Nov 30, 2013

Rumored: The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Final Edition is not the last SLS - If a car has Final Edition in its name, it seems safe to assume the vehicle is the end of the line. Not so with Mercedes-Benz. Despite its moniker, the 583-hp Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Final Edition unveiled at the 2013 L.A. Auto Show and the Tokyo Motor Show last week might not be the last SLS, according to a source from the German carmaker. 

Apparently there is supposed to be one more version of the car, but that's all we were told. As previously reported by Automotive News, the SLS's replacement will be the twin-turbocharged GT meant to compete with Porsche's 911.

With the SLS AMG GT's standard 6.3-liter V-8 under the hood, the Final Edition (should we start using quotes now?) is less powerful than the 622-horsepower SLS AMG Black Series, but it features an exclusive exposed carbon-fiber hood, front splitter, and fixed rear spoiler along with a set of forged alloy wheels. Able to hit 60 mph in a lickety-split 3.6 seconds and 124 mph in 11.2, the gullwing supercar tops out at an electronically limited 197 mph. Mercedes says it plans to make only 350 units of the Final Edition.

Which reminds us: What would Mercedes call the true final version of the SLS? The Last One Forever And Ever Edition? Whatever name they land on, it'd be nice if we didn't have to say goodbye to the spectacular SLS just yet. Even if we did feel a little duped.

If A Living Snowman Would Terrify You, Don't Watch This Prank

Nov 28, 2013

Obama pardons Thanksgiving turkey (and tells jokes)

Gara-gara Minum Air Sungai, Seekor Komodo di KBS Mati

Ilustrasi - Seekor komodo koleksi Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS) mati. Komodo jantan berusia sebelas tahun ini mengalami gangguan ginjalnya hingga tidak berfungsi.

Humas KBS Agus Supangkat mengatakan gangguan ginjal yang dialami komodo tersebut disebabkan air minum yang dikonsumsinya tanpa melalui proses water treatment.
"Suplai air minumnya kan didominasi dari Kali Surabaya," katanya tanpa menyebut sungai yang dimaksut , Selasa (26/11/2013).

Sementara, Direktur Operasional KBS drh Liang Kaspe membenarkan penyebab kematian satwa tersebut. Menurutnya, air minum yang berasal dari Kali Surabaya punya kualitas buruk. Meski masih bisa dikonsumsi, namun beresiko merusak ginjal.

Tim dokter sebenarnya sudah berusaha merawat begitu mengetahu gejala awal gangguan pada komodo tersebut pada seminggu lalu. Sejak saat itu, tim KBS sudah memberi perhatian dan perawatan terhadapnya.

"Dia tiba-tiba diam, lemas walaupun nafsu makan masih normal. Tapi karena komodo termasuk satwa liar yang kuat, maka gejala itu baru terlihat ketika kondisinya sudah parah," ugkapnya.

Mulai Juli 2013, kata Liang, KBS tengah melakukan peralihan sumber air minum dari Kali Surabaya ke perusahaan daerah air minum. Dipastikan air minum bersih itu membutuhkan waktu setahun untuk bisa dijangkau seluruh satwa.

Sementara itu, koleksi komodo di KBS saat ini tersisa 58 ekor. 18 jantan, 15 betina dan 25 anakan yang belum diketahui jenis kelaminnya.

Nov 26, 2013

SPOILER ALERT: Family Guy character KILLED OFF after being hit by car in shock new episode

Ecosia, Mesin Pencari Paling Ramah Lingkungan - Google memang bukan satu-satunya mesin pencari utama di internet. Namun, hanya segelintir atau malah mungkin nyaris tidak ada search engine yang peduli terhadap lingkungan.

Untungnya ada satu mesin pencari yang masih peduli terhadap hal itu, salah satunya adalah Ecosia. Layanan besutan Armchair ini memposisikan diri sebagai penantang Google, dengan algoritma mirip Yahoo dan Bing.

Ecosia tidak sekedar mengembar-gemborkan hasil pencarian yang lebih baik dari Google, namun mereka juga menyisihkan sebagian pendapatannya untuk menanam pohon. Bahkan, target mereka mampu menanam miiaran pohon.

Dikutip detikINET dari Complex, Jumat (22/11/2013), memang 80% pendapatan mereka dari iklan diklaim peruntukan untuk menanam pohon melalui Yayasan The Nature Conservancy. Bahkan mereka mengklaim sudah menanam 105,308 pohon.

Saat pengguna mengunjungi mesin pencari Ecosia ini memang Anda akan disuguhkan kartun dengan tokoh pohon. Di bagian sampingnya tampak berapa jumlah total pengguna aktif dan berapa banyak pohon yang telah ditanam.

"Mulai sekarang, tidak ada lagi alasan melakukan pencarian dengan Google , " kata pendiri Ecosia, Christian Kroli.

"Ecosia memberikan hasil pencarian yang sama kalibernya dengan Google dan memungkinkan Anda membantu memerangi perubahan iklim pada waktu yang sama," tambahnya.

Salah satu ironi dari situasi ini adalah Ecosia memiliki ekstensi untuk Chrome.

Nov 25, 2013

He's got his tail in a spin! The dogs that can operate a washing machine with a quick bark and a push of the paw

7 Things You Should Always Say To Family

Huffingtonpost - Most of us see or talk to our families at least once a week. But how often does the chitchat include letting them know how much they mean to you?

That's the question we asked ourselves after seeing the heartfelt, bittersweet new movie Philomena, which tells the true story of Philomena Lee, a 78-year-old Irish woman (played by Judi Dench) who spends her entire adult life searching for the long lost son she was forced to give up when she was young and unmarried.

Read on for our list of the most important things that should never be left unsaid when it comes to family.

1. "I love you"

Perhaps the most powerful words in the English language. Saying “I love you” lets your family member know she is not alone and that you care. The words also can help decrease fear in kids, and increase trust. As for the health benefits, simply holding someone’s hand relieves pain and makes you feel better, so if you find yourself tongue tied, give a hand squeeze to let your family member know how important she is to you.

2. "Thank you"

Not only does saying ”Thank you” make your family member feel appreciated and acknowledged, researchers at the University of California Davis found that people who show gratitude feel better about their lives, are more optimistic and in better health than people who aren’t.

3. "I could use your help"

Asking for help isn't always easy—we don’t want to be seen as a burden or weak. However, asking for assistance from family members gives them the opportunity to do a kind act, and be a star. By showing vulnerability you can also help a relationship feel more equal and bring you closer together. The other hidden benefit of asking for help: Research shows that kids do better when they ask for help, rather than being shown immediately how to do something—so your asking for help models good behavior for them.

4. "I love to watch you play"

What is the best thing you can say to your grandchild who is an aspiring athlete? In their article “What Makes A Nightmare Sports Parent and What Makes a Great One" former coaches Bruce E. Brown and Rob Miller of Proactive Coaching LLC compiled decades of research from college students and found that the single best thing a parent (or grandparent!) can say is “I love watching you play.” In this culture of super-competitive sports and pressure to achieve, telling your grandchild how much you just enjoy him or her doing the sport they love is the best compliment you can give.

5. "I was wrong"

Accepting responsibility and owning up to our mistakes is one of the most important things we can do with family members. It is a way to mend relationships that are problematic. Apologizing can also help you feel better physically, according to research by Carol Osborn, Ph.D., author of 21 books about the boomer generation. Dr. Osborn studied 100 baby boomer women whom she considered to be well-adjusted role models for her book The Silver Pearl. She found that the main characteristic the women all shared was their knack for apologizing and straightening out problematic situations. Apologizing makes you feel better!

6. "I've never told you that..."

Sometimes it’s difficult for us to tell the people we care about most how much they mean to us. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by that prospect, just pick out one aspect of their personality and focus on that. Say, “I’ve never told you that I love the way you cook,” or “I’ve never told you that you have the best smile.” Giving a compliment makes the other person feel good about himself and appreciated. And when people feel appreciated, they are happier, which can boost health mentally and physically.

7. "You made my day!"

Perhaps the greatest gift we can give someone is to let him or her know how their actions affected us—how something they did made us happier, stronger, better. Letting them know they have made a difference is good for you and good for them.

Nov 22, 2013

Honda Valkyrie Returns For 2014

11 Reasons To Love Costco That Have Nothing To Do With Shopping - It's not just the bulk toilet paper and $1.50 hot dog combos. There's more going on here.

1. The company pays a living wage. Costco's CEO and president, Craig Jelinek, has publicly endorsed raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, and he takes that to heart. The company's starting pay is $11.50 per hour, and the average employee wage is $21 per hour, not including overtime. Most other big box retailers start their employees at minimum wage.

2. Workers get benefits. About 88 percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance, according to David Sherwood, Costco's Director of Financial Planning and Investor Relations. "I just think people need to make a living wage with health benefits,” Jelinek told Bloomberg. “It also puts more money back into the economy and creates a healthier country. It’s really that simple.”

