the first serious work of its kind on military robot ethics, envisages a fast-approaching era where robots are smart enough to make battlefield decisions that are at present the preserve of humans.

Eventually, it notes, robots could come to display significant cognitive advantages over Homo sapiens soldiers.

"There is a common misconception that robots will do only what we have programmed them to do," Patrick Lin, the chief compiler of the report, said. "Unfortunately, such a belief is sorely outdated, harking back to a time when ... programs could be written and understood by a single person."

The reality, Dr. Lin said, was that modern programs included millions of lines of code and were written by teams of programmers, none of whom knew the entire program.

Accordingly, no individual could accurately predict how the various portions of large programs would interact without extensive testing in the field — an option that may either be unavailable or deliberately sidestepped by the designers of fighting robots.

A simple ethical code along the lines of the “Three Laws of Robotics” postulated in 1950 by Isaac Asimov, the science fiction writer, will not be sufficient to ensure the ethical behaviour of autonomous military machines.

Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm

2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law

Introduced in his 1942 short story Runaround

Sepotong Jalan Rusia dan Impian Soekarno

Jalan aspal itu lurus dan mulus. Tak ada guncangan ketika mobil melaju kencang di atasnya. Ini berbeda dengan jalan trans- Kalimantan dari Nunukan, Kalimantan Timur, hingga Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah, yang penuh lubang dan bergelombang.

Warga setempat mengenal jalan itu sebagai Jalan Palangkaraya-Tangkiling. Namun, Gardea Samsudin (70) mengenangnya sebagai Jalan Rusia.

Samsudin, lelaki asal Bandung, Jawa Barat, adalah sedikit saksi yang tersisa dari sepotong jalan sepanjang 34 kilometer dengan lebar 6 meter yang dibangun oleh para insinyur dari Rusia—dulu The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Bersama puluhan warga Dayak, Samsudin dan ratusan orang Jawa lain bekerja di bawah arahan belasan insinyur Rusia. ”Saya ikut menyusun batu-batu yang menjadi fondasi jalan ini,” kata Samsudin yang kini menetap di Palangkaraya.

Tak gampang mencari saksi lain pembangunan Jalan Rusia yang mau bicara. Sabran Achmad (80), tokoh masyarakat Kalteng, menuturkan, banyak pekerja yang ikut membangun Jalan Rusia itu menyembunyikan diri. Ini tidak lepas dari politik Orde Baru yang memberi stigma hitam kepada sesuatu yang berbau Orde Lama. Dan, jalan yang dibangun oleh insinyur Rusia itu memang berasal dari era Soekarno, yang dekat dengan negara Blok Timur itu tahun 1950 hingga 1960-an.

”Jalan itu dibangun menandai pembangunan Kota Palangkaraya. Sebelumnya, jalan itu berupa hutan lebat. Pohon-pohonnya besarnya segini,” kata Sabran sambil melingkarkan kedua lengannya.

Mimpi Soekarno

Pada mulanya adalah ayunan kapak Presiden Soekarno pada sebilah kayu di Pahandut, Kampung Dayak, di jantung Kalimantan, 17 Juli 1957. Sebilah kayu yang dibelah itu menandai pembangunan kota baru yang diimpikan Soekarno. Kota baru ini kemudian diberi nama Palangkaraya yang berarti tempat suci, mulia, dan agung, yang didesain sebagai ibu kota Indonesia Raya.

Namun, mimpi Soekarno tak pernah jadi kenyataan. Palangkaraya saat ini hanyalah sebuah ibu kota Provinsi Kalteng yang gelap dan tak bergairah karena kekurangan pasokan listrik.

Dirancang sebagai ibu kota negara, awalnya Palangkaraya dibangun dengan konsep yang jelas. Ada pengelompokan fungsi bangunan yang memisahkan fungsi pemerintahan, komersial, dan permukiman. Tata kotanya dirancang dengan memadukan transportasi darat dan sungai.

Sungai Kahayan menjadi pusat orientasi di sebelah utara kota. Sebuah jalan darat dibangun di pusat kota menuju arah Sampit. Jalan itulah yang kini dikenal sebagai Jalan Rusia, ruas jalan nasional terbaik sepanjang jalan trans-Kalimantan yang dilalui Tim Jelajah Kalimantan Kompas bersama Departemen Pekerjaan Umum (PU). ”Kita tak pernah lagi membangun jalan sebaik Jalan Rusia yang masih mulus walau sudah puluhan tahun. Lihatlah, jalan-jalan lain di Kalimantan yang baru dibangun cepat sekali rusak,” kata Wibowo, staf Departemen PU anggota Regional Betterment Office VII Banjarmasin.

