Aug 31, 2008

Woman Goes Down Baggage Chute at Swedish Airport

STOCKHOLM (AFP) - An elderly woman misunderstood instructions while checking in at Sweden's main airport and was whisked down a baggage shoot after she placed herself instead of her luggage on the belt, media reported Wednesday.

The 78-year-old woman, who was not named, was preparing to fly from Stockholm's Arlanda airport to Germany on Tuesday when she lay down on an unmanned baggage belt in the belief she was following check-in instructions, the Upsala Nya Tidning local daily reported on its website.

She was quickly swept off to the baggage handling centre, where staff members helped get her back on her feet.

The woman suffered no serious injury and caught her flight as planned.

Crucified Frog Sculpture Angers Pope

ROME (Reuters) - An Italian museum on Thursday defied Pope Benedict and refused to remove a modern art sculpture portraying a crucified green frog holding a beer mug and an egg that the Vatican had condemned as blasphemous.

The board of the Museion museum in the northern city of Bolzano decided by a majority vote that the frog was a work of art and would stay in place for the remainder of an exhibition.

The wooden sculpture by the late German artist Martin Kippenberger depicts a frog about 1 metre 30 cm (4 feet) high nailed to brown cross and holding a beer mug in one outstretched hand and an egg in another.

Called "Zuerst die Fuesse," (Feet First), it wears a green loin cloth and is nailed through the hands and the feet in the manner of Jesus Christ. Its green tongue hangs out of its mouth.

Kippenberger's works have been shown at the Tate Modern and the Saatchi Gallery in London and at the Venice Biennale, and retrospectives are planned in Los Angeles and New York.

Museum officials said the artist, who died in 1997, considered it a self-portrait illustrating human angst.

Pope Benedict, who is German himself and was recently on holiday not far from Bolzano, did not agree.

The Vatican wrote a letter of support in the pope's name to Franz Pahl, president of the regional government who opposed the sculpture. Pahl released parts of the letter, which said the work "wounds the religious sentiments of so many people who see in the cross the symbol of God's love".

Pahl, whose province is heavily Catholic, was so outraged by the sculpture of the pop-eyed amphibian that he went on a hunger strike to demand its removal and had to be taken to hospital during the summer.

"Surely this is not a work of art but a blasphemy and a disgusting piece of trash that upsets many people," Pahl told Reuters by telephone.

"This decision to keep the statue there is totally unacceptable. It is a grave offence to our Catholic population," he said.

Museum president Alois Lageder told Reuters the decision to keep the statue on display was made in order to "safeguard the autonomy of art institutions".

The board vote was 6-3 in favour. Art experts defended the work.

"Art must always be free and the artist should not have any restrictions on freedom of expression," Claudio Strinati, a superintendent for Rome's state museums, told an Italian newspaper on Thursday.

But Italy's culture minister, Sandro Bondi, said museums that receive state funds should not "exalt artworks of desecration, of useless provocation and of nonsense".

Jesus Tries to Save Your Soul But Windows Stops Him

And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder: One of the four beasts saying: "Come and see." And I saw. And behold, there was the other Jesus, the Bible character, calling me from a big screen saying "Jesus is the Reason for The—V-Sign this program-and will be shu-whaaa?" Clearly, Jesus is good with all this saving Humanity and making water into wine tricks, but I'm afraid he's no match for Windows errors.

Unmanned-On-Unmanned Combat

For the first time in history, an unmanned machine has engaged and destroyed another unmanned machine in real combat. It sounds like science fiction, but it happened on August 20th 2008 in Iraq, when a MQ-9 Reaper killed a remote controlled vehicle carrying a bomb.

The MQ-9—operated by the 46th Expeditionary Reconnaissance and Attack Squadron—destroyed the RC car using a laser-guided 500-pound GBU-12 bomb in southeast Iraq. The commander of the squadron, Lt. Col. Micah Morgan, said that they "searched for, found, fixed, targeted and destroyed a [threat] with just one aircraft."

With an entire wing of UAVs in the US Air Force, we won't be surprised to see full-scale unmanned and robotic battles in the near future. The question is: if nobody is going to die—except probably civilians on the ground—what's the bloody point of real war? Why not just organize a videogame league and get over with it?

Aug 29, 2008

Kekuasaan, Seks, Uang, dan Konspirasi

Uang dapat membawa maut. Itulah yang dialami Altantuya Shaariibuu (28), wanita asal Mongolia yang berparas cantik. Sore 14 Oktober 2006, ia muncul di depan rumah Abdul Razak Baginda, pengusaha dan analis politik, di perumahan elite Damansara, Kuala Lumpur.

