
Apr 30, 2009
Nenek Mano: Kami Akui Awalnya Silau pada Kekayaan Fakhri

Apr 23, 2009
Carrie Prejean Says Answer to Gay Marriage Question Cost Her Miss USA Crown
Carrie Prejean told FOXNews.com that she had "no regrets" and was happy with the answer she gave when a Miss USA judge, the gossip blogger Perez Hilton, asked about her stance on same-sex marriage.
"I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," she said on the live broadcast. "No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."
One person who was offended was Keith Lewis, co-director the Miss California competition, which Prejean won to make it into the Miss USA pageant. Lewis told FOXNews.com that he was "saddened" by Prejean's statement.
"I am personally ... hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman," said Lewis in a statement.
Co-director Shanna Moakler, best know as Travis Barker's wife in the MTV reality show "Meet the Barkers," said that she fully supported Lewis' condemnation of Prejean's views.
Blogger Perez Hilton was also enraged, calling Prejean a "stuipd b***h" in a video tirade he aired on his blog.
But the backlash is having little affect on Prejean, 21, she says.
"I wouldn't have had it any other way. I stated an opinion that was true to myself, and that's all I can do," she told Billy Bush, who hosted Miss
"It did cost me my crown," Prejean continued. "It is a very touchy subject and [Hilton] is a homosexual, and I see where he was coming from and I see the audience would've wanted me to be more politically correct. But I was raised in a way that you can never compromise your beliefs and your opinions for anything."
"I feel like I won," she said. "I feel like I'm the winner. I really do."
Prejean also said that her sister, a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force, and a supporter of gay marriage, was not offended by her answer.
“She was just in my hotel room and she said, ‘Sis, I’m not offended by anything that you said. We have two different opinions and I love you because of it. I love you because you stood up for what was right, and it’s not a matter of being gay or not gay, it’s a matter of you competing for Miss USA and getting a question and answering it to the best of your ability.”
"It's ugly," said Scott Ihrig, a gay man, who attended the pageant with his partner. "I think it's ridiculous that she got first runner-up. That is not the value of 95 percent of the people in this audience. Look around this audience and tell me how many gay men there are."
Charmaine Koonce, the mother of Miss New Mexico USA Bianca Matamoros-Koonce, argued back.
"In the Bible it says marriage is between Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!"
The winner, Miss North Carolina Kristen Dalton, a 22-year-old aspiring motivational speaker and entertainer from Wilmington, edged out Prejean and second runner-up, Miss Arizona USA Alicia-Monique Blanco, of Phoenix.
Mau Tahu Arti Kode pada Ban?

Ketika Anda hendak membeli ban mobil, tukang ban paling menyebut ring dan lebarnya berapa? Padahal, di dinding ban, terutama sisi luar, banyak tulisan maupun kode. Semua itu mengandung arti, lebih tepatnya identitas dari si karet bundar itu sendiri.
Bahayanya, Anda tak tahu kalau ban itu diproduksi tahun berapa. Padahal, tertulis di sisi pinggirnya. Termasuk juga batas kecepatan maksimum yang diperbolehkan. Masih banyak kode-kode lainnya, mari simak di bawah ini.
215/50 ZR17 95W
Angka dan huruf ini menandakan profil dan kecepatan yang diizinkan. 215 = lebar tapak ban yang menempel ke permukaan jalan, dihitung dari ujung kedua sisi. 50 = ketinggian dinding ban (biasanya ada yang 45, 55, 60 sampai 70). Kalau dalam milimeter perhitungannya, 50 tadi merupakan persentase dari tapak ban. jadi, 50% x 215 menghasilkan (dibulatkan)
Honda VS Yamaha (Triwulan 1 2009)