Menggali gambut

Sepotong jalan itu menjadi saksi kemahiran insinyur-insinyur Rusia membangun jalan di tanah yang sangat berbeda kondisinya dengan negara asal mereka. Sabran mengisahkan, semua gambut di tapak jalan dikeruk. ”Setelah gambut dikeruk, terciptalah alur seperti sungai. Lalu, alur itu diisi batu, pasir, dan tanah padat,” kata Sabran.

Pada 17 Desember 1962, pembangunan fondasi Jalan Rusia selesai. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya, tinggal pembuatan drainase, pengerasan, dan pengaspalan. Pekerjaan yang lambat, tetapi hasilnya prima.

Namun, pembangunan jalan yang direncanakan sepanjang 175 kilometer melewati Parenggean lalu ke Sampit dan Pangkalan Bun kemudian menghubungkan Palangkaraya dengan pelabuhan-pelabuhan sungai menuju ke Jawa ini dihentikan awal tahun 1966. Ketika itu jalan yang terbangun baru 34 km.

Pergantian kekuasaan pasca-Gerakan 30 September 1965 membuat orang-orang Rusia bergegas meninggalkan Indonesia. Semua pekerja proyek menyembunyikan diri karena tak ingin disangkutpautkan dengan Rusia, Partai Komunis Indonesia, atau bahkan Soekarno.

Cerita pembangunan Jalan Rusia itu pun tamat. Segala yang berbau Rusia dihapus, termasuk ilmu pembangunan jalan yang diajarkan insinyur mereka di ruas Palangkaraya-Tangkiling. Pembangunan jalan di Kalimantan tidak pernah lagi dimulai dengan mengeruk gambut. Namun, cukup dengan fondasi berupa kayu galam yang ditancapkan di lahan gambut itu (fondasi ini dikenal sebagai cerucuk). Pembangunan jalan menjadi lebih murah dan cepat, tetapi konstruksi jalan tidak awet.

Kepala Bidang Bina Marga Dinas PU Provinsi Kalteng Ridwan Manurung menuturkan, secara teori, ruas Palangkaraya- Tangkiling yang dibangun Rusia itu yang benar. ”Saat membuka trase jalan, harus diperhatikan struktur tanah dasar, fondasi, dan lapisan penutupnya. Jika ada tanah humus, harus diganti dengan pasir, tanah padat, atau granit. Sedalam apa pun gambutnya, harus dibuang,” katanya.

Menurut Wibowo, pembangunan jalan dengan teknik Rusia itu membutuhkan biaya tiga kali lipat lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan teknik yang dilakukan dengan cerucuk, seperti yang sekarang kita buat. ”Namun, umur jalan dengan teknik Rusia itu bisa lima kali lipat dari jalan kita,” katanya.

Bangsa ini sepertinya memang suka yang instan. Cepat selesai, cepat pula hancur.

Feb 24, 2009

New $3 Light Bulb 12 Times More Efficient, Lasts 60 Years

Cambridge University researchers have developed a $3 LED-based lightbulb that is 12 times more efficient than regular tungsten light bulbs, three times more than low energy ones. It lights up instantly, lasting for 100,000 hours,

The cheap lightbulb could cost the energy bill in any house by as much as three quarters. In fact, if everyone replaced their current light bulbs, the proportion of lighting in electricity consumption would go down from 20 to 5 percent worldwide.

They also avoid using any toxic materials, like lead: The new LEDs use gallium nitride, which until now was too expensive to obtain because it had to be grown on sapphire wafers, which brought the cost of the lightbulbs to $28 each.

The new method, developed by Cambridge University-based Centre for Gallium Nitride, uses silicon wafers, bringing the cost down to $3 each. And if you think this is a thing of the future, think again: Prototypes are already being produced and the light bulbs may reach the market in a mere two years.

Sony: PS3 to Get 45-Nanometer Chips Around June

According to David Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertaintment Europe, the PS3 could get a 45-nanometer Cell chip in a few months. From an interview with The Guardian:

We're always looking at ways to reduce costs [in the PS3], replacing the current 65 nanometre Cell chip with a 45 nanometre one probably in middle of year.

So why should you care? Well, the chips should run cooler and at a lower wattage. But more importantly, shrinking the processor to something cheaper to build is absolutely essential if we're ever to see a cheaper PS3.