Di jalan raya, wanita yang fasih dalam beberapa bahasa asing ini berteriak- teriak, ’’Keluar kau Razak, bajingan!!!’’ Lima belas menit kemudian dua mobil patroli polisi merapat dan membawa Altantuya ke pos polisi Brickfields.

Kepada polisi, Altantuya menjelaskan, perbuatan onar itu dilakukannya karena Abdul Razak selalu menghindar jika didatangi ke kantornya. Altantuya bersama sepupu dan seorang teman wanita tiba di Kuala Lumpur dari Mongolia sepekan sebelumnya (8/10/2006). Tujuannya untuk menagih komisinya sebesar 500.000 dollar AS, yang sejak beberapa tahun lalu belum dibayar oleh Abdul Rajak Baginda.

Altantuya yang pernah kuliah di Moskwa dan Paris tidak cepat putus asa. Ia muncul kembali di depan rumah Abdul Razak pada 19 Oktober sekitar pukul 19.00 waktu setempat. Sekitar 10 menit kemudian dua mobil Proton merah dan hijau merapat dan membawa janda beranak dua itu.

Sejak itu Altantuya lenyap seperti ditelan bumi. Sepupu dan temannya yang menunggu di hotel melaporkan kepada polisi perihal hilangnya Altantuya di depan rumah Abdul Razak Baginda.

Proyek kapal selam

Pada 7 November 2006, secara kebetulan polisi menemukan serpihan tulang belulang manusia di kawasan hutan dekat Waduk Subang di pinggiran kota Kuala Lumpur. Setelah dilakukan tes DNA dengan ayah Altantuya yang datang ke Kuala Lumpur mencari anaknya, dipastikan bahwa korban adalah putrinya.

Hasil pemeriksaan forensik menunjukkan, korban ditembak dua kali di kepala dari jarak dekat. Setelah itu tubuh korban dihancurkan dengan menggunakan bahan peledak C-4, high explosive.

Tiga tersangka dalam kasus ini adalah Abdul razak Baginda, bos Malaysian Strategic Research Center, Inspektur Kepala Azilah Hardi, dan Kopral Sirul Azhar Umar. Kedua polisi berasal dari Unit Penindakan Khas, pasukan elite polisi, yang bertugas dalam pasukan pengamanan Deputi Perdana Menteri Najib Tun Abdul Razak.

Penggunaan bahan peledak dalam pembunuhan Altantuya jelas bukan semata-mata untuk menghilangkan jejak, tetapi menyangkut balas dendam atau amarah yang luar biasa.

Karena pelakunya dari anggota pengamanan Deputi PM Malaysia, berkembang spekulasi di masyarakat mengenai keterlibatan Najib Abdullah dalam hubungan asmara dengan wanita asal Mongolia itu. Sementara Abdul Razak pasang badan untuk menyelamatkan bosnya dari rongrongan Altantuya.

Altantuya sendiri berulang kali mengirim SMS yang bersifat mengancam Abdul Razak. Antara lain, jika komisinya tidak segera dibayar, ia akan membeberkan rahasia yang selama ini disimpannya rapat.

Tak jelas apa yang dimaksud ”rahasia”. Namun, jika hal itu berkaitan dengan komisi, ia menyangkut pembelian tiga kapal selam buatan Prancis. Parlemen Malaysia menduga terjadi penggelembungan harga ketiga kapal.

Pemerintah Malaysia membeli tiga kapal selam jenis Scorpone dengan harga sekitar 1 miliar euro pada awal tahun 2000. Pembelian dilakukan melalui perusahaan Primekar Sdn.Bhd (Kuala Lumpur), milik Abdul Razak Baginda. Perimekar mendapat komisi 11 persen atau lebih kurang 114 juta euro.

Kedekatan Abdul Razak Baginda dengan Najib Abdul Razak, yang juga menteri pertahanan, memudahkan Perimekar memenangi proyek kapal selam. Ketika tim negosiasi harga berangkat ke Paris, Altantuya tampil sebagai penerjemah dan sekretaris.

Hubungan asmara

Kasus Altantuya sekaligus mengungkap tali-temali kekuasaan, uang, dan seks yang melingkari kehidupan pejabat tinggi negara. Karena kekuasaan itu pula, proses hukum kasus pembunuhan ini berjalan lamban seperti keong, tertunda-tunda, dan sejak sidang pertama (4/6/2007) hingga sekarang belum sampai pada putusan hukum.

Ironisnya, media massa Malaysia hanya memberitakan sepintas peristiwa pembunuhan tersebut. Kendalanya bukan karena kasus tersebut kurang menarik, melainkan UMNO adalah pemilik sebagian besar media massa utama. Najib Abdul Razak sendiri merupakan orang kedua setelah PM Abdullah Badawi dalam jajaran kepemimpinan UMNO, partai puak Melayu.