Penjualan sepeda motor bebek tanah air khususnya awal 2009 ini memang terus turun hingga hampir 30% bila dibandingkan dengan data awal tahun di 2008 lalu. Dampak krisis global dan trend peralihan dari bebek ke skutik juga dianggap jadi alasan penurunan ini. Tapi bila kita melihat data dari AISI (Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia) di awal tahun ini ada yang menarik terutama tentang sepak terjang dua pabrikan Honda dan Yamaha.
Honda: Winning With Revo
Keduanya sama-sama baru mengeluarkan produk barunya di kelas bebek. Honda dengan duet Blade-Revo-nya sedang Yamaha dengan Vega ZR-nya. Honda Blade yang lebih dulu di perkenalkan ke pasaran justru punya data pasar yang terus menurun. Pertama kali diluncurkan pada bulan Januari 2009 lalu Blade mampu meraih angka 34.259 unit, namun terus turun. Pada Februari hanya 25.179 unit dan pada Maret hanya 7.554 unit.
“Mungkin pasar belum bisa menerima desain bebek yang sporty,” ungkap Sigit Kumala, Marketing Manager, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM). Hal ini membuat teriakan promosi yang menyebutkan “Winning with Blade” tidak berlaku saat bicara penjualan.
Hal ini justru berbanding terbalik dengan Revo yang terus meningkat angka penjualannya. Akhir Januari saat pertama kali diluncurkan Revo mampu diserap pasar hingga 28.189 unit dan terus meningkat di Februari sebanyak 54.122 unit dan Maret 72.022.
“Tapi pada bulan Desember 2008 sendiri kita memang produksi Blade banyak sekali hingga 50.000 unit. Jadi wajar bila bulan-bulan ini terlihat berkurang. Mudah-mudahan bulan depan sudah mulai normal kembali," lanjut Sigit.
Data AISI ini memang diambil dari jumlah sepeda motor yang keluar dari pabrik, bisa jadi karena stok yang tertampung di dealer masih cukup banyak jadi AHM tidak perlu menampung stok yang terlalu banyak juga.
Yamaha: Gerogoti Honda Lewat Sport dan Skutik
Bagaimana dengan sepak terjang Vega ZR diawal tahun ini? Sepertinya raport Vega ZR diawal tahun masih kurang baik. Meski trend-nya terus naik tapi masih belum bisa menyusul Revo. Vega ZR pada Januari mampu terjual 41.092 unit. Dan pada Februari dan Maret terjual 43.320 unit dan 44.495.
Angka ini masih setara penjualan Jupiter Z yang sudah jarang terlihat iklannya. Meski promosinya tidak terlalu gencar, Jupiter Z mampu meraih angka penjualan pada Januari sebanyak 44.720 dan Februari serta Maret sebanyak 44.886 unit dan 37.163.
“Bukan tidak ada lagi promosinya, tapi Jupiter Z kita gabungkan dengan Jupiter MX yang masih masuk dalam keluarga Jupiter. Urusan harga yang jauh berbeda biar jadi pilihan konsumen saat membeli,” buka Bambang Asmarabudi, GM Marjeting & Promotion PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI).
Meski secara keseluruhan penjualan bebek kalah (lihat boks). Yamaha tetap bisa mendekati Honda lewat kelas skutik dan sport.
Di kelas skutik, Yamaha tetap menjadi yang terdepan lewat Yamaha Mio. Sedang di kelas sport, Yamaha V-Ixion jadi primadona baru setelah mampu menggeser penjualan Mega Pro yang selama ini memimpin pasar motor sport.
Dengan data ini setidaknya Yamaha memiliki peluang yang sangat besar untuk terus menyusul penjualan Honda. Dari tiga pilar penjualan (bebek, skutik dan sport) Yamaha unggul di dua pilar. Bandingkan dengan Honda yang 68% penjualannya ada di bebek dan sebagian besar ditopang oleh satu tipe saja, yaitu Revo. Seandainya Revo jatuh, pasti akan dengan mudah disusul Yamaha.
Bagusnya lagi, Yamaha unggul di kelas skutik yang pertumbuhannya makin subur. Pada tiga bulan pertama 2009 ini saja terjadi peningkatan penjualan skutik hingga 22% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu.
Fakta yang terbalik jika dibandingkan dengan pasar bebek yang terus turun. Apa jadinya bila skutik terus menggerogoti pasar bebek? Honda harus punya cara untuk menjegal Yamaha di kelas skutik!
Apr 20, 2009
1918 Artwork Imagines Space Travel at a Blistering Two Miles Per Minute

You can't fault a 1918 artist for thinking future spacemen would travel the stars at two miles/minute (
There's also the matter of the major planets all somehow appearing in the night sky alongside the Moon, but whatever. The pics are cool, in a steam punky, biplanes-in-space kind of way, and all those people on the open air observation decks sure have a great view!
New Anti-cancer Drug: 200 Times More Active In Killing Tumor Cells