Jim Sinegal (founder) &  Craig Jelinek (CEO)

3. The CEO makes a reasonable salary. Costco's CEO makes far less than most executives, with a total compensation package of about $4.83 million in 2012. In contrast, Walmart CEO Mike Duke made roughly $19.3 million during the same year. Walmart's CEO earns as much as 796 average employees, according to CNN Money, compared to Costco's CEO making 48 times more than the company's median wage.

4. Costco helped its employees weather the recession. When the economic crisis hit and other retailers laid off workers, Costco's CEO approved a $1.50-an-hour wage increase for many hourly employees, spread out over three years.

5. Costco doesn't kill Thanksgiving. While many of its competitors are forcing employees to work on Thanksgiving Day, Costco will buck the trend and stay closed.

6. It also doesn’t waste money on expensive advertising. The company doesn't advertise nor does it hire a public relations staff. Meanwhile, Walmart dropped $1.89 billion on ads in 2011.

7. Its prices aren't horrendously high. Costco never marks up products by more than 15 percent, while most retailers commonly mark products up by more than 25 percent.

8. It embraces equality. Costco scored extremely well (90/100) on the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index, an assessment of LGBT policies in the workplace.

9. It hires from the inside. More than 70 percent of its warehouse managers began their careers working the register or the floor.

10. Costco's employees are loyal. For employees that have worked at the company for more than one year, the annual turnover rate is below six percent, according to Sherwood. For executives, the turnover rate is less than one percent.

11. Free samples. Need we say more?

Hike to Trolltunga, Norway

This Rabbit Eating In Slow Motion Is Absolutely Enthralling

Nov 21, 2013

Honda Jual Freed Gerak Semua Roda - Saat berkunjung ke pabrik Honda, Yorii, di Saitama, Jepang, Senin (18/11/2013), KompasOtomotif sempat melihat Freed dengan penampilan berbeda dengan versi yang beredar di Indonesia. Muncul asumsi bahwa varian yang dipajang merupakan model facelift, karena ada perbedaan desain pada bemper depan. Namun setelah diteliti ternyata yang dipajang adalah varian gerak semua roda (AWD : All Wheel Drive).

Hal tersebut diketahui setelah menemukan ada logo tambahan bertuliskan AWD di kaca belakang. Untuk meyakinkan dugaan tersebut, KompasOtomotif coba melongok ke kolong bagian belakang. Benar saja, ternyata ada as roda tambahan untuk menggerakkan roda belakang.

Kebetulan ada Tomoki Uchida, Presiden Direktur Honda Prospect Motor. Tanpa basa basi KompasOtomotif minta penjelasan produk tersebut. Dijelaskan, varian tersebut memang versi gerak semua roda. Di pasar Jepang varian tersebut dialokasikan untuk pasar Hokkaido.

"Freed AWD memang dipersiapkan untuk Hokkaido yang intesitas turun salju lebih sering. Tentunya untuk membantu mendapatkan daya cengkram yang lebih baik," jelas Uchida.

Dapat dipastikan pula varian ini tidak akan dijual di Indonesia. Alasan pertama segmen yang sangat kecil dan juga harga jual yang bakal melonjak karena beban pajak. Di Jepang sendiri, lanjut Uchida, harga jual versi AWD diperkirakan Rp 10 juta lebih mahal dari varian tertinggi.

Hasil Tes Honda Mobilio di Motegi - Rasa penasaran untuk berada di dalam Honda Mobilio pun terbayar. KompasOtomotif dan beberapa media lain diberi kesempatan untuk menjajal model-model baru yang akan dijual di Asia. Salah satu yang menarik adalah Mobilio, yang digadang-gadang sebagai volume maker Honda Indonesia, untuk bersaing dengan duet Avanza-Xenia.

Kesempatan kali ini lebih pada bentuk perkenalan (first drive) bukan pengujian lengkap. Sebab sarana yang disediakan sangat terbatas, yakni lintasan aspal dengan permukaan mulus berjarak sekitar 1,5 km, dengan jalur menyerupai elips di pelataran Twin Ring Motegi, Jepang.

KompasOtomotif kebetulan mendapat antrian keempat menjajal MPV 7 penumpang tersebut. Varian yang tersedia hanya satu, dan dikirim langsung dari Indonesia oleh Honda Prospect Motor. Bentuknya pun masih berupa prototipe dari varian E bertransmisi otomatis. Hal tersebut tampak dari beberapa panel interior yang masih berupa plastik polos, tidak seperti saat dipamerkan di IIMS 2013, September lalu. Bagian tersebut antara lain dasbor, konsol dan door trim.

Namun untuk kelengkapan lain sudah dipasang rapih sesuai spesifikasi. Seperti setir yang sudah dilengkapi kontrol audio, power window, head unit 2DIN, AC dan double blower.

Saat masuk ruang kemudi, posisi berkendara hampir sama dengan Brio. Ruang kaki lega, begitu pula dengan ruang kepala. Sedikit berbeda dengan kompetitor, jok terasa empuk dan mantap memeluk tubuh. Begitu pula dengan penumpang belakang yang kebetulan diisi rekan media. Posisi jok kedua bisa diatur maju mundur untuk berbagi ruang dengan penumpang paling belakang. Namun pada prinsipnya baris ketiga biasanya hanya bisa dinikmati oleh anak-anak, jika posisi jok baris kedua mentok pada posisi paling belakang.

Ruang bagasi pun cukup untuk menampung barang bawaan seperti belanja bulanan, termasuk galon air minum. Nah, jika membutuhkan volume bagasi lebih besar, jok belakang bisa dilipat dengan 2 langkah, hingga menempel dengan bagian belakang sandaran baris kedua.

Mesin 1,5 liter yang dipasang di balik kap memiliki kesamaan dengan Jazz, Freed dan City. Namun untuk tenaga sama dengan Freed 118 PS. Begitu pula akselerasi yang dihasilkan. Meski menurut Junichi Teraoka, Chief Engineer LPL Mobilio , Honda R&D Asia Pasific, akselerasi Mobilio sedikit lebih baik dari Freed karena pertimbangan bobot yang lebih ringan.
Perpindahan gigi yang transmisi otomatis tipe CVT terasa cukup halus, meski tidak seresponsif Jazz, namun masih dalam skala nyaman di segmennya. Kesesuaian mesin dengan mesin dan transmisi tersebut juga menjadi penggunaan lebih efisien, dibanding Freed. Menurut Teraoka, lagi-lagi soal bobot.
Hal lain yang membuatnya istimewa adalah minimnya gejala limbung. Selain pemilihan sistem dan material suspensi yang tepat, jarak antara body paling bawah dengan aspal (ground clearence) juga menjadi pertimbangan. Ukurannya secara teknis lebih rendah dari Avanza dan lebih tinggi dari Nissan Grand Livina.
Desain baru lebih segar dan bisa jadi alternatif segmen MPV bawah. Ruang lapang, jok baris kedua bisa diatur untuk berbagi ruang dengan penumpang belakang. Mesin menghasilkan tenaga yang mumpuni untuk mobil keluarga 7 penumpang. Klik tautan info Detail Honda Mobilio untuk melihat desain luar dalam.

This Board Lets You Touch And Move Objects Through A Computer

Ini Tampang Adik Suzuki Satria F150, Bebek Baru Raider 115Fi - Kabar kemunculan adik Satria F150 ternyata benar adanya, sebuah foto muncul di dunia maya, ayam jago lengkap dengan striping bertuliskan Suzuki di sisi tengah dan Raider di bodi belakang. Lalu di sayap depan ada imbuhan angka yang kurang terlihat jelas 110Fi atau 115Fi. Benarkah ini bebek ayam jago yang ramai dibicarakan akhir-akhir ini?

“Ya ada, tapi masih nanti di semester 1 tahun depan (2014), nanti kalau sudah mendekati pasti dikabari,” ujar Yohan Yahya, GM 2W marketing & business development PT. Suzuki Indomobil Sales saat dikonfirmasi.

Kalau melihat desain, sisi belakang persis bebek andalan Suzuki di kelas 110-115 cc, yaitu Shooter 115Fi dengan tetap menggunakan suspensi ganda. Artinya basis diambil dari Shooter lalu biar makin sporti dipasang suspensi depan teleskopik panjang seperti motor sport.

Mesin kemungkinan besar identik dengan Shooter, jika melihat bentuk bak magnet dan cylinder head yang tampak di foto. Artinya pakai dapur pacu 113 cc SOHC 2 klep berpendingin udara, pakai pasokan injeksi dengan transmisi 4 percepatan, kalau dilihat di foto kopling masih otomatis tidak ada handel kopling.

Nov 20, 2013

Separated By The Partition, Childhood Friends Reunite In Sweetest Google India Ad

The Accidental Vagina: Design for Qatar's first 2022 World Cup stadium released - Before now, the majority of discussions surrounding Qatar's successful bid to host the 2022 World Cup have been surrounding the heat. There's even been talk of switching the summer tournament to winter months.