Akan tetapi, laporan Raja Petra Kamarudin di blog internet di Malaysia Today (18/6) mengejutkan Malaysia. Mengutip laporan intelijen militer yang disampaikan kepada PM Abdullah Badawi, Raja Petra menulis, eksekusi Altantuya pada malam naas itu disaksikan oleh istri Najib Tun Razak, Rosmah Mansor, dan Kolonel (AD) Azis Buyong serta istrinya, Letkol (AD) Norhayati Hassan. Setelah Altantuya terkapar ditembak, Kolonel Aziz Buyong meletakkan C-4 di atas tubuh janda malang itu dan meledakkannya.

Kolonel Azis Buyong dan Letkol Norhayati memprotes laporan tersebut dan mengajukan gugatan hukum terhadap Raja Petra sebagai pemilik Malaysia Today, yang melakukan pencemaran nama baik. Sebaliknya, Raja Petra justru mendatangi pengadilan dan membuat pernyataan di bawah sumpah bahwa laporannya berdasarkan kejadian sesungguhnya.

Jika laporan intelijen tersebut benar, kehadiran Rosmah Mansor di lokasi kejadian memperkuat isu yang selama ini beredar di masyarakat, yakni hubungan asmara antara Najib Abdul Razak dan Altantuya telah membuahkan anak.

Selain itu, bocornya laporan tersebut ke tangan Raja Petra Kamarudin sekaligus menunjukkan adanya suatu skenario di kalangan militer untuk menjatuhkan pimpinannya, Najib Abdul Razak, sebagai Menteri Pertahanan.

Menguntungkan PM Badawi

Berbeda dengan kasus pembunuhan Altantuya, kasus sodomi II yang dituduhkan kepada Anwar Ibrahim terus-menerus mendapat sorotan media cetak dan elektronik Malaysia. Kalangan oposisi menyebut peristiwa ini sebagai konspirasi politik untuk merusak citra Anwar Ibrahim dan mengakhiri karier politiknya di bui.

Nama Deputi PM Najib Tun Abdul Razak disebut-sebut berada di balik konspirasi tersebut. Buktinya, tiga hari sebelum Saiful bin Azlan (23) melaporkan kepada polisi peristiwa sodomi yang dialaminya, ia diterima Najib Abdul Razak di kediaman resmi deputi PM.

Najib membantah keras tudingan itu. Belakangan, setelah muncul foto ajudannya bersama Saiful, ia mengaku pertemuan itu tiga bulan sebelum heboh sodomi II. Menurut Najib, saat itu Saiful meminta saran untuk mendapat beasiswa. Terakhir, Najib mengaku bertemu Saiful tiga hari sebelum melapor kepada polisi. Pertemuan itu membicarakan masalah sodomi.

Menurut Raja Petra, seusai dari kediaman Deputi PM Najib, Saiful bertemu dengan Asisten II Kepala Polisi di Raja Malaysia Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof di kamar 619 Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Sebelum pertemuan ini, keduanya berkomunikasi lewat telepon seluler sebanyak delapan kali (Malaysia Today, 11/8).

Rodwan adalah perwira polisi yang merekayasa kasus sodomi I terhadap Anwar Ibrahim 10 tahun silam. Saat itu sebuah kasur besar ditampilkan sebagai barang bukti dalam persidangan. Di kasur yang pernah terjadi sodomi terdapat percikan darah Anwar Ibrahim.

Belakangan ketahuan bahwa darah tersebut dicuri Rodwan dari tempat penyimpanan sampel darah Anwar Ibrahim. Setelah hal ini terbongkar, jaksa penuntut umum meminta majelis hakim mencoret kasur tersebut dari daftar barang bukti.

Anwar Ibrahim divonis sembilan tahun penjara dalam kasus sodomi I. Namun, Mahkamah Agung membebaskannya tahun 2004.

Dalam kasus sodomi II, dua atau tiga jam sebelum melapor kepada polisi, Saiful lebih dulu datang ke Pusat Perawatan Islam, Kuala Lumpur. Dr Osman Abdul Hamid yang memeriksa Saiful tidak menemukan tanda- tanda disodomi di anus pasien.

Entah siapa yang melakukannya, kopi catatan medis Dr Osman atas pasien Saiful bin Azlan beredar di internet. Akibatnya, polisi tiga kali mendatangi Dr Osman dan mengancam akan menangkapnya jika menolak bekerja sama. Khawatir keselamatan dirinya, Dr Osman dan keluarganya terpaksa meninggalkan Malaysia

Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, kecurigaan terhadap Deputi PM Najib sebagai sosok di balik konspirasi politik sodomi II mulai diragukan, terutama karena Najib sendiri mulai digerogoti dalam kasus Altantuya. Najib tidak menyadari bahwa ia sedang dikondisikan sebagai biang kerok semua gejolak.