A team of 24 researchers from the U.S., Europe, Taiwan and Japan and led by University of Illinois scientists has engineered a new anti-cancer agent that is about 200 times more active in killing tumor cells than similar drugs used in recent clinical trials.
The study appeared on march
The new agent belongs to a class of drugs called bisphosphonates. These compounds were originally developed to treat osteoporosis and other bone diseases, but were recently found to also have potent anti-cancer and immune boosting properties.
Drug developers have tried for years to design drugs to inhibit cell survival pathways in tumor cells, focusing on a protein called Ras since nearly a third of all human cancers involve a mutation in the Ras gene that causes cell signaling to go awry. These efforts have met with limited success.
Bisphosphonates act on other enzymes, called FPPS and GGPPS, which are upstream of Ras in the cell survival pathway. Inhibiting these enzymes appears to be a more effective strategy for killing cancer cells.
When used in combination with hormone therapy in a recent clinical trial, the bisphosphonate drug zoledronate significantly reduced the recurrence of breast cancer in premenopausal women with estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer. Similar results were reported previously for hormone-refractory prostate cancer.
But zoledronate quickly binds to bone, reducing its efficacy in other tissues.
"We're trying to develop bisphosphonates that will be very active but won't bind to the bone, because if they bind to the bone they're not going to go to breast, lung or other tissues," said
Oldfield's team also wanted to design a compound that would inhibit multiple enzymes in the tumor cell survival pathway, rather than just one, an approach analogous to the use of multi-kinase inhibitors in cancer therapy.
Andrew Wang, of Academia Sinica,
One of the new compounds, called BPH-715, proved to be especially potent in cell culture and effectively inhibited tumor cell growth and invasiveness.
Tadahiko Kubo, of
In humans, compounds like BPH-715 and zoledronate have an added benefit in fighting cancer: They spur the proliferation of immune cells called gamma delta T-cells, which aid in killing tumor cells.
"The new drugs are about 200 times more effective than the drugs used in recent clinical trials at killing tumor cells and in activating gamma delta T-cells to kill tumor cells," Oldfield said. "They also prevent tumor progression in mice much better than do existing bisphosphonate molecules."
Apr 19, 2009
Is Tobacco the Next Anti-HIV Weapon?

The tobacco plant could soon redeem itself in the eyes of public health experts, say scientists who are producing huge amounts of a powerful but prohibitively expensive HIV drug inside modified tobacco leaves.
"This is very significant news," said Polly Harrison, Director of the
"So often it's difficult to make enough of a promising drug to even do laboratory studies, but here production is at a level that allows them to literally make tons of the drug," said
Scientists have known for years that the drug, known as griffithsin, protects some people from HIV infection by stopping the virus from colonizing the vaginal lining.
What has prevented griffithsin from becoming a standard HIV preventive measure is the cost of producing it.
The only known naturally occurring source of griffithsin is a red algae found off the coast of New Zealand, which grows in amounts too small to be effectively harvested.
Scientists can produce larger amounts of griffithsin by genetically engineering E. coli bacteria to produce the drug, but maintaining the necessarily high temperatures, supplying the raw materials, and harvesting the drug is expensive.
Now scientists have turned to a virus, the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), that commonly infects tobacco plants.
TMV is rod-shaped, about 18 nanometers wide by 200 to 300 nanometers long. Once the virus enters a plant cell, it hijacks the cell's molecular machinery. Usually the hijacked plant cells are reprogrammed to produce more virus.
The scientists first mail-ordered a synthetic version of the red algae gene that produces griffithsin. They then injected that gene into the TMV, mixed it with water, and sprayed the virus over a greenhouse field of eight-inch-tall Nicotiana benthamiana, a close cousin of commercial tobacco plants that is especially susceptible to TMV.
After a few days the leaves of infected plants began to wilt. The scientists harvested the plants by hand and processed them to extract the griffithsin.
The research is published in this week's edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The most effective way griffithsin can prevent HIV infection is in a vaginal cream applied before sex, said Kenneth Palmer, a researcher at Owensboro Cancer Research Program who was the corresponding author on the study.
A cigarette containing griffithsin hasn't been discounted either, said Palmer.
Tobacco-derived griffithsin in a gel has already been tested in both mice and in the cells of women who have had their cervix removed. In both cases the griffithsin stopped all HIV transmission without any toxic side effects and without any sign of inflammation or irritation.
The researchers hope to begin phase one FDA clinical trials of the microbicide gel within a year.
A next-generation Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, also produced inside Nicotiana benthamiana, is already scheduled for clinical trials later this year.
Apr 18, 2009
Report: Israel Preparing Assault on Iran's Nuclear Sites

The Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on
Among the steps taken to ready Israeli forces for what would be a risky raid requiring pinpoint aerial strikes are the acquisition of three Airborne Warning and Control (AWAC) aircraft and regional missions to simulate the attack.
Two nationwide civil defence drills will help to prepare the public for the retaliation that
Officials believe that
The distance from
Hati-hati Pembiusan dengan Tisu Basah di Angkutan Umum

Jakarta - Motif kejahatan di ibukota Jakarta kian beragam saja. Kali ini modusnya membius penumpang angkutan umum dengan tisu basah. Penumpang bisa jadi korban karena tisu itu mengeluarakan aroma yang sanggup membuat orang yang menghirupnya merasa pusing dan mual.
Seperti yang dialami Dodi, penumpang bus Patas 45 jurusan UKI-Blok M yang nyaris menjadi korban. Demikian dilansir TMC Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, Jumat (
Saat itu Dodi sedang duduk sendirian di bus yang agak kosong. Lalu naiklah seorang penumpang laki-laki. Laki-laki itu duduk di samping penumpang yang duduk sendirian.
Setelah duduk, kemudian dia mengeluarkan tisu basah dan mengusapkannya ke telapak tangannya. Tidak ada yang aneh memang. Tetapi, tisu basah tadi ternyata mengeluarkan aroma yang tak lazim dengan tisu basah umumnya. Bau mirip zat aseton dan spiritus bakar yang menyengat sanggup membuat seseorang yang menghirupnya merasa pusing dan mual.
Karena bau tisu itulah orang yang duduk di sampingnya diduga bukan hanya merasa pusing dan mual, tapi bisa sampai pingsan.
Di saat korban lengah itulah, laki-laki tadi beraksi menguras harta benda yang dimiliki korban.
Jika penumpang bus mengalami kejadian seperti itu, disarankan segera menjauh dan jika perlu turun dan berganti bus menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan.
'Never-Been-Kissed' 47-Year-Old Singer Becomes Internet Sensation

Susan Boyle is unassuming, unemployed, and not only is she unmarried, the 47-year-old says she's never been kissed.
Not quite what you'd expect from
The Scottish church singer has become a smash Internet hit since wowing a cynical audience and judge Simon Cowell in the first episode of the new "Britain’s Got Talent" series.
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore even wrote to each other about the performance on Twitter, reports the London Times, with Kutcher tweeting: “This just made my night," and Moore replying: “You saw it made me teary!"
Boyle was initially greeted with scornful looks after confessing she lived with her cat and had never been kissed, but her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical "Les Miserables," earned her a rare standing ovation.
Boyle is now considered a favorite to win the competition whose prize includes the equivalent of about $147,000 and a chance to sing for the Queen.
Cowell is also reportedly organizing a record deal for her, the Times reported. See video here.
United Airlines to Charge Overweight Passengers for Two Seats

Overweight passengers hoping to travel on United Airlines may have to buy two tickets to fly the friendly skies.
The third largest
United made the change as a result of the hundreds of complaints it receives each year from customers who "had to share their seat with the oversized guest," United Spokeswoman Robin Urbansky told Bloomberg.com.
According to the airline, the policy will be enforced only in the event that the passenger can't be relocated next to an empty seat. If the flight is full, the passenger will have to change their ticket to the next available flight and purchase a second seat for that flight.
United is the fifth major airline to adopt a policy of this kind.
The new rule applies to tickets purchased on or after
Apr 16, 2009
Sex Surrogacy - Prostitution or Therapy?