What we're a little confused about is why it's taking Sony so long to make this switch. Because, according to reports, IBM has long figured out how to make a 45nm Cell. So is Sony sitting on a pile of 65nm chips that haven't sold since last year?

God Caught on Google Street View Giving the World a Hug

Vintage Gaming Ties Futilely Subvert Corporate Authority

Swedish Visby-Class Corvette Is First Operational Stealth Ship in the World

The future is here: This water-based Imperial Star Destroyer is really the spectacular Swedish Visby-Class corvette, the first operational stealth ship in the world, powered with silent waterjets and made with non-magnetic composite materials.

According to the experts, the corvettes are "electronically undetectable at more than eight miles in rough seas and at more than 13.5 miles in calm seas". Their creation was an answer to the incursion of foreign submarines in Swedish waters in the mid-eighties.

The corvettes are designed to travel at more than 35 knots in between the many beautiful islands that populate Sweden's shallow coast, thanks to waterjets-made by Rolls-Royce subsidiary Kamewa-that reduce their draft. Their mission will be to quickly patrol their territorial waters while hunting for enemy submarines and other ships.

While I prefer to travel the Swedish coast on a sailing ship, I wouldn't mind getting a quick surf on these things when they enter in service at the end of this year (as they are probably staffed with non-stealth blonde valkyries).

Gmail Gets Twice as Useful with Multiple Panes/Inboxes

Gmail's latest Labs creation is one of the best yet: panes that let you create separate inboxes using filters and labels. Anal-retentive over-organizers of the world, rejoice!

Want to have a pane just for emails from your family? Or from a particular mailing list? You can easily split up threads from different people or groups or based on different subjects or anything you want. It's a great way to use filters to turn one email account into many. Brilliant.

To turn on Panes, just go to the Labs section of your Gmail settings and turn on Multiple Inboxes.

Pioneer Exits TV Business, No More Sweet Plasmas

Our favorite plasma maker and TV tech innovator is exiting the TV business for good, says HD Guru.

We've known Pioneer's been having a hard time of things lately, especially when they confirmed they were leaving the plasma manufacturing business. They hitched their wagon to Panasonic, the leading plasma manufacturer, but apparently Panny just delayed the opening of a new factory, citing economic strains. So you can see how the #2 would get shoved aside, if all of Panasonic's capacity is tied up with its own product.

As for its DVD and Blu-ray group, the Nikkei says it plans to merge that with a division from Sharp as some sort of new business venture.

Feb 23, 2009

Tes VCT Online

VCT, yaitu singkatan dari Voluntary Counseling and Testing, ialah suatu proses yang bertujuan memungkinkan perorangan maupun pasangan untuk melakukan tes HIV. Proses ini disebut "voluntary" karena sifatnya sukarela.

Saat ini sudah ada "VCT Online" pada situs mautau.com, di mana konseling dilakukan melalui chatting tertutup dengan konselor yang telah mendapatkan sertifikat dari Depkes. Untuk menjalani VCT Online di mautau.com, klien tidak perlu mengungkapkan jati dirinya, cukup menggunakan username yang akan dipakai sampai proses VCT selesai (sampai tahap post-counseling).

Formulir tes yang dibawa klien ke laboratorium yang bekerjasama dengan mautau.com juga hanya memuat username tsb. dan tes HIV berbentuk kode sehingga orang awam tidak tahu jenis tes apa yang dimaksud dengan kode itu.

Tapi ketika status pasien dibuka pada saat melakukan post-test counseling online (jika dinilai sudah siap menerima hasil tes tsb.) dan ternyata positif, maka klien akan dianjurkan datang ke yayasan Kapeta guna melakukan konseling tatap muka dengan Konselor VCT, karena akan dirujuk ke KDS dan rumah sakit yang melayani CST.

Baru pada saat itulah klien diminta untuk mengungkapkan jati dirinya. Tapi jika klien menolak memberikan identitas yang sebenarnya, paling tidak dia sudah tahu bahwa statusnya positif dan sudah mendapatkan informasi penting seperti cara-cara pencegahan penularan terhadap pasangan dan pentingnya menjalani terapi ARV.

Feb 21, 2009

UCLA Professors Predict Where Bin Laden Is Hiding

Professors claim to have pinpointed the three most likely structures where Usama bin Laden and his gang are hiding, ABC News reports.

The geography professors at UCLA used theories like those used to predict how animals distribute themselves and predicted the location of bin Laden.