Dalam hal ini, satu-satunya yang paling diuntungkan adalah PM Badawi. Jika Anwar dan Najib terlempar dari panggung politik, Badawi akan tetap berkuasa. Soal janji mundur tahun 2010 tidak harus dipenuhi, terutama karena calon penggantinya, Najib Abdul Razak, kemungkinan besar sudah meringkuk di bui bersama Anwar Ibrahim.

Abandoned Baby Found Safe With Dog

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - A newborn baby abandoned outdoors in winter by her 14-year-old mother was found safe in a dog pen with a mother dog and her brood of puppies near the city of La Plata, Argentine media reported on Friday.

Farmer Fabio Anze found the naked baby girl on Thursday, being kept warm among his dog China's puppies, La Nacion newspaper said. Anze called the police and the baby was taken to a hospital.

Egidio Melia, director of the Melchor Romero hospital, told television and newspaper reporters that the baby was just a few hours old when she was found, and was in good health although she had some bruises.

Nighttime temperatures are chilly but not freezing in the Southern Hemisphere winter in the rural area around La Plata, 40 miles south of Buenos Aires.

Police said they had located the 14-year-old girl who gave birth to the baby outdoors during the night.

It was not clear whether the mother left her baby in the dog's pen or whether the dog found the baby outdoors and carried it in to join her puppies.

Aug 28, 2008

Wooden Animal USB Drives Are Tired of You Inserting Your USB Connector There

These hand-carved wooden animal flash drives are the latest in the tradition of semi- to fully perverse animal USB sticks. While this time the cute definitely outweighs the eww, Japanese designers Monodo just couldn't help themselves when it came time to select the connection point for these 1GB drives. Joining this little schnauzer is an elephant, swan, hippo and little piggy, all sharing the same unfortunate hook-up location. They can be yours in a few weeks for around $70.

Aug 23, 2008

Saat Bung Karno Jadi Sutradara

Deretan pakaian warna- warni gaya Eropa abad ke-19 hingga awal abad ke-20 digantung dalam lemari kaca di Gedung Persada Soekarno, rumah tinggal Bung Karno di Bengkulu. Busana aneka warna dan perlengkapan panggung itu merupakan warisan karya Soekarno di pembuangan saat dia mengembangkan salah satu talenta sebagai sutradara kelompok tonil ternama, Monte Carlo.

Pelbagai kisah roman, kepahlawanan, hingga dukungan Soekarno terhadap perjuangan Tiongkok saat diserbu Jepang tahun 1937 ditampilkan dalam pelbagai pertunjukan Monte Carlo. Pelbagai golongan masyarakat senantiasa memadati pertunjukan Monte Carlo yang juga berkeliling ke kota lain di Bengkulu semasa Soekarno diasingkan (1938-1942).

Lusi Liana, petugas di Persada Bung Karno, mengatakan, kostum kelompok Monte Carlo merupakan salah satu peninggalan Proklamator yang tidak banyak diketahui. ”Tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa beliau juga berbakat di seni panggung. Beliau sendiri yang menulis naskah dan mengatur kelompok Monte Carlo yang sangat terkenal sebelum Perang Dunia II,” kata Lusi.

Ragam naskah

Ragam naskah yang ditulis Bung Karno di Bengkulu menunjukkan betapa, meski hidup di pengasingan, dia tidak ketinggalan mengikuti perkembangan dunia luar. Sebagai contoh adalah naskah Chungking Djakarta, Rainbow atau Poetri Kentjana Boelan, Koetkoetbi, Si Ketjil (Klein’ duimpje), dan Hantoe Goenoeng Boengkoek. Kisah Chungking Djakarta memaparkan perjuangan masyarakat Tionghoa di Nusantara yang menyokong perang melawan agresi kaum fasis militer Jepang di daratan Tiongkok.

Bung Karno, seperti ditulis sejarawan Bengkulu Agus Setiyanto dalam Bung Karno Maestro Monte Carlo, bersikap menentang agresi Jepang di Tiongkok. Dikisahkan dalam Chungking Djakarta tentang perjuangan kaum Huakiao dan peranakan yang mengumpulkan dana perjuangan mendukung pemerintah Zhung Hua Min Guo (Republik Tiongkok) dalam menentang agresi Jepang yang membabi buta.

Kisah itu sejalan dengan karya sastra Melayu-Tionghoa pada zamannya, yang juga menyatakan perlawanan terhadap ekspansi fasis dan militer Jepang, seperti karya Batalyon Setan oleh Monsieur d’Amour dan Pendekar dari Chapei karya Kwee Tik Hoay yang diterbitkan ulang oleh Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (KPG). Masa itu semangat perlawanan terhadap fasisme Jerman, Italia, dan Jepang memang menggelora.