However, now that a virtual rendering of the first new purpose-built stadium has been released, the debate is not about whether the fully air conditioned pitch will solve the heat problem.

Rather a number of commentators and tweeters have pointed to the fact that the proposed Al-Wakrah stadium looks very much like a vagina.

Yes, the conservative country has designed what many believe appears to be a giant ode to women's private parts.

This is not what the architects intended. Instead, the design is supposed to resemble the sails of a dhow boat which is traditionally used for pearl fishing by Qataris.

Aecom, the firm that won the Al Wakrah contract along with Zaha Hadid Architects said: "Inspired by the dhow boat that carried generations of local fishermen and pearl divers, the stadium weaves together Qatar's past with its progressive vision for the future.

"Sustainable materials and practices will be used throughout the stadium and the pitch and spectator stands will be cooled to a perfect temperature for football."

Hassan al-Thawadi, the general secretary of Qatar's 2022 committee said: "Al-Wakrah is the first of six stadiums already in the latter stages of the design process, our committee has issued 10 major tenders to the market encompassing project and design managers and stadium-operation consultants."

The stadium, with a capacity of 40,000 people, would be completed by 2018, he said, but declined to comment on the cost.

As well as discussions surrounding the heat, Qatar as also been hit by allegations of migrant construction worker exploitation, as well as accusations of corruption over the voting procedure to win the bid, both of which officials have denied.

The Easy (And Honest) Way To Get Rid Of Jehovah's Witnesses

Nov 19, 2013

Harley-Davidson: Kami Tidak Akan Produksi Motor 250-300 cc - Belakangan sempat beredar kabar kalau pabrikan sepeda motor Harley-Davidson akan menyasar ke segmen motor berkapasitas mesin 250-300 cc. India adalah salah satu negara yang akan mendapatkan motor itu.

Selang beberapa hari setelah berita itu beredar, Harley-Davidson langsung membantah kebenaran rumor tersebut.

"Kami ingin memberitahukan bahwa Harley-Davidson tidak memiliki rencana untuk memproduksi motor 250-300 cc," tegas pabrikan asal Amerika ini melalui surat elektronik.

Selanjutnya, pernyataan resmi yang dilayangkan oleh Harley-Davidson melalui surat elektronik berisikan seperti ini:

"Baru-baru ini, Economic Times membuat artikel yang sangat spekulatif yang menyebutkan kalau Harley-Davidson akan membuat motor 250-300 cc. Kami tidak mengomentari masalah itu yang pasti kami hanya akan meluncurkan Harley-Davidson Street 750 di Auto Expo 2014 dengan harga on the road di bawah 5 lakh rupee."

Suzuki Siapkan V-Strom 650 Untuk Pasar Indonesia! - Persiapan PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (SIS) yang akan segera memasarkan deretan mogenya sudah makin dekat dengan kenyataan, seperti diberitakan kemarin, pabrikan berlambang huruf "S" ini akan meluncurkan moge-moge barunya dalam waktu dekat (klik di sini) . Bahkan ada satu lagi moge Suzuki yang sedang dilakukan uji tipe sebelum dipasarkan, yaitu DL650.

Kode DL650 di status permohonan Tanda Pendaftaran Tipe (TPT) Kendaraan Bermotor ini maksudnya adalah Suzuki V-Strom 650. Moge bergenre penjelajah, yup tampilannya khas motor turing dual puspose. Untuk jalan di aspal mantap, tapi bertemu medan off road ringan masih oke.

Mesinnya 4-stroke, liquid-cooled, DOHC, V-Twin dengan kapasitas ruang bakar 645 cc. Mesin ini diklaim punya power hingga 68 hp di 8.800 rpm, sedang torsinya 60 Nm di 6.400 rpm. Sudah fuel injection dan dilengkapi dengan transmisi 6 percepatan.

Suspensinya masih teleskopik di depan dan yang belakang monoshock dengan link. Disk brake depan ada dua kanan dan kiri, sedang yang belakang cukup satu. Rodanya, yang depan menggunakan diameter 19 inci berukuran 110/80, belakang 17 inci dengan ukuran 150/70.

Ketika ditanya kesiapan Suzuki, Yohan Yahya, Marketing 2W Department Head PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (SIS) menjawab singkat. "Siap deh, sedang kita siapkan," ungkapnya ketika dihubungi lewat telepon selularnya.

Nov 18, 2013

Will the world end in 100 days? Sounding of ancient trumpet in York warns of Viking apocalypse on 22 February 2014 - If Vikings were here today, the sounding of a distinctive horn in York would have created chaos.

The ancient instrument, blown last night, signalled exactly 100 days until the end of the world, according to Norse mythology.

Legend has it that the Norse God, Heimdallr, would blow the mythical Gjallerhorn to warn of the Viking apocalypse, also known as 'Ragnarok'.
Ragnarok, which translates to ‘Doom of the Gods’, is due to be preceded by the winter of winters.

Vikings believed, prior to the apocalypse, three freezing winters would follow each other with no summers in between. 

All morality would disappear and fights would break out all over the world, signalling the beginning of the end. 

The wolf Skoll would devour the sun, and his brother Hati would eat the moon, causing stars to vanish from the sky and the Earth to be thrown into eternal darkness.

Norse mythology experts have calculated that Vikings believed this will take place on February 22, 2014.

On this day, the god Odin will be killed by the wolf Fenrir and the other ‘creator’ gods.

There will be huge earthquakes, the sea will rear up and the soil and the sky will be stained with poison.

The sound of the horn is supposed to call the sons of Odin to the battlefield, where Odin will ultimately be killed.

After his death, the Earth was foretold to sink into the sea, paving the way for a new utopian world with endless supplies.

Danielle Daglan from the Norvik Viking Centre told MailOnline that a number of recent events spoken about in the legends of Ragnarok led them to believe that the end of the world may well be imminent.

The legend states that ‘the first to notice shall be man, brother will fight brother and all the boundaries that exist shall crumble.’

‘The idea that “boundaries that exist shall crumble” could be said to be about the Internet age, where you can communicate with millions of people simultaneously around the world thanks to the global rise of social media,’ said Ms Daglan.

Viking tradition also believes that a vast winter will appear before the apocalypse.

‘There are predictions that we are heading into a mini-ice age thanks to a fall in solar flare activity - what is a mini-ice age but several winters rolled into one?’ said Ms Daglan.

Another part of the legend claims that the Midgard Serpent, named Jormungand, shall free itself from its tail and rise up from the ocean.

Ms Dagland points to the two huge fish which appeared on a beach in California last month.
The giant oarfish were dead when they washed up on land, and some scientists believe they came ashore to die because they are ‘in distress’.

‘Traditionally, the Viking festival of Jolablot marked the end of the winter - if this winter truly does not end, then that feast may be given over to Ragnarok instead,’ said Ms Dagland.

The Jorvik Viking Centre predicted that Ragnarok would occur on 22 February because this is the end of the feast of Jolablot.

While not a scientific conclusion, they claim that Vikings loved to feast and wouldn't want to miss this event. For this reason, they argue that Vikings would believe the world would end in 100 days.

The end of the world is coincidently the start of the grand finale of the Viking festival in York.

‘Following a study published in 2010 that bearded men are more trustworthy than those without, we’re also looking for fantastic displays of facial hair, so that we can identify those with the potential to take us into the brave new world that is foretold to follow Ragnarok,’ said Danielle Daglan director of the JORVIK Viking Festival. 

‘In the last couple of years, we’ve had predictions of the Mayan apocalypse, which passed without incident, and numerous other dates where the end of the world has been pencilled in by seers, fortune tellers and visionaries,’ she added.

‘But the sound of the horn is possibly the best indicator yet that the Viking version of the end of the world really will happen on 22 February next year.’

Adiguna Sutowo Ngaku Tabrak Rumahnya Sendiri

'Killer Robot' Weapons: Fresh Calls For Ban - A ban on "killer robot" weapons that are able to think for themselves could move a step closer this week.

Nations will vote on whether to consider the move at the annual meeting of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) in Geneva on Friday.

France is calling for an international agreement not to develop fully autonomous drones that select and engage targets without human intervention.

This is a move backed by the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots.

"Governments should begin to act now to ensure that human control over targeting and attack decisions is never relinquished to machines in the future," said Steve Goose, from Human Rights Watch, a co-founder of the campaign.

"Nations need to start working urgently on both national prohibitions and an international ban on these fully autonomous weapons."

Fully independent functioning weapons do not yet exist but drones operated by the US, UK, Israel and South Korea, already have some degree of autonomy and lethality.

Some militarily hi-tech countries, such as China and Russia, are believed to be moving towards systems that would leave combat decisions to machines, say campaigners.

In general the ban would apply to any fully autonomous weapon that could select and fire on targets without human intervention.