Through an extensive process of elimination, professors Thomas Gillepsie and John Agnew concluded that bin Laden likely is in Parachinar, a small city in the Kurram region of Pakistan, ABC News reports.

From there, Gillepsie and Agnew used their set of life history characteristics to predict the building where the terrorist would hide in, according to the ABC News report, which notes that among the factors considered were bin Laden's preference for a small number of bodyguards and for locations protected from aerial view.

Using these clues, the professors narrowed down bin Laden's possible hideouts to three structures in Parachinar — two residential buildings and one prison-like building with a well-maintained garden.

Gillepsie and Agnew hope that intelligence agencies may test their theory by closely monitoring the three structures.

How Nuclear Subs Could Go Bump in the Night

Great Britain and France have always had their cultural differences, but the latest military miscommunication between the two hardly has them shouting vive la difference! This one literally could have gone nuclear.

A couple of elite nuclear submarines, the British HMS Vanguard and the French Navy's Le Triomphant, collided in the Northern Atlantic on Feb. 4 while "conducting routine patrols," both countries acknowledged on Sunday. Both subs are armed with multiple-warhead nuclear missiles.

But the Vanguard and Le Triomphant are also equipped with some of the most sophisticated military sonar devices available, complete with various antennas and sensors that collect information that is analyzed by high-powered computers.

So how is it possible that two nuclear subs of allied countries, both carrying state-of-the-art sonar equipment, could bump into each other?

"Sonars come in two flavors," John Pike, director of the Globalsecurity.org, told Foxnews.com.

"There's passive sonar and there's active sonar. These ballistic subs spend most of their time hiding with a nuclear arsenal. They use passive sonar to remain as silent as possible."

Passive sonar, which listens without transmitting, is particularly helpful in stealth situations, but what happens when two ballistic submarines designed to hide and remain silent are within close range?

"Active sonar is like a flashlight in the dark. I can use that flashlight to see, but everyone can see where I am," said Pike. "Passive sonar accuracy becomes much more ambiguous at close range."

Submarine collisions are rare, but they do happen. In 2001, the USS Greeneville surfaced and collided with a Japanese ship, the Ehime Maru, off the coast of Hawaii. The Navy determined the commanding officer of the Greeneville to be in "dereliction of duty."

During the Cold War, Soviet and American submarines often played cat-and-mouse, and near-collisions took on a dimension of international crisis.

Times have changed, but the danger is still enormous.

The HMS Vanguard is one of the Royal Navy's V-Class subs. It is armed with 16 ballistic nuclear missiles and forms a "Trident nuclear deterrent." Le Triomphant carries 16 M-45 class Sea-ground-Strategic ballistic missiles, also armed with thermonuclear warheads. An accident, even an unintentional one, could have had serious consequences.

The French and British navies said the collision was unavoidable, because the vessels were "running silently" to avoid sonar detection.

Le Triomphant has the British built DMUX 80, which provides passive target ranging and interception capability. The Vanguard carries the Thales Underwater Systems Type 2054 composite sonar — a multi-mode, multi-frequency multi-million-dollar detection system that failed to detect the 453-foot-long French sub until they butted.

The Vanguard has two periscopes, a CK51 search model and a CH91 attack model, both of which have a TV camera and thermal imager as well as conventional optics.

"But the periscopes are useless at that depth," Pike said.

"It's pitch black after a couple of hundred feet. In the movies like 'Hunt for Red October,' you can see the subs in the water, but in reality it's blindman's bluff down there."

"The crash could have been a coincidence — some people win the lottery — but it's much more possible that one vessel was chasing the other, trying to figure out what it was."

Facebook Membership May Be Forever

The Consumerist blog noticed Sunday that the social-networking giant had quietly made a change to its user Terms of Service (TOS) on Feb. 4 2009.

Facebook now declares that it has a perpetual license to use anything you post to your own Facebook page — even if you terminate your account.

Here's the licensing part of the legalese, which sounds bad enough:

"You hereby grant Facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to (a) use, copy, publish, stream, store, retain, publicly perform or display, transmit, scan, reformat, modify, edit, frame, translate, excerpt, adapt, create derivative works and distribute (through multiple tiers), any User Content you (i) Post on or in connection with the Facebook Service or the promotion thereof subject only to your privacy settings or (ii) enable a user to Post, including by offering a Share Link on your website and (b) to use your name, likeness and image for any purpose, including commercial or advertising, each of (a) and (b) on or in connection with the Facebook Service or the promotion thereof."

In other words, while it doesn't actually own your photos, scribblings and status updates — you do — Facebook can do whatever it wants with it, whenever it wants, in order to promote itself or create or sell ads.