Naskah lain menampilkan kedalaman, pemahaman pengetahuan, dan toleransi Bung Karno terhadap keberagaman. Kisah Rainbow alias Putri Kentjana Boelan menampilkan persaudaraan antarelite penguasa Inggris yang mengadopsi seorang putri bangsawan Bumiputera Bengkulu.

Kisah Koetkoetbi menampilkan cerita zaman Hindu di Jawa dengan para empu sakti hingga awal abad ke-20. Para arkeolog di Jawa awal abad ke-20 bertemu dengan Koetkoetbi, seorang pelayan kuil yang dikutuk Empu Agni. Pelbagai istilah dan kata bahasa Sansekerta dan Jawi Kuna digunakan Bung Karno.

Kisah terakhir tentang Klein Dumpje atau Si Kecil Djem- polan diadopsi dari kisah Eropa tentang kecerdikan seorang anak bungsu yang berhasil menyelamatkan enam kakak- nya yang nyaris dimangsa raksasa.

Sisi lain seorang Bung Karno dalam dunia panggung nyaris tenggelam ditelan masa. Bahkan, naskah-naskah karya Bung Karno di Bengkulu ditemukan secara tidak sengaja di Istana Bogor tahun 2002.

Padahal, ketika itu sejumlah bintang juga lahir dari Monte Carlo. Reputasi Monte Carlo kala itu nyaris seperti kelompok Dardanella, Miss Tjitjih. Salah seorang bintang panggung, yakni Hanafi, yang menambah namanya dengan Anak Marhaen (AM) Hanafi, kelak menjadi Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Republik Kuba. Monte Carlo adalah sisi lain seorang Soekarno yang memiliki kedalaman rasa soal seni budaya. Kota Bengkulu dan Persada Bengkulu merekam catatan sejarah. (ONG)

Foto-foto Bung Karno lainnya >>

160GB PS3 Bundle Announced For U.S.

Along with a new PSP and PS3 wireless keyboard, Sony also announced a 160GB PS3 today at the Leipzig Games Convention. In the U.S. it will come bundled with a Dual-Shock SIXAXIS and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It hits in November in time for Xmas at $499, as the high end option coinciding with the $399 80GB "Core Pack" announced at E3, adding room for Sony's video download plans no doubt. The console itself appears to be the same as previous PS3s. The U.S. version comes with a voucher for the PS Network game PAIN, but the Euro 160-gigger includes €70 of free "downloadable content" vouchers.

Tallest Skyscraper in the World Almost Completed, Defies Belief

The Burj Dubai tower, the tallest skyscraper in the world, is about to be completed. To celebrate it, David Hobcote has taken a series of amazing high resolution pictures from the air which give an exact impression of the breathtaking, massive scale of this building.

Spy Camera Watch Looks Like it May Actually Be Good For Spying

Forget those naff spy pens: This spy camera watch from Brando may actually be a decent spying gizmo. For example... can you see the camera in the photo of it? It's in the whorl of the numeral 2, and the watch is pretty convincing. It only shoots 352 x 288 pixel AVIs, but it does carry 2GB aboard, so that should be good for a whole bunch of sneaky vids, and its rechargeable batteries get juice from a USB connection. Just cover up that USB port with a sticker or plug of some kind so it's less obvious, and spy away. Presumably it also tells the time, but that's curiously not mentioned on Brando's web page. Yours for $236.

Aug 20, 2008

Suzuki’s Cars Will Run On 100% Ethanol in US, Brazil by 2010

According to the Nikkei Business Daily (via, Japan’s Suzuki Motor Company will begin selling cars that run completely on 100% ethanol in the US and Brazil by 2010. The company will begin the transition by first offering an E25 sedan for sale in Brazil this coming March.

Currently the most ethanol that a flex-fuel car can run on in the US is E85 — which is an 85% ethanol/15% gasoline blend. Suzuki’s move would mark a huge development in ethanol-powered vehicles, and a huge shift for Suzuki, which hasn’t had any alternative fuel-specific offerings in its lineup to this point.

Ethanol use in the US has risen sharply recently, however, it still accounts for a small amount of the fuel sold. On the other hand, in Brazil ethanol is just as prevalent as gasoline and is available at nearly all fuel stations.

Drinking Fruit Juice 'May Stop Medication Working'

Drinking fruit juice dramatically reduces the effectiveness of drugs used to treat cancer, heart conditions and high blood pressure, scientists say.

Research has shown that orange, apple and grapefruit juice can also wipe out the benefits of some antibiotics and hay-fever pills.

It is thought the drinks stop drugs from entering the bloodstream and getting to work in the body - possibly rendering them useless.