The concept of killer robots brings to mind sci-fi ideas of machines wiping out the human race, as explored in the Terminator films.

Such scenarios seem far-fetched, but Mr Goose and his colleagues believe the dangers of releasing human control over "intelligent" weapon systems are very real.

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is an international coalition of 44 non-governmental organisations in 21 countries that was launched in London in April this year.

'Bat Kid' gets his dream day as SF transforms into Gotham City

Nov 17, 2013

Carmat's Artificial Heart 'Available Soon' - A French firm hopes to finish human trials on an artificial heart by the end of next year, with it being made available for patients from early 2015.

Carmat also hopes to sign a deal with a partner in the United States, to gain access to the world's largest healthcare market.

Heart assistance devices have been in use for decades as a temporary solution for patients awaiting a transplant but Carmat's product is designed to replace the heart for up to five years, mimicking nature's work using biological materials and sensors.

It hopes to have the heart made available to thousands of patients waiting for a donor. In the past many people have died while waiting for a suitable replacement organ.

The company's chief executive, Marcello Conviti, told Reuters that it is already in contact with US firms, including Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, St Jude Medical and Edwards Lifesciences.

Carmat estimates around 100,000 patients in the US and Europe could benefit from its artificial heart, which would make the market worth more than £10.25bn ($16.46bn).

In September, Carmat got the green light from French authorities to test the first human implants of the device on four patients in three hospitals.

Earlier this year, it also won approval to proceed with human implants in Belgium, Poland, Slovenia and Saudi Arabia.

"For now the tests are going as planned," Mr Conviti said.

He would not give details but said patients selected suffered from terminal heart failure and had only a few days or weeks to live.

On these high-risk patients, the first range of tests will focus on the device's safety, with success based on whether patients survive within a month of wearing it.

If deemed safe, the devices will then be fitted into lower-risk patients and their efficacy monitored for about six months.

"If all goes well, both phases should be completed by the end of 2014," Mr Conviti said.

He said that if the results were positive, the company hoped to obtain regulatory approval to launch EU-wide within two months.

Dai Macedo Wins 2013 Miss Bum Bum Competition, Despite Controversy

Jean-Claude Van Damme does sky-high split between two trucks

Nov 16, 2013

Mencicipi Laksa Legendaris di Penang - Belum ke Penang kalau belum makan laksa pasar air itam. Letaknya di pertigaan Pasar Air Itam saat menuju kuil Kek Lok Si di kaki bukit Penang, Malaysia. Jangan kaget, saat waktunya makan siang, kedai laksa yang satu ini akan dipenuhi masyarakat lokal dan turis. Apa yang membuat orang rela mengantre di tengah rintik hujan? Tentu demi sensasi rasa asam segar dalam semangkuk laksa.

Laksa pasar air itam adalah laksa yang legendaris. Penjualnya saat ini adalah penjual generasi ketiga. Setiap harinya, laksa pasar air itam mulai buka pukul 11 siang sampai pukul 7 malam. Harganya sangat bersahabat dengan dompet, 4 ringgit Malaysia per mangkok atau sekitar Rp 15.000-Rp 16.000. Transportasi menuju lokasi laksa pasar air itam juga termasuk mudah. Bisa dengan taksi atau bus umum yang tujuannya sama dengan menuju kuil Kek Lok Si di kaki Bukit Penang atau Penang Hill.

Kuah laksa diramu dari kaldu udang dan ikan kembung dicampur berbagai bumbu di antaranya adalah tamarind atau asam. Minya adalah mi putih yang terbuat dari tepung beras. Laksa semakin segar saat disajikan dengan potongan bawang merah mentah, daun mint, dan tak ketinggalan potongan cabai.

Saat mencicipinya, hmmm... yummmy, rasanya sangat segar. Asamnya pas dipadu dengan pedasnya. Minya yang lembut tidak membuat perut menjadi enek dan lidah kering. Bawang merah segarnya justru menambah ketajaman rasa kuah asam laksa.

Penang adalah salah satu kota tujuan wisata di Malaysia. Selain pantai batu Feringgi dan berbagai bangunan tua, makanan adalah salah daya tarik wisata di kota penang. Selain rasanya yang enak, harga–harganya juga tergolong murah. Biasanya satu menu makanan mulai 3 ringgit Malaysia. Enak di lidah, enak juga di kantong.

Akhirnya, Jonas Rivanno Akui Pernah Jadi Mualaf

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, Si Camar Pensiun Muda! - Kabar mengejutkan, ketika Mercedes-Benz harus mempensiunkan lebih cepat salah satu ikonik mereka, SLS AMG si burung Camar. Mobil ini akan distop produksinya oleh pabrikan mobil Jerman tersebut.

Umurnya yang hanya 4 tahun terbilang sangat pendek, yang pertama kali diperkenalkan 2009 lalu. Dan mulai pertengahan tahun depan, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG sudah tidak aka diproduksi dan dijual ke pasaran.

Dengan tampang eksotiknya, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG dibekali mesin 6.2-liter, V8 buatan AMG. Namun, sebagai tanda perpisahan Mercy akan memperkenalkan mobil SLS AMG Final Edition yang akan dipamerkan di Los Angeles Motor Show.

Ditawarkan dalam tiga varian, yakni SLS standar AMG Coupe dan Roadster, serta SLS AMG GT dan SLS AMG Black Series, dan akan diproduksi dari Februari 2014, sebagaimana dilansir Carscoop, hari ini (14/11).

Edisi pamungkas Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG ini akan tetap mengusung mesin M159 terakhir, berkapasitas 6.2 liter tetapi dengan tenaga yang dijamin lebih besar lagi. Model standar akan bertenaga 571 dk, model GT bertenaga 583 dk, dan model Black Series akan bertenaga 631 dk.

Joe Biden told a senator in a wheelchair to stand up and wave.

OH YEAH: Watch Kate Upton Be Covered with Body Paint in a Behind-the-Scenes Video

Self-assembling M-blocks could make a Terminator II army a reality

Captain America Rides Harley-Davidson Street 750 In The Winter Soldier

Nov 15, 2013

President Obama Has a Big Stick - Joe Biden

Motorola Rilis Moto G, Android Premium Rp 2 Juta - Motorola resmi memperkenalkan smartphone Android, Moto G, Rabu (13/11/2013). Yang menarik dari ponsel pintar baru ini adalah harganya yang sangat murah tetapi mengusung spesifikasi yang cukup mumpuni.

Smartphone ini memang dirancang Motorola untuk konsumen yang membutuhkan gadget dengan spesifikasi tinggi tetapi dengan harga terjangkau.

"Tak banyak orang yang bisa membeli smartphone seharga 600 dollar saat ini," kata CEO Motorola, Dennis Woodside, seperti dikutip dari Techcrunch.

Menurut Woodside, kebanyakan orang di seluruh dunia memiliki patokan dana hanya sekitar 200 dollar untuk sebuah smartphone. Walau banyak smartphone dengan harga seperti itu, menurut Woodward, perangkat tersebut masih mengecewakan.

Woodside merujuk pada Samsung Galaxy Fame, sebagai contoh perangkat Android murah yang digarap asal-asalan. Selain itu, menurutnya, masih banyak pula smartphone Android murah yang tidak bisa menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi terbaru.

Untuk itulah, Motorola membuat Moto G, smartphone low-end yang diklaim Woodward mampu memberikan pengalaman, seperti Galaxy S4 atau smartphone premium lainnya.

Seperti apa sebenarnya Moto G yang dibangga-banggakan Woodward ini? Jika melihat spesifikasinya, Motorola Moto G memang sedikit di atas smartphone sekelasnya. Tengok saja spesifikasi layar 4,5 inci resolusi 720p dengan kerapatan piksel 329 PPI.

Selain itu, Moto G masih dibekali prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 1,2 GHz, RAM 1 GB, dan menjanjikan umur baterai yang bertahan seharian, atau bisa dibilang 14 jam waktu bicara dengan jaringan 3G. Bandingkan dengan waktu bicara 10 jam yang diklaim iPhone 5S.

Moto G akan menggunakan sistem operasi Android 4.3 dan dijanjikan bisa di-upgrade ke versi 4.4 pada Januari 2014. Dukungan jaringan LTE tidak disertakan karena Moto G menyasar konsumen di negara-negara berkembang.

Setelah menengok spesifikasinya, lalu bakal semurah apa Motorola Moto G ini? Di Amerika Serikat (AS) Moto G versi 8 GB akan dipasarkan mulai Januari 2014 dengan banderol 179 dollar AS (sekitar Rp 2 juta). Harga tersebut untuk versi unlocked dan tanpa kontrak. Versi 16 GB-nya  sendiri dijual 199 dollar AS tanpa kontrak.

Moto G pertama kali akan dipasarkan di Brasil, beberapa negara Eropa, dan Kanada. Pembeli Motorola Moto G akan mendapatkan penyimpanan Google Drive gratis sebesar 50 GB.