Theoretically, it can even "license" a picture of your kids for use in a third party's ad campaign.

Most of that has been part of the Facebook Terms of Service for a while. After all, without user-generated content, Facebook would be nothing.

What's been removed is this:

"If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however (sic) you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content."

And what's been added is this:

"The following sections will survive any termination of your use of the Facebook Service" — after which follows a list of most of the sections on the Terms of Service page.

So even if you decide Facebook isn't for you, the site can still use anything you posted. It's all been archived.

The iPhone Is That Guy at Your High School Reunion

Hey, nobody ever said the iPhone was a nice person. But like most celebrities, he's handsome as hell so he gets away with being a complete dick. Here's the clip:

MIT Shock Absorbers Harness Speed Bump Energy For Better Fuel Economy

A team of undergraduate students at MIT have developed a shock absorber that actually generates electricity from bumps in the road. This results in up to a 10 percent improvement in overall vehicle fuel efficiency.

Their prototype shock absorbers use a hydraulic system that forces fluid through a turbine attached to a generator. The system is controlled by an active electronic system that optimizes the damping, providing a smoother ride than conventional shocks while generating electricity to recharge the batteries or operate electrical equipment.

"GenShock" technology is ideal for heavier vehicles, as added weight equates to better performance. Naturally, the military and the trucking industry has expressed a lot of interest in the idea, but those involved with the project have even bigger plans. They "want this technology on every heavy-truck, military vehicle and consumer hybrid on the road"—and by the looks of things, they just might get their wish.

Secret of Eternal Life, Better Sex Found in Mammoth Graveyard

Get ready for eternal life and better sex: Russians scientists working on a Siberian mammoth graveyard have found unknown bacterium DNA which, according to preliminary lab results, effectively extends mice's life-as well as other things.

According to Professor Anatoli Broushkov, their "set of tests and the results prove that simple organisms like fruit flies and mice live longer after being vaccinated with the ancient bacterium extract." Not only that, but the bacterium DNA super-vaccine actually increases mental alertness, physical capability, and sexual activity for both male and female mice. The females actually have had babies at an older age than usual: "Some elderly mice demonstrated a growth of physical, mental and sexual activity, while some females even had babies aged at the human equivalent of 70," said scientist Vera Samsonova.

The bacterium was found still living in the Siberian permafrost, next to frozen the mammoths and woolly rhinos, which the Japanese and Russian scientific teams are exploring in an effort to clone them back into life. Finding an unknown ancient bacteria still living in the permafrost came as a surprise to the Russian scientists, who were blown away by the preliminary analysis of the DNA and their lab experiments.

The team, however, is not claiming an immortality potion yet. They are aiming at extending life at least ten years if everything goes well. The results are so good that it is already attracting the interest of investors.

Google Proves Humanity Is Sick and Sad, Yet Absolutely Hilarious

Recently we found out that, according to Google's search, 303,000 people out there were "extremely terrified of Chinese people". We got deeper into Humanity's brain, and got a list of hilarious and scary findings.

Go to the US version of Google, and type what is in bold to find the following:

• 5,310,000 pages from people asking or answering: How to get pregnant.
• 69,400,000 people asking How to make money.
• 32,600,000: How to get over someone.
• 3,290,000: Who do I have to be to make you sleep with me.
• 841,000: I have a large cat in my pants.
• 3,300,000: I have a large uterus.
• 112,000: I have a lovely bunch of coconuts (lots of swallows surfing the web).
• 256,000,000: I want to die.
• 3,160,000: Why do I fart so much.
• 528,000: Why do indians smell.
• 63,500,000: Why do I sleep so much.
• 680,000: Why do I have green poop.
• 883,000,000: Why do I have no friends.
• 7,570,000: Why do I have diarrhea.
• 4,170,000: Why do I have so much discharge.
• 7,120,000: Why do I have to pee so much.
• 230,000,000: Why do I have gas or so much gas.
• 456,000: Why do men have nipples.
• 6,000,000: Why men don't call.
• 8,380,000: Why men lie.
• 11,000,000: Why women have affairs.
• 36,500,000: Why women lie.
• 94,200,000: Why Obama should be president.
• 19,100,000: Why Obama should not be president.
• 42,300: Why Luke Skywalker is an idiot.
• 1,610,000: I would like to buy a hamburger.
• 286,000: I would like to extend you an invitation to the pants party.
• 818,000: I think im pregnant.
• 442,000: I hate Indiana Jones 4.
• Almost 800,000,000: Who do I vote for.
• 4,980,000: I want a new drug.
• 114,000,000: I want a wife (114 million people are nuts).
• 783,000: I have one testicle.
• 21,900,000: I have one more drink.
• 12,400,000: I have three breasts.
• 320,000: I have three testicles.
• 1,580,000: I have three girlfriends.
• 610,000: I have four sides, all opposite sides are parallel, I have no right angles.
• 159,000,000: When to work.
• 126,000,000: When to say I love you.
• 2,730,000: Sleep is for sissies.
• 2,890,000: I smeel like poop.
• 1,510,000: What is a recession.
• 1,400,000: I have a hard time swallowing.
• 338,000: I have a big bag of crabs here.
• 1,060,000: Sex is for making babies and revenge.