The potential effects are so serious, researchers warned, that if in doubt, patients should swap fruit juices for water when on medication.

Researcher David Bailey said: 'This is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure we'll find more and more drugs that are affected this way.'

Twenty years ago, Professor Bailey showed that grapefruit juice dangerously magnifies the effect of the blood pressure drug felodipine.

His findings led to warnings that the drink should be avoided by those on some medicines.

The latest study shows that fruit juices can also reduce the power of medicines - potentially stopping them from doing any good.

Professor Bailey, of the University of Western Ontario, in Canada, said: 'The concern is loss of benefit of medications essential for the treatment of serious medications.'

Drugs shown to be weakened by grapefruit, orange and apple juices include the blood pressure-lowering beta blockers atenolol, celiprolol, and talinolol and the hay-fever treatment fexofenadine.

The multi-purpose antibiotic ciprofloxacin, used to combat germs behind food poisoning and bone and joint infections, is also affected.

So is the cancer drug etoposide and a drug given to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.

Many other drugs are also likely to be affected, an American Chemical Society conference heard yesterday.

The study showed juices do not need to be taken at the same time as drugs to have a dangerous effect.

Those drunk up to two hours before can reduce drug absorption.

But patients need not stop drinking juice altogether.

Professor Bailey said: 'Juice taken four hours prior to drug intake did not have an effect. Thus, it should be possible still to take grapefruit, orange and apple juices while on affected medications provided there is a sufficient time interval.

'I would recommend taking drugs with water on an empty stomach to get the most consistent effect.'

The researcher, a professor of pharmacology, advised patients to speak to their doctor or pharmacist before taking fruit juice with medicines.

Professor Bailey made the link after asking volunteers to take the hay fever drug fexofenadine at the same time as either a glass of water or grapefruit juice.

Taking it with juice cut its absorption into the bloodstream by half.

Experiments showed naringin, the chemical which makes grapefruit taste bitter, blocked the drug from moving from the small intestine into the bloodstream.

The researchers have pinpointed a naringin-like compound in orange juice and are looking for a similar one in apples.

A different mechanism is at play with the drugs whose levels are boosted by grapefruit juice.

There, juice deactivates a liver enzyme that breaks down drugs, making normal doses potential overdoses.

The study is not the first to highlight the dangers behind supposedly healthy juices.

Last month, research from Harvard Medical School in the U.S., showed that one glass of orange juice a day can increase the risk of a form of diabetes linked to poor diet and obesity.

But eating whole pieces of fruit cuts the likelihood of developing the disease. It is thought the lack of fibre in juices may cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

Miracle Baby Came Back To Life

London, Aug 19 (ANI): An Israeli baby declared dead by doctors 'came back to life' after spending five hours in a hospital's morgue refrigerator.

The baby was pronounced dead several hours earlier, after doctors at Western Galilee hospital in northern Israel were forced to abort her mother Faiza Magdoub's pregnancy because of internal bleeding.

Magdoub was in the fifth month of her pregnancy.

The baby, weighing only 600 grams at birth, spent at least five hours inside one of the hospital's morgue refrigerators, before her parents, who had taken her to be buried, began noticing some movement.

"We unwrapped her and felt she was moving. We didn't believe it at first. Then she began holding my mother's hand, and then we saw her open her mouth," the Telegraph quoted Magdoub, as saying.

Hospital deputy director Moshe Daniel said: "We don't know how to explain this, so when we don't know how to explain things in the medical world we call it a miracle, and this is probably what happened."

"We've informed the Health Ministry and I guess they'll appoint a commission of inquiry. The hospital will ask for an external investigation of the case," Daniel added.

Motti Ravid, a professor of internal medicine, told Israel's Channel 10 that the low temperature inside the cooler had slowed down the baby's metabolism and likely helped her survive. (ANI)

Aug 17, 2008

Tribute to Gisel Idol

Finaly the new Indonesian Idol has been chosen. Well it's not the lovely Gisel from Surabaya as I expected. Even though some said she was just lucky born with that barbie looks, some do believe this young lady really does have the talent (Dirly who?) and that is the main reason why she made it to the top two.
Anyway for you out there who is also her big fan, here are some of her best performances on Indonesian Idol 2008. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Tribute to Gisel

Tes Kepribadian

Ini adalah cerita seorang gadis. Pada saat Ada Di upacara pemakaman ibunya yang baru Meninggal, Dia bertemu dengan seorang laki-laki yang belum Pernah dia kenal sebelumnya. Dia sungguh tertarik Dengan lelaki Ini. Lelaki ini adalah pria idaman yang selalu dia Impikan sejak dulu sehingga dia langsung jatuh Cinta.Tapi sayang sekali setelah itu laki-laki Tadi menghilang Dan gadis tersebut tidak pernah Bertemu dengan lelaki itu lagi.
Beberapa Hari setelahnya, Ada Kejadian heboh. Gadis ini membunuh kakak Perempuan Kandungnya.
PERTANYAAN: Apa motif pembunuhan ini?