Dengan strategi ini, Google dan Motorola bisa menggerogoti segmen pasar feature-phone yang sedang digarap Microsoft dan Nokia dengan Windows Phone-nya.

Soto Haji Achri, Legenda Soto Asli Garut - Apa saja keunikan Garut selain dodol, domba garut, dan jaket kulit? Ternyata, di kota berjuluk Swiss Van Java ini juga terdapat kuliner legendaris, yaitu soto Haji Achri. Apa yang membuatnya menjadi legenda Garut?

Jangan membayangkan tempat jualan soto Haji Achri ini adalah rumah makan atau restoran yang mahal. Tempatnya justru menyelinap di antara keramaian Pasar Baru Garut, tepatnya di Jalan Mandalagiri, Gang Hardjo. Di mulut gang sempit selebar 2,5 meter itu, warung soto Haji Achri memakan hampir dua pertiga lebar gang sehingga hanya menyisakan 1 meter untuk akses warga keluar masuk.

Tetapi, inilah serunya, menyantap soto di antara hilir mudik warga yang keluar masuk gang. "Kami sudah jualan sejak tahun 1943. Ya di gang ini aslinya. Haji Achri itu ayah saya. Sekarang warung soto ini saya teruskan setelah bapak wafat," kata Haji Endang.

Dua buah meja panjang seukuran tiga meter diapit oleh masing-masing dua bangku panjang bisa menampung 20 orang dewasa. Warung ini setiap hari selalu ramai pengunjung.

Setiap hari, Endang dan istrinya Hj Wanti dibantu dua karyawannya selalu setia melayani para pelanggan. Kesetiaan adalah kunci dari bisnis keluarga ini. Endang tetap menjaga kualitas rasa dan tidak mengubah proses memasaknya. Sampai sekarang, soto Haji Achri tetap dimasak di atas tungku kayu bakar.

"Memasaknya memakai tungku dengan kayu bakar. Tak pakai kompor gas karena rasanya bisa beda," jelasnya.

Menurut Endang, banyak pelanggan sotonya berasal dari luar kota, seperti Jakarta, Bandung, dan Yogyakarta, termasuk sejumlah pejabat. "Pelanggannya mulai dari zaman ayah saya dulu. Ada yang dulu masih kecil pernah diajak orangtuanya ke sini, sekarang gantian mengajak keluarganya. Pak Suryadarma Ali waktu jadi Menteri Koperasi juga pernah ke sini," kata Endang.

Salah satu pengunjung adalah Andi alias Daeng (55), laki-laki asal Bugis, Makassar, yang sudah menetap di Garut sejak tahun 1994. Ia mengaku sebagai pelanggan setia soto Haji Achri. "Tidak banyak makanan sunda yang cocok dengan lidah saya. Tapi, dengan soto Haji Achri ini sepertinya langsung berjodoh. Pas di lidah saya, rasanya segar," kata Daeng.

Semangkuk soto Haji Achri adalah paduan kuah soto bersantan dengan bumbu dan rempah pilihan. Sementara isiannya adalah daging sapi, daun seledri, bawang goreng, dan taburan kacang kedelai goreng.

"Akan lebih nikmat jika dimakan nasi putih hangat dan kerupuk kulit kerbau. Rasanya dari dulu sampai sekarang tidak berubah," kata Koh Liem, warga Bandung yang pernah bermukim di Garut sepuluh tahun silam.

Banyak pelanggan seperti Koh Liem ini sengaja bernostalgia di Garut untuk menikmati soto Haji Achri. Berdesakan di gang sempit bagi mereka adalah harga yang setimpal demi menikmati semangkuk soto legenda Garut itu.

Three-year-old girl dangles by her NECK from fourth floor window grill after parents left her alone to go to work in China

Jawaban Honda soal "Airbag" All-New Honda City yang Tidak Mengembang - Proses mediasi antara PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) sebagai wakil Honda di Indonesia dan Maringan Aruan, konsumen yang menuntut ganti rugi karena kecelakaan yang menimpa putranya, masih berlanjut. Honda menjawab tuntutan Maringan melalui surat resmi yang dikirim pada 9 April 2013.

Dalam surat itu, HPM melalui Divisi Pelayanan Konsumen (Customer Care) menjelaskan, SRS pada Honda City yang dikendarai korban tidak mengembang.

Berdasarkan hasil analisa Honda Motor Jepang, disimpulkan bahwa energi yang diterima pada saat tabrakan dapat diserap oleh bagian depan kendaraan dan tidak berdampak pada kabin, posisi pengemudi berada.

Tidak ada tanda-tanda kabin dan kemudi terdeformasi dan juga gesekan pada sabuk pengaman yang digunakan. Dengan demikian, tabrakan yang terjadi tidak mengharuskan airbag mengembang. Dari rekaman, SRS dapat berfungsi dengan baik karena tidak ada kerusakan terdeteksi pada SRS unit. Juga tidak terekam SRS unit mengirimkan sinyal untuk mengembangkan airbag.

Berarti SRS unit menilai bahwa gaya gravitasi yang terjadi belum mencapai ambang batas untuk mengembangkan airbag. Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, dari hasil analisa foto dan komponen terkait, tidak mengembangnya airbag bagian depan, sesuai dengan kondisi yang terjadi, dengan demikian tidak terindikasi adanya kualitas produk.

Mendapat penjelasan ini, Maringan Aruan merasa janggal. Pasalnya, berdasarkan Surat Keterangan Tanda Bukti Lapor Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Metro Jaya, All-New Honda City yang dikendarai putranya dalam kondisi cukup parah. 

Laporan itu menyebutkan, akibat kecelakaan itu, mobil rusak di bagian bemper depan, kap mesin, mesin, bodi samping penyok, radiator, kaca depan, lampu depan pecah, dan spion patah.

"Saya bingung, mobil lain yang lebih murah dari City bisa airbag-nya bisa mengembang. Padahal kecelakaannya ringan, jauh dibandingkan dari  yang dialami putra saya," jelas Maringan.

Sampai berita ini ditayangkan, Jonfis Fandy, Direktur Pemasaran dan Layanan Purna Jual HPM, masih belum bisa dihubungi. Panggilan telepon serta pesan elektronik KompasOtomotif belum direspons.

Nov 14, 2013

Watch A Restaurant Full Of Women Reenact THAT Scene From 'When Harry Met Sally'

Mitsubishi Siapkan Mirage Menjadi MPV 7-Penumpang - Mitsubishi mengaku sedang menyiapkan berbagai produk baru untuk memperkuat portofolionya di persaingan global. Salah satunya adadlah MPV 7-penumpang yang disiapkan khusus untuk pasardi Asia Tenggara.

Meski belum ada informasi tentang persiapan produk ini, situs mencoba menerka. Seperti diketahui, Mitsubishi baru saja meluncurkan sedan Attrage atau Mirage G4. Dasarnya subkompak segmen A. Nah, "theophiluschin" mencoba menambahkan jok baris ketiga pada Mirage dan membuatnya menjadi wagon. Cara ini sudah diterapkan Honda dengan memperkenalkan Mobilio di Indonesia dari platform Brio. 

Meski masih spekulasi, tidak ada salahnya melihat kalau Mirage dikembangkan menjadi MPV 7-penumpang, bersaing dengan Avanza, Xenia, Ertiga, Spin dan Mobilio.

Joe Biden suggested the Irish prime minister's mother was dead. She wasn't.

Nov 13, 2013

US Navy christens first Ford-class aircraft carrier

Paralyzed 'Miracle' Doberman Learns To Run Again, Despite The Odds

Video Of White Supremacist Learning He Is 14 Percent Black May Be The Best Thing Ever

Healthiest and unhealthiest breakfast sandwiches - Lately it seems as if every fast-food and fast-casual chain has introduced breakfast sandwiches, wraps, burritos, and the like to their menus. The reasons behind this move are obvious: Who doesn’t love a great handheld breakfast? But when you drop in and check out the menu, it’s not always easy to tell right off the bat which offerings are better for you than others. For that reason, we looked at the menus at 13 popular fast-food and fast-casual chains, and have found both the healthiest and unhealthiest sandwiches and wraps they sell.

Offering breakfast is one of the smartest things a quick-service chain can do. Not only does it open the doors up earlier to allow more time to make sales, but eggs are one of the highest profit-margin foods out there and breakfast offerings tend to be very cost-efficient to source and assemble. Think about it: If you were to buy one English muffin, one egg, one slice of cheese, and one piece of Canadian bacon, it would cost you well less than $1, but McDonald’s sells their Egg McMuffin for about $2.50, on average.

It might be surprising, but the amount of fat and calories in fast-food breakfasts can add up, quickly. Egg yolks, butter, and fatty meats like bacon and sausage are the cornerstones of many breakfasts (fast-food and otherwise), and they also happen to be some of the unhealthiest food products on Earth.