We. Are. Doomed.

Feb 19, 2009

The Epson Infineon GPS Chip Is Small Enough to Destroy Privacy Forever

How small does a GPS chip get in its 12th round of development? Look at the match stick.

The Epson Infineon is a 12th generation GPS transmitter/receiver built upon a 65nm manufacturing process. Just 2.8 × 2.9mm (or 25% smaller than any A-GPS on the market), it's still powerful enough to communicate with satellites indoors, tracking you to the Motel 6 before your loved one discovers you—living a second life in which you rent Motel 6 rooms just to hang out and watch bad cable alone.

Happy 200th Birthday, Charles Darwin

On Thursday 12 February, we celebrated 200 years since Charles Darwin, one of the world's most creative and influential thinkers, was born.

The evolution continues!

Feb 16, 2009

Sanyo's Human Washing Machine From 1970

Back in 1970, Sanyo envisioned a future where manual bathing was obsolete and head-washing was (apparently) optional. At the World Expo in Osaka, Sanyo unveiled their plan in the form of the Ultrasonic Bath.

Essentially, the device was a human washing machine that cleaned, massaged and dried the occupant in a fully-automated 15 minute cycle. Obviously, Sanyo's vision of the future didn't quite pan out for the average citizen, but if you live in Japan you can look forward to a similar experience when your kids finally decide to put you in a home. A descendant of the Ultrasonic Bath concept called the HIRB ("Human In Roll-lo Bathing") system works in a similar fashion—scrubbing the elderly to a sparkling shine.

Feb 14, 2009

IBM Patents Bionic Armor That Gives Humans Ability To Dodge Bullets

Believe it or not, IBM has filed for a patent on tech that heightens our reflexes so that we could, theoretically, dodge bullets like Neo in The Matrix.

This "Bionic Body Armor" would continuously scan the area for incoming projectiles. If one is detected, the system would deliver a shock to the muscles causing a swift, reflexive action away from the bullet.

The present invention relates generally to the protection of an individual against a projectile propelled from a firearm. More particularly, the present invention relates to a body armor system and its method of use that is capable of detecting a projectile propelled from a firearm, computing the trajectory of the projectile, and moving the individual out of the path of the projectile to avoid being hit.

Damn, that might actually work. Think about how fast you move your hand away from a hot stove. Would that kind of movement actually be fast enough to dodge a bullet?

Feb 12, 2009

Usir Kebiasaan Sering Telat

1. Cari keuntungannya

Langkah pertama untuk membuat kita lebih tepat waktu adalah menyiapkan "hadiah" yang akan diberikan untuk diri sendiri. Tak ada salahnya berpikir sedikit egois; kira-kira apa timbal balik yang akan saya dapatkan kalau saya on time, dan apa dampaknya kalau saya terlambat datang ke sebuah acara.

Dengan kata lain, cari tahu apa untung-ruginya untuk Anda. Hindari kata-kata yang bersifat umum seperti reputasi di kantor. Buatlah lebih spesifik lagi. Misalnya, kalau saya terlambat datang maka gaji akan dipotong. Atau, kalau saya datang lebih awal, pekerjaan lebih cepat selesai dan bisa pulang lebih cepat.

2. Ubah pola pikir

Orang-orang yang sering telat biasanya melakukan hal ini: memajukan jam 10 menit lebih awal agar punya waktu untuk bersiap dan berangkat lebih awal. Kenyataannya, karena hanya penunjuk waktunya saja yang berubah, pola pikirnya tidak. Akibatnya, kita tetap saja bersikap santai karena tahu masih ada waktu beberapa menit lagi.