What do a former Playboy model, a certified massage therapist, a psychologist and a college professor all have in common?
All of them have been sex surrogates — only most people would never know it.
Stigmatized and politicized, this misunderstood profession has been on the down low for decades. Despite the fact that it’s teaching by doing, many see sex surrogacy as paying for sex. And while sex surrogates would beg to differ, most aren’t about to publicize their professions.
So what does sex surrogacy entail? And when are such sessions considered absolutely necessary for those in therapy?
Ask a sex surrogate to explain her job and you’ll likely hear her describe it more along the lines of the sacred instead of work.
These professioanls are nothing like call girls or strippers. In most cases they're females — and attractive ones at that — who regard themselves as sexual priestesses of sorts. Far from dirty, seedy and perverted, their work involves honoring the body in a safe space marked by mutual respect.
Sex surrogates are compassionate, caring, warm and loving individuals who work with clients seeking to overcome sexual disorders and/or improve their relationships. Surrogate partner therapy is a form of sexual socialization that involves much more than getting naked.
The therapy process may involve intercourse, but not always. Some surrogates have had sex with dozens of clients over a period of years, but others have only gone that far with a few individuals.
While many mistake surrogacy for an easy score, no touchdown is needed to come out on top. The goal is to learn how to give and receive touch on any part of the body to progress in becoming a confident, skilled, self-aware sexual being.
This intense work involves practicing relaxation exercises, effective communication and social skills and sensual, sexual touch. This can be as basic as holding hands, getting to know the body, or caressing each other.
Nurturing, healing efforts are meant to boost one’s self esteem, garner psychological growth, and create spiritual awareness in the sexual realm. Areas addressed may include, but are not limited to:
— Sexual anxiety, including virginity concerns;
— Premature or delayed ejaculation;
— Erectile functioning;
— Inhibited desire;
— Lack of orgasm;
— Problems with penetration;
— Poor body image;
— Past traumatic experiences;
— Confusion over sexual orientation.
By resolving an individual’s physical or emotional difficulties with intimacy, structured and unstructured efforts are tailored around the client’s knowledge, skills and comfort.
With so many people feeling quite adept in the sex department, it can be hard to fathom what brings somebody to the point that they need a sex surrogate. For many, it’s the stereotypical “40-year-old virgin” that comes to mind. And sure, he’s among the surrogate’s clients, but there are others.
Most individuals who end up with a surrogate actually wind up there via client referral, as a last resort. Surrogates are only brought onboard therapy efforts when the individual needs more assistance than what sex education and sex therapy in a traditional setting can provide.
This client wants, needs or desires skills for engaging with another in a sexually intimate way. This may be because the individual is unable to learn these skills on his own. Or it could be the person is dealing with an old or new disability and wants to develop his or her sexual potential to the fullest.
Then there are also people without partners, and some homework exercises can’t be done alone. A playmate is required, and one who isn’t playing you, but rather looking out for your best interests.
For those of you thinking sex surrogacy is just what you need, know that finding a sex surrogate isn’t easy. Sex surrogates often keep this line of work private from their own family and friends, let alone list this on their resume. While they numbered into the hundreds back in the 1970s, only a handful of sex surrogates are thought to practice today. (And many do not advertise.)
It can also be hard to find a therapist who is trained to work with a surrogate or vice versa. Most only work with referrals, and that’s only if you’re in a state where you don’t have to worry about legal and ethical concerns. It can be arduous to find one if you don’t live in
To find a surrogate, visit the International Professional Surrogate Association’s Web site for referrals.
Woman Hits $33 Million Jackpot at Nevada Casino