But with a little bit of effort, it’s possible to drop into the most grease-laden fast-food chain and order a breakfast that would make your cardiologist proud (or at least not make him too upset). Egg whites, lighter wraps, whole grains, and vegetables are becoming de rigueur for any chain that’s looking to pull a big breakfast crowd, so it’s best to not assume that just because it’s a quick-service restaurant your only options will be unhealthy ones. [related]

Now, we’re not saying that all these offerings are good for you, per se; but they’re the healthiest breakfast sandwiches that these places offer. You still wouldn’t want to get in the habit of eating a ham and cheese croissant from Arby’s every morning, but if you find yourself with no other options, that’s a whole heck of a lot better for you than their sausage gravy biscuit!

1. Starbucks

Healthiest: Spinach and Feta Wrap
Calories: 290
Fat: 10 grams
Sodium: 830 milligrams

Unhealthiest: Sausage & Cheddar Classic Breakfast Sandwich
Calories: 500 calories
Fat: 28 grams
Sodium: 920 milligrams

2. McDonald’s

Healthiest: Egg White Delight
Calories: 250
Fat: 7 grams
Sodium: 770 milligrams

Unhealthiest: Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagel
Calories: 680
Fat: 35 grams
Sodium: 1,520 milligrams

3. Au Bon Pain

Healthiest: Egg Whites and Cheddar Breakfast Sandwich
Calories: 250
Fat: 9 grams
Sodium: 510 milligrams

Unhealthiest: Sausage, Egg, and Cheddar on Asiago Bagel
Calories: 730
Fat: 36 grams
Sodium: 1,210 milligrams

4. Arby’s

Healthiest: Ham and Swiss Croissant
Calories: 270
Fat: 14 grams
Sodium: 910 milligrams

Unhealthiest: Sausage Egg, and Cheese Wrap
Calories: 640
Fat: 41 grams
Sodium: 1,870 milligrams

5. Burger King

Healthiest: Breakfast Muffin Sandwich with Egg and Cheese
Calories: 220
Fat: 9 grams
Sodium: 650 milligrams

Unhealthiest: Double Croissan’wich with Sausage, Egg, and Cheese
Calories: 660
Fat: 48 grams
Sodium: 1,420 milligrams

6. Subway

Healthiest: Egg White and Cheese 3-Inch Flatbread
Calories: 170
Fat: 5 grams
Sodium: 490 milligrams

Unhealthiest: 6-Inch Breakfast BMT Melt
Calories: 490
Fat: 22 grams
Sodium: 1,600 milligrams

Ducati Monster Kembali Tampil Maskulin - Ducati manfaatkan EICMA Milan, Italia, sebagai landas pacu untuk melepas Monster 1200 generasi terbaru (model 2014). Sepeda motor yang dijuluki Monster jalanan paling ganas itu bereinkarnasi menjadi ”makhluk” yang lebih maskulin dengan bekal baru, selain mesin baru, rangkanya juga berubah drastis.

Pada  versi lama mengandalkan jantung berpendingin udara, generasi baru Testastretta 11° seperti Multistrada dan Diavel yang sudah memakai radiator. Dikllaim, tenaganya 135 PS @8.750 rpm torsi 116 Nm @7.250 rpm. Sementara tipe paling ganas, 1200S bertenaga 145 PS @8.750 dan torsi 124 Nm @7.250 rpm.

Produsen yang bermarkas di Bologna itu juga mengganti rangka lama. Tetap teralis, tetapi hanya bagian depan yang tersambung pada komstir. Kemudian, disambungkan dengan mesin yang juga menjadi bagian dari penyangga sepeda motor. Otomatis, rangka belakang dan lengan ayun menempel ke mesin.

Ducati mengawinkan rem berspesifikasi tinggi dengan suspensi, lengan ayun dan roda ringan dan ergonomika terbaik. Disediakan pula kontrol traksi dengan 8 tingkat setelan, ABS dan Ride-by-Wire tiga tingkat.
Penampilan, masih mempertahankan tradisi, lampu bulat dengan posisi lebih rendah dari tangki. Tangki bensin lebih besar sehingga terkesan berotot dengan kapasitas 17,5 liter. Panel indikator baru mengadopsi sistem digital
Tubuh dan rangka Monster 1200 diberi kelir merah dengan pelek hitam. Sementara Monster 1200S tampil dengan warna bodi dan rangka merah plus roda hitam mengkilap (glossy black). Harganya 13.495 dolkar AS atau Rp 150-an juta.

Watch This Russian Police Choir Put Daft Punk To Shame

Nov 12, 2013

35 Things You Absolutely MUST Agree Upon Before Getting Married

Huffingtonpost - Ask the experts what an engaged couple should discuss before they get married and you'll probably hear something along the lines of "money, sex, and kids."

Heck, that's even the name of one relationship book. With all due respect to the experts, I think they may want to work on that list a little bit. Sure, those are all important. But what about the things carefully designed to drive husbands and wives up the wall and right through the ceiling? The tiny beard hairs left in the sink after a shave? The plates placed willy nilly in the dishwasher? Come on, ladies and gentlemen! It's time to settle the debates a couple absolutely must have before the wedding:
1. Does the toilet paper go over or under the roll?

2. Cats? Dogs? Both?

3. Can you eat breakfast for dinner?

4. Cold pizza: yes or no?

5. Is it acceptable to open presents as they arrive or do you have to wait for the actual birthday or holiday?

6. Should the dirty forks and knives go in the dishwasher with the handle sticking out of the utensil tray or down in the utensil tray?

7. Is it acceptable to leave dishes in the sink to "soak" overnight, or do they need to be cleaned before bed?

8. Toothpaste: cap on or cap off?

9. Again on the toothpaste: roll it from the bottom or just squeeze really hard?

10. Are towels a one-time use item or do you use the same towel until laundry day?

11. How about washcloths?

12. Road trip or flying?

13. What's the right thread count for sheets?

14. What brand of toilet paper?

15. Mayo or Miracle Whip?

16. Pepsi or Coke?

17. Can you eat the holiday candy out in the display bowl or must it be left there for display?

18. What is YOUR definition of camping?

19. Turn the thermostat down when you go out or leave it alone?

20. At what point is a garbage bag too full to stuff more trash in it?

21. How many times is it acceptable to hit the snooze button?

22. Thrift store shopping: great deals or gross?

23. How far in advance is it OK to plan a vacation?

24. Restaurant reservations: necessary or too restrictive?

25. Roller coasters: love 'em or hate 'em?

26. More chocolate chips, less cookie or more cookie, less chips?

27. How much orange juice must be left in the container for it to be returned to the fridge?

28. Chip clips or just roll the bag up?

29. Call the doctor or just take some medicine at home?

30. Where is the prime location for the TV remote to stay?

31. Is it OK to have a TV in the bedroom?

32. Should folded clothes be put away, or is it OK to just pull as needed from the basket of clean laundry?

33. Do you need to write a grocery list or just wait until you're walking around the store to figure out what you need?

34. Making the bed: must-do or waste of time because you're just going to get back in it?

35. Is it OK to shave/clip toenails in the living room?

See? So many issues, so little time to get them straightened out before you're grumbling about that dishwasher.

All right, weigh in: what drives you batty about your partner that you wish you'd settled before the wedding?

Mobil Murah Suzuki Resmi Diluncurkan, Harga Mulai Rp 77 Juta - Setelah melalui prosesi yang panjang, akhirnya Suzuki resmi meluncurkan Karimun Wagon R. Mobil murahnya Suzuki yang berada di kandidat Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Empat Hemat Energi & Harga Terjangkau (KBH2) ini dijual mulai dari Rp 77 juta hingga Rp 99,9 juta.

Lebih tepatnya, harga Rp 77 juta itu untuk Karimum Wagon R tipe GA, harga Rp 89,9 juta untuk tipe GL dan harga Rp 99,9 juta untuk tipe GX. Harga tersebut merupakan on the road untuk wilayah Jabodetabek dan sekitarnya.

Karimun Wagon R itu sendiri resmi diluncurkan oleh PT Suzuki Indomobil Slaes (SIS) kemarin (10/11/2013) secara nasional yang disiarkan langsung oleh Trans TV.

Hadirnya Karimun Wagon R ini dimaksudkan untuk menyelaraskan antara kebutuhan transportasi yang multiguna, gaya hidup dengan kepedulian lingkungan hidup, serta untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan kemudahan perjalanan masyarakat modern Indonesia pada saat melakukan aktifitas sehar-hari.

Suzuki mengklaim kalau mobil murahnya ini merupakan kendaraan yang unggul di kelasnya dan ditunjang dengan perawatannya yang mudah dan terjangkau.

Untuk diketahui, Karimun Wagon R ini menggendong mesin generasi terbaru K10B, DOHC yang ringan dan bertenaga, Multi Point Injection serta Penggerak Roda Depan (FWD).