Bila ingin berhasil mengubah kebiasaan, ubah juga pola pikir Anda. Tanamkan dalam pikiran Anda bahwa ngaret adalah kebiasaan buruk dan merugikan orang lain. Bila Anda ada janji pertemuan jam 10, tanamkan dalam pikiran bahwa waktu pertemuan adalah jam 9.30.

3. Cari kesibukan saat menunggu

Menurut Julie Morgenstern, penulis buku Time Management from the Inside Out, ada sebagian orang yang takut dan panik bila harus menunggu. "Mereka jadi cemas karena menunggu dan tak melakukan apa-apa," katanya. Karena itulah orang-orang dalam kelompok ini lebih suka datang terlambat.

Bila Anda juga termasuk orang yang tak suka bengong di ruang tunggu, rencanakan kegiatan apa yang akan dilakukan selama menunggu. Misalnya, memeriksa berkas presentasi, cek email, dan masih banyak lagi. Intinya, ubahlah waktu tunggu Anda menjadi waktu yang berguna.

4. Hindari kesibukan sebelum berangkat

Hindari melakukan hal-hal kecil sebelum Anda berangkat ke kantor atau tempat pertemuan. Terkadang hal kecil pun bisa menyita perhatian dan waktu kita.

Feb 7, 2009

Chinese Teenager Recovering After Suicide Attempt to Save Dying Father

China has been gripped by the fate of a 14-year-old girl who tried to kill herself so she could donate her liver to her dying father.

The story of Chen Jin, who lay in critical condition for almost two weeks after attempting to sacrifice herself for her parent, has touched hearts across the country. Donations have flooded in to pay the family's huge medical bills and well-wishers have even offered to give the father their own livers.

On february 6th the hospital in Nanjing, eastern Jiangsu province, announced that her life was out of danger. But it added that a transplant could not save her terminally ill father.

"She loves her dad more than herself," said the teenager's mother, who said her husband had been diagnosed with liver cancer in December and told that he had only three months to live.

The couple decided to keep the news from their daughter for as long as possible. But after Jin came across a medical letter last month explaining the extent of her father's condition she waited until her mother was at the hospital and then attempted to kill herself.

The girl was found breathing weakly by her mother Cui Lan after she returned home from visiting her cancer-stricken husband in hospital on January 24.

"I saw my daughter lying quite still, as if she were dead, with two empty bottles of pills beside her bed and a suicide note," Cui Lan, 43, said.

The note read: "Mum, I am sorry that I could not be with you any more. Please give my liver to my father after I die."

Jin was rushed to hospital where doctors pumped her stomach twice and gave her a blood transfusion.

For days her distraught mother tried to hide the truth from her husband, telling him that their daughter could not visit him because she was slightly unwell, or busy visiting relatives. In fact, she was lying metres away in the intensive care unit of the same hospital.

Five days after admission, Jin finally emerged from her coma and was even able to write a brief note to her parents, telling her father she would come to visit him.

But only two days later she stopped breathing – and did so again a day later. Doctors became increasingly anxious as she remained in a critical condition. It was only on friday (6/2), 11 days after her suicide attempt, that they declared her out of danger.

Shen Nanping, director of the children's emergency department in Wuxi People's Hospital, said it was a miracle her life had been saved.

He added: "Her vital signs are stable, all organs are working comparatively normally and she can communicate with us. However, her thinking and memory have not fully recovered." He warned it would take several weeks before the full effects of her suicide attempt could be determined.

She is likely to need further surgery because she fell asleep on an electric blanket and the prolonged heat damaged her legs.

The family have had to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan to treat father and daughter, on an income of only around 1,000 yuan (£100) a month. But Cui said today that well-wishers had given so much that all their bills had been covered and she would donate any excess to other needy families. Modern Express said many people had also rung the paper to offer to donate their organs.

They included Zhai Shuyou, a 77-year-old retired worker from Nanjing, who told the paper: "I am in good health. I would like to donate liver to that child's father – my wife and children all agree with it."

But Wang Weidong, the doctor treating the father, said a liver transplant could not save him because the cancer had already spread.

The girl was very polite and good at painting and school, a neighbor surnamed Ruan said.

"She and her father have a very close relationship," Ruan said. "They often ride bikes to have outings together and the father always says he was quite lucky to have such a daughter."

8 Aggressive Buying Tactics

How do you negotiate the often contentious dealer experience? It can be an intimidating and unpleasant process, and while most dealers are honest, salespeople are in the business to close deals quickly and get you to pay top dollar. Most engage in tried-and-true psychological tactics designed to get them the best possible deal.