Gadis ini berharap bahwa lelaki idamannya Akan muncul lagi di Pemakaman kakak perempuannya.
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Jika jawabanmu benar, berarti kamu telah Berpikir seperti seorang Psikopat.
Tes ini dibuat oleh seorang psikolog Amerika yang terkenal.
Tes diberikan untuk mengetahui apakah Seseorang memiliki mentalitas Sebagai seorang pembunuh atau tidak.
Banyak Narapidana kasus pembunuhan Disuruh menjawab tes ini, Dan jawabannya Benar. Jika jawabanmu salah, Ini Sungguh baik.
Jika Ada salah satu teman yang Betul dalam menjawab, kamu Perlu Berpikir untuk menjauhi orang tersebut ....

Aug 10, 2008


Nissan's Eco Gas Pedal Fights Back To Help You Save Gas

I'm all for exploring new technologies that help us save gas, but I think Nissan has gone a little too far with their "Eco Pedal." This new technology calculates the most fuel efficient rate of acceleration and then fights back against the driver's foot when it feels that rate has been exceeded. Nissan claims that the system can improve fuel efficiency by as much as 10 percent, which is why they plan on implementing it into their cars next year. As asinine and unsafe as all of this sounds, at least Nissan had the good sense to implement an on / off switch.

The Olympic Torch Transformed Over History

We'd never want the burden of carrying the Olympic torch, not so much because of the pressure, but because we're out of shape and there's a distinct possibility that we might burn ourselves. However, we're more than willing to look at the NYT timeline of the Olympic torches over the last 70 years and appreciate the torch's evolution from crude, mace-like fire stick to long fire rod. And this year's red scroll designed by Lenovo (yes, that Lenovo) might actually be our favorite.

12-year-old with HIV applauded at AIDS conference

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Keren Dunaway was 5 when her parents used drawings to explain to her that they both had the HIV virus — and so did she.

Now the 12-year-old is one of the most prominent AIDS activists in Latin America and a rarity in a region where few children are willing to break the silence and tell their classmates they have HIV for fear of rejection. She edits a children's magazine on the virus.

"The boys and girls who live with HIV are here and we are growing up with many goals," Keren said Sunday at the opening of an international AIDS conference where she shared the stage with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

"We want to be artists, teachers, doctors — even get married and have kids. ... But achieving these goals will only be possible when we receive the attention we need, when we are guaranteed the medicines that we need, when we are accepted in schools."

Taking several deep breaths to overcome stage jitters, Keren delivered what was clearly the star speech of the conference's inauguration: Audience members repeatedly interrupted her brief, but moving words with loud applause and whistles, and followed her discourse with a standing ovation that lasted well after she left the stage.

In an interview with The Associated Press days before the conference, Keren talked matter-of-factly about the virus she has had since birth, flashing a dimpled smile and exposing a row of braces.

"It's like a little ball that has little dots, and is inside me, sort of swimming inside me," she said, curling her fist as she recalled what her parents explained to her with drawings long ago.

Keren's openness about her HIV status comes as the virus's victims grow increasingly younger.

Worldwide, people ages 15-24 accounted for 45 percent of people infected with HIV in 2007, according to the 2008 U.N. AIDS report.

In Latin America, 55,000 of the nearly 2 million people with the virus were under 15 years old, the vast majority of them infected by their mothers. Only 36 percent of pregnant women in the region receive medicine to prevent transmission, although that is an increase of 26 percent since 2004.

And while more than 60 percent of the adults with HIV receive antiretroviral drugs in Latin America, only about one-third of children do. Experts say less research and funding has been dedicated to medicine for HIV-positive children, who require smaller doses and additional medication to offset the aggressiveness of antiretrovirals.

Even so, children born with HIV are increasingly looking forward to long lives.

"There's a whole new generation of young people that were born with HIV that are reaching adulthood. It presents very interesting challenges," said Nils Katsberg, UNICEF'S director of Latin America and the Caribbean.

It won't be easy encouraging HIV-positive children to speak out in Latin America, where talking openly about sexuality is often taboo.

When she first started school, Keren's classmates refused to play with her. Speaking out about HIV made all the difference. At 9, she began accompanying her parents — founders of the AIDS advocacy group "Llaves" — on talks to schools. She has visited half-a-dozen countries to share her story.

Last year, she started up "Llavecitas," a children's version of a magazine her parents publish. The Llaves foundation distributes 10,000 copies every two months across Honduras.