Dengan menggunakan mesin berkapasitas 1,000 cc, 12 valve dengan 3 silinder bertenaga 68 PS dan torsi 90 Nm yang akan disalurkan melalui transmisi 5-speed.

Toyota Siapkan Edisi "Sayonara" FJ Cruiser - Toyota menepati janjinya kalau FJ Cruiser dipasarkan untuk satu generasi saja. Setelah delapan tahun dengan perubahan kecil, SUV "full size" mulai tahun depan mengucapkan "sayonara!"

Sebagai perpisahan, Toyota menyiapkan edisi khusus yang dipasarkan pada 2014 mengganti oleh TRD peredam kejutnya dengan Bilstein. Dengan ini, stabilitas makin oke di off-road dan aspal.

Sentuhan eksklusif lain, ditambahkan pelindung dek bawah (skid plate) depan dari aluminium. Pelek dipasok TRD 16 inci, dibalut ban Goodrich AT/ KO. Juga ada pelindung dan dudukan untuk menaruh barang di atap (roof rack). Toyota hanya memproduksi 2.500 unit edisi spesial.

Toyota juga membuat FJ Cruiser "Trail Teams Ultimate Edition 2014", sistem AWD (4x4)-nya dilengkapi dengandi pengatur traksi elektronik (traction control).

Transmisi otomatis juga dilengkapii  "Crawl Control" yang berfungsi menjaga kendaraan tetap bergerak pada saat menanjak atau berada di jalan rusak.
Untuk varian ini, Toyota  memasarkannya pada Februari 2014. Sementara harganya, diumumkan menjelang peluncuran.

FJ Cruiser diproduksi dengan platform  4Runner dengan jarak sumbu roda dan bodi lebih pendek. Diposisikan sebagai penerus FJ40 yang legendaris di era 1960-an. Di Indonesia, FJ Cruiser baru dipasarkan sejak 2010, dengan metode "placement order", berdasarkan pesanan.

Sejak diluncurkan, FJ Cruiser telah terjual 50.000 unit pada dua tahun pertamanya. Namun  resesi ekonomi merngerem laju penjualannya. Toyota juga tidakmemberikan insentif atau diskon. Akibatnya, penjualan turun menjadi 10.000 unit-15.000 unit per tahun sejak 2009.

Wow, Harley-Davidson Bikin Motor 250-300 cc - Kabar mengejutkan datang dari pabrikan sepeda motor Harley-Davidson yang mengatakan akan memproduksi motor dengan kapasitas mesin 250-300 cc.

Tapi motor tersebut, seperti dilansir laman Motorbeam, Sabtu (9/11/2013) khusus untuk pasar sepeda motor India yang menurut pabrikan asal Amerika memiliki pasar yang cukup besar.

Rencananya, HD akan melokalisasikan Street untuk pasar India dan akan ditargetkan bagi konsumen di usia yang lebih muda. Hal itu disadarinya karena segmentasi pasarnya sudah mulai bertambah dan saat ini waktu yang tepat untuk menjangkau konsumen baru.

Selain mempengaruhi harga yang akan lebih murah, HD juga akan merakit suku cadang. Semuanya agar tetap kompetitif.

Harley-Davidson kedepannya akan semakin banyak bermain di segmen motor berkapasitas mesin kecil. Buktinya belum lama ini diajang EICMA 2013 yang digelar di Milan, Italia, HD juga meluncurkan motor dengan kapasitas mesin yang kecil.

Motor itu adalah Street 750 dan 500. Dengan adanya motor tersebut bisa dikatakan HD memasuki era mesin berkapasitas kecil.

Man Escapes Death As Car Flies Through Road Separator

Awas, Penipuan Modus Struk ATM Palsu - Modus penipuan di kota besar berjalan dinamis dan terus berkembang. Di Surabaya, tengah muncul aksi penipuan dengan modus pemalsuan struk transaksi ATM.

Struk palsu itu diberikan oleh pembeli kepada penjual yang memperbolehkan transaksi antar-rekening bank. Penipuan tersebut dialami seorang penjual alat elektronik di Pakuwon Trade Center, Surabaya, awal pekan lalu.

Dari toko milik Ferry ini, penipu berhasil membawa satu laptop dan satu smartphone senilai Rp 34 juta. "Laporan pemilik toko sudah masuk ke polisi, dan sedang kami dalami," kata Kepala Satreskrim Polrestabes Surabaya AKBP Farman, saat dikonfirmasi pada Jumat (8/11/2013).

Dalam laporannya, pemilik toko menceritakan, seorang pembeli laki-laki yang hendak membeli barang pada awalnya akan menggunakan kartu debit Bank Mandiri untuk membayar barang yang dipilihnya.

Pegawai toko pun lalu menyiapkan alat gesek yang biasa digunakan untuk transaksi debit. "Pelaku berulang kali menggesek-gesekkan kartunya tapi gagal, dan beralasan bahwa mesin gesek milik toko rusak," terang Farman.

Pelaku kemudian memilih transaksi via rekening dan meminta nomor rekening kepada pelayan toko. Setelah mendapatkan nomor rekening, pelaku beralasan mencari mesin ATM untuk melakukan transaksi.

Sesaat kemudian, pelaku kembali ke toko dengan membawa struk transaksi palsu yang menunjukkan bahwa dia telah mentransfer uang senilai harga barang yang akan dibeli ke rekening toko.

Pelayan toko yang langsung percaya begitu saja kemudian memberikan barang kepada pelaku, dan pelaku bergegas meninggalkan toko. Namun, alangkah kagetnya saat pemilik toko melihat tidak ada transaksi uang masuk dari pembeli tadi.

Kata Farman, modus laporan penipuan semacam ini sudah beberapa kali diterima oleh polisi.

Nov 8, 2013

Microsoft Makes IE 11 Browser Work for Windows 7 - Microsoft Corp. said Thursday that it has made its latest browser, Internet Explorer 11, available to users of Windows 7 machines.

The new browser had already been part of the Windows 8.1 upgrade the company released last month.

The browser, available as a free download, improves the performance of websites that use JavaScript. Microsoft says the browser is 9 percent faster than Internet Explorer 10.

It also enables better 3-D graphics rendering in websites, allowing users to manipulate 3-D objects on-screen.

Meet T. rex's oldest relative: the 'Gore King' - A new relative of the Tyrannosaurus rex has been unearthed in southern Utah, marking the discovery of the oldest known member of its group of dinosaurs yet. The newly discovered dinosaur measured about 24 feet long, weighed around 2.5 metric tons, and had a large head filled with sharp teeth. To evoke just what a powerful predator it was, researchers have given it a fittingly grand name: Lythronax argestes, which translates to gore king of the Southwest.

The discovery is being reported today in PLOS One by researchers led from the Natural History Museum of Utah. They describe the Lythronax as a two-legged carnivore with a short, narrow snout that lived around 80 million years ago. With the back of the Lythronax’s skull being on the wider side as well, the researchers note that it actually resembles the T. rex — which lived 10 to 12 million year later — more than any other dinosaur that lived alongside it.

But the discovery has also left the researchers curious as to why there’s such a diverse species of dinosaur in that southwestern area, when they seemingly could have walked across the continent if given enough time. "Lythronax may demonstrate that tyrannosaurs followed a pattern similar to what we see in other dinosaurs from this age, with different species living in the north and south at the same time," Joseph Sertich, a co-author of the report, says in a statement.

Lythronax lived on the ancient continent of Laramidia, a split-off portion of North America that ran from Alaska, down the west coast of the US, and into Mexico. The researchers suggest that the sea that divided North America may also have spilled over into Laramidia, at times dividing its north and south and allowing dinosaur genera to divide into a variety of species. As for the recovered Lythronax fossils, the researchers will be keeping them close to home — they'll be on display at the Natural History Museum of Utah in Salt Lake City as part of its permanent collection.

Nov 7, 2013

How Not To Do A Hit And Run

Apple Says It Isn't Interested in Your Data: Here's What Apple Does and Doesn't Know About You - Tucked inside Apple's first-ever transparency report, published yesterday, was a not-so-subtle dig at the tech giant's competitors. "Our business does not depend on collecting personal data," Apple wrote. "We have no interest in amassing personal information about our customers."

It's no secret that for social web companies like Google or Facebook, collecting, storing, and analyzing data about every aspect of your life translates into cold, hard cash—the more sensitive and personal, the better. But in the emerging post-NSA new world order, the unwritten privacy-for-cool services agreement that drives the internet ecosystem is making netizens increasingly uneasy.

So in its report on the number requests for information it gets from government agencies, Apple took the opportunity to go on the offensive and remind its customers that it doesn't know as much about you as some others do. To a certain extent that's true. But it doesn't mean Apple doesn't collect personal data on its users. It sure does—a lot.

I went looking for the devil in the details to parse just how much Apple knows about you, and to what extent the company really does protect user privacy.