So how do you make sure you’re doing the same for yourself? We’ve debunked the eight most common hard-sell tactics. More important, we tell you how to turn around each of them and use them to your advantage. Should you find yourself getting pressured, these replies will regain control of the situation.

1. What the Dealer Says:

"You have to make the deal today."

What You Should Say:

"Sorry, this offer expires tonight."

In this scenario the dealer quotes a price, but to apply pressure to the buyer the deal is only good for that day. This gives the buyer little chance to research the price or find a competing offer from another dealership. Fortunately, the buyer can regain control by coming up with his or her own price and adding, “My offer is only good for tonight.” A dealer desperate to make a sale will have little recourse, and should they not agree to the price the buyer is free to walk away. Just be sure to do your research before you go to the dealer so your offer is actually low enough.

2. What the Dealer Says:

"I have to check with my manager."

What You Should Say:

"I have to check with my spouse."

A salesperson often will tell you that he has to confer with a sales manager to see if the price he comes up with is agreeable. Thus, the manager becomes the bad guy and the salesperson comes off as being in the buyer’s corner. Don’t be fooled and don’t be afraid to use the same tactic. If you need time to think about it and you don’t want to come off as the bad guy, tell the salesperson you have to confer with your spouse. It helps to paint the spouse as the disagreeable sort. Don’t have a spouse? Try accountant, therapist, astrologist, cult leader, food taster, or any other authority figure whose opinion you supposedly value. Have the other person play the role of the bad guy who’s holding up the deal. It’s not uncommon for salespeople to belittle a customer for letting the “little lady” or “chauvinist husband” tell them what to do, so be prepared to set your ego aside and admit you’re only one member of the team making the decision.

3. What the Dealer Says:

"I have to put food on my table."

What You Should Say:

"I have to keep food on my table."

To play on the buyer’s compassion, the salesperson might tell you that he has to put food on his table. Apparently, the deal is so in favor of the buyer that the salesperson will starve if the deal gets any better. Remember, you’re the one unloading the cash, not the salesperson. Tell them, “I have to keep food on my table.”

4. What the Dealer Says:

"We’re already losing money on this deal."

What You Should Say:

"I’m already losing a hell of a lot of money on this deal."

To convince the buyer of the excellent deal that is being made, the salesperson might tell the buyer that the dealer is losing money on the deal. This is another tactic designed to appeal to one’s sympathy. Consider that the buyer is the one who is losing, or at least giving up, thousands of dollars. Be sure to remind the salesperson that you are the one losing the money.

5. What the Dealer Says:

"I’ve got another offer, this is in high demand."

What You Should Say:

"I could go down the street and get the same car."

Car salespeople will always try to convince the buyer that the car they are considering is in such high demand that they’d better move quickly or risk losing the car. “Other interested buyers” and “production shortages” are ruses designed to make the buyer believe that buying immediately is necessary. Mass-produced cars are, as the name implies, built in huge numbers. Even if what the dealer tells you is true, another just like the one you want will be built and available soon. And there are almost always other dealers that will have the same car or something close.

6. What the Dealer Says:

"This is the only one like it, take it or leave it."

What You Should Say:

"I am the only person who would ever buy this ridiculously unusual car."

Hard-core car enthusiasts often find themselves considering cars that ordinary buyers don’t even know exist. Consequently, the automaker doesn’t make a lot of these cars because the market for them is so thin. But they are out there. Somewhere a Cadillac dealer has a CTS with a six-speed manual transmission and it’s more than likely that the salesperson is telling the buyer, “This is the only one like it, take it or leave it.” The seller should respond in kind with, “I am the only person who would ever buy this ridiculously unusual car.”

7. What the Dealer Does:

Last-minute price increase or hidden fees

What You Should Do:

Last-minute offer decrease

If the dealer knows that you’re seriously interested and a price has been agreed upon, occasionally the dealer will surprise the buyer with a last-minute price increase or previously undisclosed fees and, of course, a plausible-sounding excuse for the increase. Don’t give in to this tactic. Try countering with a last-minute offer decrease.

8. What the Dealer Says:

"I’m throwing in all this for free."

What You Should Say:

"I don’t even want all this stuff."

A salesperson will often attempt to justify an inflated price by including valueless items like pinstriping, undercoating, fabric or paint protectant, or pre-sale inspections. Sometimes even optional equipment may be part of the deal and appear to be free. If you don’t want the extra options, just let the dealer know. Tell the dealer, “These non-factory items, if anything, make this car worth less to me.”

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