SPARKS, Nevada — A woman who had planned to spend a quiet Easter at home is $33 million richer after hitting the second largest Megabucks jackpot in history at a Nevada casino.
Slot machine maker International Game Technology says 38-year-old Rachael Renee Romanick hit the jackpot Sunday night at Terrible's
Romanick says a friend persuaded her to join him at the casino that night. She says she had been playing the machine for about 10 minutes when she landed the big prize.
The largest jackpot ever won was $39.7 million at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino in
IGT says it's pleased that the "life-altering prize" went to a local resident.
Hore! Denda Telat Kirim SPT Dihapus
"Ini baru quick count yang dilihat berdasarkan sisa tanda terima yang dicetak. Kemungkinan ada kesalahan karena ada amplop yang isinya lebih dari 1 sehingga realisasinya nanti diperkirakan lebih besar," kata Direktur Jenderal Pajak Darmin Nasution di sela-sela jumpa pers, Jakarta, Senin (13/4).
Darmin melanjutkan, rasio penerimaan SPT dibandingkan NPWP orang pribadi per 31 Maret 2009 mencapai 11.167.285 atau sekitar 37 persen.
Bila dibandingkan pada rasio penerimaan SPT terhadap jumlah wajib pajak orang pribadi tahun 2006, hanya sebesar 29 persen. "Ini sudah jauh lebih baik dan pemasukan SPT ini berjalan terus karena sanksi dendanya tidak terlalu mahal. Ada juga orang yang telat membayar pajak," tuturnya.
Karena itu, kata Darmin, Ditjen Pajak akan menghapus biaya admistrasi sebesar Rp 100.000 bagi pemilik NPWP pada 2008 sampai Maret 2009 kendati terlambat memasukkan SPT. Namun, denda bunga terlambat membayar pajak sebesar 2 persen tetap akan dikenakan kepada wajib pajak.
"Yang Rp 100.000 itu, kalaupun telat masukin SPT dan dimasukkan hingga akhir tahun, akan kami hapus denda Rp 100.000 karena banyak orang pribadi yang tidak terlalu mengerti. Kami kasih kesempatan sampai akhir tahun. Tetapi denda bunga telat membayar pajak 2 persen, tidak akan dihapuskan karena ini bukan kewenangan kita," papar Darmin.
Apr 14, 2009
Pertanyaan yang Kerap Diajukan Saat Wawancara

Sering merasa bingung bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari pewawancara kerja? Pelajari dulu perkiraan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering dilontarkan si pewawancara di bawah ini.
1. Apa kekurangan Anda?
Sebelum bertemu pewawancara, pikirkan baik-baik jawaban dari pertanyaan ini. Ini pertanyaan yang cukup menjebak. Karena ini dilihat apakah Anda mengenal baik diri Anda sendiri, dan apakah akan ada usaha untuk memperbaiki diri. Disarankan untuk Anda mencari tahu sisi positif dari apa yang akan Anda katakan. Misalnya, “Saya sangat memperhatikan detail dan di beberapa industri, terlalu mendetail bisa membutuhkan waktu lama sehingga kurang diperlukan. Namun di posisi akunting yang saya lamar ini, saya rasa saya bisa bekerja dengan baik dan nyaman.”
2. Mengapa Anda berhenti dari pekerjaan sebelumnya?
Sebisa mungkin Anda tidak mengucapkan hal-hal negatif tentang tempat bekerja sebelumnya. Usahakan untuk bersikap netral dan menjawab secukupnya. Misalnya, “Tempat bekerja saya sebelumnya bukan tempat yang tepat untuk kepribadian saya yang senang berkreasi bebas. Namun dari sana saya mempelajari bahwa dalam sebuah organisasi memiliki sebuah tipe karakteristik tertentu seperti layaknya manusia. Sekarang saya mengetahui bahwa saya akan bekerja lebih baik di tempat yang memerlukan pemikir-pemikir independen dan memiliki metode bekerja yang berbeda dari tempat saya sebelum ini.”
3. Mengapa Anda ingin bekerja di sini?
Nah, untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, dibutuhkan kemauan untuk meneliti dan mencari tahu tentang tempat yang dituju. Cari tahu sedikit tentang latar belakang perusahaan tersebut. Misal, “Saya ingin menjadi bagian dari perusahaan global yang dalam satu tahun saja bisa menginvestasikan 1,4 triliun rupiah hanya untuk riset dan pengembangan proses industri yang ramah lingkungan.”
4. Ceritakan tentang diri Anda.
Inilah kesempatan Anda untuk unjuk gigi, tapi bukan untuk menceritakan sejarah hidup Anda. Mulai dengan karakter Anda, penghargaan-penghargaan yang pernah Anda terima, pendidikan, atau pekerjaan yang relevan dengan posisi yang dituju. Jangan terlalu banyak mendalam ke informasi personal kecuali informasi tersebut berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar. Misalnya, “Saya tipe yang senang berkreativitas. Saya sudah menjadi sales manager selama 5 tahun dan menggunakan kreativitas saya untuk menciptakan insentif-insentif unik untuk membuat para sales di bawah saya termotivasi. Karena ide-ide tersebut, tim sales saya mendapatkan banyak penghargaan dari perusahaan.”
5. Ceritakan tentang bos terburuk yang pernah Anda temui.
Meski ini terlihat sebagai "sarana" baik untuk bercurhat tentang si mantan bos yang menyebalkan itu, namun Anda harus menahan godaan itu. Alih-alih cobalah bersikap bijaksana, misalnya, “Meski tak ada mantan atasan saya yang menyebalkan, namun ada yang mengajarkan saya lebih banyak tentang bermacam hal ketimbang yang lainnya.”
6. Apa gol yang ingin Anda tuju?
Pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan yang baik untuk dijawab sesuai dengan pernyataan tentang tujuan hidup yang tertulis di
Apr 13, 2009
How to make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs Every Time