I'll start with the good news. Shortly after the details of the NSA's Prism program were leaked, Apple published a privacy statement explaining the user information it can't retrieve for the authorities, either because they're encrypted or not stored on the company's servers. It reminded users of this again in yesterday's report: "We protect personal conversations by providing end-to-end encryption over iMessage and FaceTime. We do not store location data, Maps searches, or Siri requests in any identifiable form."

So what information does it have? Apple's privacy policy breaks it down into two categories. Obviously, the company knows your name, address, email, and credit card information, and so forth. It uses that personal information "for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve Apple’s products, services, and customer communications" and "to help us develop, deliver, and improve our products, services, content, and advertising."

Things get more interesting with the second category: "non-personal" information, which is any user data that isn't associated with a specific individual. We're talking about details like customers' jobs, real-time location, habits, and the like. That data, the company says, is collected anonymously. Apple has free reign to share, sell, or store it however it damn pleases.

Apple also, like all internet companies, relies on cookies to track user activity. It knows your shopping habits in the Apple Store and where you go when surfing the web in the Safari browser, and uses that insight for advertising and marketing.

Then there's Siri. The company stated that it doesn't store Siri communications in an "identifiable form." But what's happening behind the scenes when you use the voice recognition feature comes awfully close to being a tell-all about your private life. Per the company's user agreement:
When you use Siri or Dictation, the things you say will be recorded and sent to Apple in order to convert what you say into text and, for Siri, to also process your requests. Your device will also send Apple other information, such as your first name and nickname; the names, nicknames, and relationship with you (e.g., “my dad”) of your address book contacts; and song names in your collection (collectively, your “User Data”). All of this data is used to help Siri and Dictation understand you better and recognize what you say. It is not linked to other data that Apple may have from your use of other Apple services.

To sum it up, Apple gathers up about as much personal information on users as any other big tech company. The main difference is, it says it doesn't connect the dots. It may know everything about you, but it doesn't know you're you.

It might, however, know where you are. The most controversial part of Apple's data collection practices is real-time location tracking. There was a big to-do made about iPhone location tracking a couple years ago, when it was revealed that Apple collects and stores as much as 12 years worth of user geodata on its devices, unencrypted. That can, and was, hacked into and accessed and used to create this very creepy map of exactly where your iPhone is in real-time.

Smartphones are regularly transmitting user locations back to Apple, which is amassing a database of anonymous location data. Google's Android does this too. Apple addressed privacy concerns by assuring users the data is encrypted when it's sent to the company, so Apple doesn't actually know where you, specifically, are at all points in time.

But concerns about location tracking haven't entirely gone away, and now it seems the company is doubling down on real-time GPS information with a mind to future product features. Yesterday, the company was awarded a patent for a technology that "can adaptively track a user's location and use the data to intelligently control secondary devices at another locale, such as home appliances," Apple Insider reported.

Apple—like other tech firms—wants to build a home automation system to connect the growing plethora of smart objects lying around the house. According to the patent, its idea is to take the user out of the process and have it all center around a "first device" that sends back specific details about your real-time location and habits to automatically control the other devices.

In other words, if the iPhone in your pocket knows you're almost home, it could trigger the garage door to open. Apple knows your current location and guesses your future actions based on that.

Tech companies are fond of saying they work hard to balance user privacy with the ability to provide innovative services and products. Taken at face value, Apple's statements and policies suggest the company's balancing on a tiny tightrope. Even if it does anonymize non-personal information, separate the sensitive life details you reveal to Siri or Safari from the company's user profile of you, and not associate your always-tracked device with your real identity, there's no question that personal user data big part of any technology company's business model these days. Even Apple.

U.S. Navy Invests in Coveralls That Won’t Burst Into Flames

Nov 5, 2013

Scary midair collision of two planes with skydivers ends with no major injuries

Kebun Binatang Jual Hewan Langka - Sejumlah kebun binatang (KB) di Indonesia, termasuk KB Ragunan, Jakarta, ternyata punya hubungan khusus dengan Pasar Hewan Langka Pramuka, Jakarta Timur. Sudah bertahun-tahun sejumlah KB menjalin hubungan jual-beli dengan beberapa pedagang di pasar ini.

Dalam praktik jual-beli satwa langka yang dilindungi, KB diduga sudah sejak lama menjadi salah satu pintu keluar hewan langka ke tangan kolektor. Jadi, tak semuanya diambil dari alam.

Hewan langka yang didapat dari KB oleh penjual biasanya yang masih anakan atau anak dari hewan langka yang ada di KB tersebut.

Beberapa KB yang biasa menjadi pemasok hewan langka sebagian berada di Pulau Jawa serta beberapa KB di Sumatera. Hubungan romantis KB dengan Pasar Pramuka yang khusus menjual hewan, termasuk di antaranya hewan langka yang dilindungi ini, sudah berlangsung hampir separuh umur HMN (50), salah satu pedagang hewan langka di Pasar Pramuka.

HMN sebenarnya tak punya kios khusus di Pasar Pramuka. Meski demikian, ia menjadi orang penting dalam praktik jual-beli hewan langka. Setiap transaksi hewan langka kerap melibatkan orang ini.

Bahkan, HMN mengatakan, dia tengah menjual seekor macan bengal India yang harganya Rp 190 juta. Pemilik macan itu seorang petinggi TNI. "Jangan disebutlah namanya. Pokoknya barangnya ada di Jakarta," kata HMN kepada Warta Kota, Sabtu (2/11/2013).

Dalam kotak buah

HMN yang sudah lebih dari 20 tahun jadi penjual hewan langka mengakui, sekarang sulit membawa hewan langka keluar dari pelabuhan, apalagi menyeberang dari Pelabuhan Gilimanuk ke Ketapang. Begitu pula di Merak-Bakauheuni.

Karena itu, lebih baik hewan langka dipelihara di Jakarta saja. "Kalau hewan langka dari Sumatera tak bakal bisa lewat Merak-Bakauheuni, tapi masuk lewat Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Pakai kapal pengangkut barang," kata HMN.

Jadi, hewan dibungkus dalam kotak-kotak buah saat dibawa. Sementara untuk menyeberang dari Bali ke Pulau Jawa atau sebaliknya, pengiriman harus menggunakan speedboat.

Namun, semua kesulitan itu bakal lenyap kalau punya saudara petinggi polisi atau TNI. Sebab, HMN pernah punya pengalaman bertransaksi dengan seorang mantan petinggi Polri era 2000-an. Saat itu, sang pejabat Polri itu hendak membeli seekor rusa tutul asal Timor. Hewan ini termasuk langka jenis Appendix 1. Artinya, hewan ini tak boleh diperjualbelikan, apalagi keluar dari kawasan konservasi.

Namun, lantaran pemesannya mantan petinggi Polri, HMN mudah membawa hewan itu keluar dari kawasan konservasi. Rusa Timor itu mau dibawa ke Bali dari Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). "Saya cuma menelepon Kapolseknya dan langsung bisa menyebrang. Padahal, orang itu sudah tak menjabat lagi waktu itu," jelas HMN.

HMN bisa mendapatkan apa saja, tetapi dia tak pernah meminta uang panjar ke pembelinya. Sistemnya, apabila ada pemesan, dia akan carikan dulu hewan langkanya. Begitu sudah ada, baru dia kasih kabar.

Setelah itu, dia baru minta separuh uang dari harga untuk menebus hewan langka itu. Untuk seekor macan dahan, HMN mematok harga Rp 100 juta. Macan dahan termasuk jenis satwa dilindungi.

Sementara harga harimau sumatera bisa dua kali dari harga macan dahan. "Di Jakarta ini banyak yang pelihara macan atau harimau," kata HMN.

Untuk mengenal HMN, tak bisa sembarang orang bisa bertemu. Dia hanya bersedia bertemu atau memberi nomor handphone kepada pelanggan lama yang sudah berkali-kali bertransaksi dengannya yang dia beri nomor ponsel. Itu pun setelah disaring oleh anak buahnya berinisial ENG (29) yang menjadi perantara. ENG sudah kenal HMN sejak kecil.

Menurut Eng, HMN memiliki jaringan kuat dengan orang-orang kebun binatang. Menurut ENG pula, selama dia bekerja dengan HMN, dia sudah berkali-kali mengambil hewan langka ke KB Ragunan. Salah satunya adalah beruang madu.

"Anakan beruang madu yang kami ambil untuk dijual lagi. Pembelinya biasa dari kalangan aparat dari orang luar," kata ENG kepada Warta Kota.

Tidak hanya cuma dijual, tetapi ENG juga pernah mengambil daging beruang madu segar dari KB Ragunan. "Beruang madu dipotong di Ragunan dan saya pernah lihat sendiri. Bos di Ragunan sama orang-orang di Pasar Pramuka sudah 'cees' (cs) semua," kata ENG. Bahkan, beberapa kali ENG dan rekan-rekannya di Pasar Pramuka pernah makan daging beruang dari KB Ragunan.