Too often, children with HIV "live in a culture of secrecy," said Maria Villanueva Medina, a psychologist with Casa de la Sal, a group that runs an orphanage for children with HIV in Mexico City.

"They can't talk about their diagnosis in the school because they can be kicked out. They can't talk about it in their communities with their neighbors."

At Casa de la Sal, children are told about the virus around the same age as Keren was, but few dare to tell their schoolmates even where they live.

Casa de la Sal is adapting to a new reality. When it first opened 22 years ago, many of the children died by the time they reached their teens. Today, the orphanage has not had a death in eight years. The government provides antiretrovirals.

Faced with the challenge of preparing the children for adulthood, the orphanage eventually began sending them to regular schools instead of giving classes within the institution.

The hope is that someday, many will be outspoken advocates for their own cause.

"We need to start getting young people involved in leadership again in HIV and AIDS because it's easy to get kind of complacent," said Joe Cristina, whose Los Angeles-based Children Affected by AIDS Foundation helps fund the orphanage.

Keren writes an upbeat editorial each week. ("I want to congratulate all the boys and girls who have graduated and got good grades. Keep it up!!") She is now popular among her classmates.

She takes singing and acting lessons, dreams of going to Hollywood and breathlessly notes that she shares the same Zodiac sign — Sagittarius — and favorite color — purple — with her teen idol, Miley Cyrus.

"Sometimes I have so much fun that I forget I have this" virus, she said.

German Family Buys Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle For Grocery Runs

When Joachim Schoeneich of Neu Anspach Germany goes shopping for groceries with the fam from now on, he does so in style: with a tank. Or, more accurately, with a $47,376 six-ton British Army Fox FV721 armored reconnaissance vehicle. "We take the tank to go shopping and little trips," Schoeneich said. "It is a bit hard to find a parking place, but we get right of way at every junction." No kidding. It's too bad the gun doesn't work, but this thing's definitely intimidating enough without it. Well, that and the baby seat he installed for his kid.

"Biggest Military Hack of All Time" Was Done Over a 56k Connection

Gary McKinnon, the British hacker who broke into military computers looking for evidence of UFOs in the "biggest military hack of all time," did so using his home computer and a 56k modem. I think we just lost our rights to complain about not having Japan-fast broadband.

Using his own computer at home in London, McKinnon hacked into 97 computers belonging to and used by the U.S. government between February 2001 and March 2002. McKinnon is accused of causing the entire U.S. Army's Military District of Washington network of more than 2,000 computers to be shut down for 24 hours. Using a limited 56-kbps dialup modem and the hacking name "Solo" he found many U.S. security systems used an insecure Microsoft Windows program with no password protection. He then bought off-the-shelf software and scanned military networks, saying he found expert testimonies from senior figures reporting that technology obtained from extra-terrestrials did exist. At the time of his indictment, Paul McNulty, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, said: "Mr. McKinnon is charged with the biggest military computer hack of all time."

He's currently awaiting extradition to the United States where, if convicted, he'll face up to 70 years in jail and up to $1.75 million in fines. Let us know about that alien technology first, Gary!

Gun Cartridges Coated in Pollen-based Nanotags Could Help ID Criminals

A superteam of British scientists and researchers are working on a nanotechnology that, when applied to gun cartridges, act as microscopic tags that place themselves on and around everything they come in contact with, such as criminals.
The bullet tags are part natural pollen, part nanoparticles that are extremely difficult to wash off and can also keep skin cells stuck to the gun cartridges. The technology is said to be heat-resistant, cost effective and could be in use within a year.

Aug 2, 2008

Ratusan Motor Gres Terjungkal di Jalan Tol TB Simatupang

Jakarta - Ratusan motor yang masih gres terjungkal di jalan tol TB Simatupang. Akibatnya, jalan tol sempat tersendat bersamaan dengan jammasuk kerja yang padat.

Peristiwa itu terjadi di jalan tol TB Simatupang Km 31 dari arah Pondok Indah Senin (30/6/2008) pukul 05.15 WIB.

Menurut salah satu petugas Traffic Management Center (TMC) Polda Metro Jaya, truk bermuatan ratusan motor selip terjungkal. Ratusan motor yang baru keluar dari pabrik pun, tersungkur di jalanan.

"Penyebab awal gara-gara sopir ngantuk. Itu kan jalanan sepi, bikin ngantuk," kata Aiptu Kasno, salah seorang petugas TMC kepada detikcom.

Saat ini, motor-motor yang berjatuhan dari trum masih dievakuasi. Sopir truk masih dimintai keterangan petugas. "Pengemudi Jalaludin masih dimintai keterangan di pos polisi terdekat," ucap Kasno