Place your eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Place the saucepan on the stove on medium to high heat and bring the water to a boil. Once the water starts to boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer the eggs for 7-8 minutes.
Then remove the eggs and quickly place them in iced water. If the hard boiled eggs are left too long in the hot water, a green film forms around the yolk. Cooling them quickly in iced water prevents this film from forming. Cooling them quickly will also cause the hard boiled eggs to shrink slightly in the shell, making for easier peeling later.
If you’ll be eating the eggs right away and you want them warm, only leave them in the iced water for 10-15 seconds before peeling.
You can eat them right away, dye them for easter or store them in the refrigerator for up to a week and they’ll be ok.
There you go. That’s how you make perfect hard boiled eggs every time.
Apr 12, 2009
RIP Microsoft Encarta, 1993-2009

Woe: Microsoft has officially pulled the plug on Encarta, a reference work that, for many of us, was probably more formative than anyone would like to admit.
Yes, please join with us in admitting that you spent a fair share of time reading the Human Reproduction article on your beige IBM Aptiva back in the day. Or produced/plagiarized many a fine middle school research papers, culling facts from its bounty. Encarta, you will be missed.
If anyone hasn't figured it out already, paid encyclopedias have been straight murdered by something called Wikipedia. In fact, we went to the Wikipedia page for Encarta to research this post. Oh, the irony; sorry to rub in the pain in your final hour, Encarta. The plug will be officially pulled in October of 2009.
The PlayStation 2 Drops to $100 for April Fools

Oh Sony, you fooled the internet! Everyone thought (and still hopes) that you were going to announce something big and important. Instead, the PS2 will officially drop to $100 starting on April 1st.
Tissue Box Spy Camera Watches You as You Wipe Your Snot

Ignorance is bliss, but if you reeaaally want to know what goes on behind the scenes, this tissue-box spy camera will catch those moments: hopefully the good, not the bad, and definitely not the gross.
You can set the tissue box to record when scheduled, to be motion-triggered, or to be controlled by remote control. The timestamped video is recorded onto a 2GB SD card (which is upgradable to 16GB) at a resolution of up to 720×480 pixels, even in low-light situations.
So if you have a whopping $600, head on over to possibly catch your maid stealing (like one reviewer claimed) or most likely, just to find somebody playing around with their nose cooties.
The Chopsticks Aid Turns Chopsticks Into Forks for Lousy White People

New F-15 Silent Eagle Is Cheap Stealth Plane for Recession-minded Warmongers

Here you have the F-15 Silent Eagle, a classic fighter with special coating and sightly angled surfaces to reduce its radar signature. Check out its completely new weapons bays, integrated in the fuel tanks.
Obviously, this plane won't have the same stealth capabilities of the F-35 Lightning II or the F-22 Raptor, but according to Boeing, it's a low cost version of those amazing fifth generation combat jets, according to Mark Bass, F-15 Program vice president for Boeing:
The F-15 Silent Eagle is designed to meet our international customers' anticipated need for cost-effective stealth technologies, as well as for large and diverse weapons payloads. The innovative Silent Eagle is a balanced, affordable approach designed to meet future survivability needs.
The plane has Digital Flight Control System—which reduces its weight and improves reliability—, anti-radar coating, and redesigned conformal fuel tanks that can hold the weapons inside, from air-to-air missiles to air-to-ground weapons. This allows for two things: It allows to have less surfaces to reflect radar waves—which result in a smaller radar signature—and, if you don't care about the radar, load more weapons, since the wings can carry the standard payload of any F-15 Eagle.