Jun 28, 2013

Jorge Lorenzo breaks collarbone in Dutch GP testing

Biblical history comes alive with new augmented reality app Architip

Foxnews.com - Want to see what Jesus saw? There's an app for that.

A team of entrepreneurs, tech innovators and archaeologists have teamed up to create Architip, an augmented-reality program that brings Israel's ancient sites to life before your eyes -- on your smartphone screen, of course.

"People want to touch the past and feel the story when they visit ancient sites," Yaron Benvenisti, co-creator of the app, told FoxNews.com. Visiting ancient ruins with faded mosaics might spark his imagination, but many people struggle to stay interested when they do not have the actual image or structure in front of them.

Architip bridges the "imagination gap," he said.

Hold your smartphone in front of the Dome of the Rock and watch it transform into the Jewish holy site of the Second Temple, which was destroyed millennia ago. Or watch an old painting transform into the brightly-colored masterpiece it once was.

It's one of a wealth of new apps merging computer graphics with the real world.

"Augmented reality combines a live view of the real world, typically through a smartphone camera, with information from the web to put more information at our fingertips," editor-in-chief of LaptopMag.com Mark Spoonauer told FoxNews.com. This type of technology has become extremely popular in recent years Spoonauer explains. "Layar is probably the best-known augmented reality app, which is available for Android devices. It's been downloaded more than 30 million times and lets you play videos just by pointing your phone at a magazine."

Soon after reading about Google Glass, Benvenisti said the idea for Architip dawned on him.

"I was visiting a museum when the idea came to me," the seasoned entrepreneur, who studied archaeology at Tel Aviv University, told FoxNews.com. "The tech bug was always there, but archaeology is my passion. I just connected the dots."

Architip uses the same basic format as other well-known augmented reality programs, but Benvenisti enlisted the help of tech-savvy friend Sagiv Philipp to develop a new technology for their app.

"It has to be exactly at the right place and it has to be stable," Benvenisti explained. "The ability to place it in the right context in the 3D world and make it solid is something we couldn't use the existing technologies to do."

While Architip currently only lends itself to sites across Israel, such as Tel Lachish, an ancient city captured and destroyed by the Israelites in the Book of Joshua -- Benvenisti hopes his program will expand across the globe.

"At the end of the day, we want to take this global," he said. "For this generation growing up with mass media, everything is visual, and with sight being our most important sense, this technology is in the right time."

Although Architip is still in private beta testing, the app promises exciting news for archaeology-buffs and tourists alike.

"There is something that compels us to visit these places," Benvenisti said.

Jun 27, 2013

Burj Khalifa, World's Tallest Building, Captured By Google Street View

Mesin Sering Ngadat, Kawasaki Ninja 300 Diselidiki

Detik.com - Belum genap 1 tahun, model terbaru Kawasaki Ninja 300 sudah mengalami masalah. Motor tersebut kini sedang diselidiki regulator keamanan.

Badan Lalu Lintas Jalan Raya Amerika Serikat (NHTSA) Amerika Serikat, melakukan pemeriksaan pada motor tersebut karena mesin suka mati secara tiba-tiba.

Pemeriksaan ini berdasarkan 18 laporan pengaduan dari para pengguna motor Kawasaki Ninja 300 di AS. Mesin motor tiba-tiba ngadat ketika pengendara mengurangi gas, atau ketika motor berusaha berhenti saat lalu lintas tengah macet.

Pengaduan terakhir pada 28 Mei silam. Pemilik motor mengatakan awalnya motor tidak ada tanda-tanda kerusakan dan berjalan seperti biasanya.

Namun pada seketika waktu motor berhenti dan hendak menarik kopling, tiba-tiba mesin motor mati.

Pengguna yang tidak disebutkan namanya itu pun kaget dan menjelaskan hampir tertabrak mobil seperti dilansir New York Times, Selasa (25/6/2013).

NHTSA tengah menyelidiki 10.000 Kawasaki Ninja 300 yang beredar di pasar motor AS. Lembaga independen tersebut akan menyidik secara acak terkait beberapa laporan kerusakan 10.000 Kawasaki Ninja 300.

Sementara itu Juru Bicara Kawasaki, Sean Alexander mengatakan perusahaannya akan bersikap kooperatif dengan instansi dan para pemilik untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.

Latte printer puts portraits on your cup of joe

Jun 24, 2013

This App Makes People Look Gorgeous In Photos

First Ride Honda MSX 125, Si Kecil Yang Sangar

Otomotifnet.com - Eits, jangan kaget melihat pacuan mini ini. Iya, ini bukan saudara kembarnya Kawasaki KSR, lho. Melainkan, Honda MSX 125. Besutan yang sudah lebih dulu beredar di Thailand, kini hadir di Indonesia.

Tetapi, bukan melalui APM (Agen Pemegang Merek). Melainkan, suguhan dari Importir Umum (IU). Salah satunya, dari Safari Motor di Jl. Raden Saleh No. 10A, Karang Mulya, Ciledug, Tangerang.

Pacuan yang layak disebut Mini Monster ini, mungkin karena desain yang ditawarkan agak mirip Ducati Monster. Terutama, pemilihan knalpot yang keluar dari sebelah kanan yang memang mirip dengan Ducati Monster.

Terlepas dari desain Ducati Monster. Kalau ngomongin mesin, dilihat dari spesifikasi engine hampir sama dengan Honda Supra X125 Helm-In. Memiliki basic engine satu silinder dua klep, tetapi pacuan ini sudah dibekali sistem bahan bakar injeksi.

Mesin dibekali piston diameter 52,4 mm dan stroke 57,9 mm menghasilkan 124,9 cc. Dibulatkan jadi 125 cc. MSX yang punya arti Mini Sport Extreme ini, memiliki rasio kompresi mesin 9,3 : 1. Tapi, jangan pernah samakan dengan bebek, lho.

Karena meski engine mirip, tetapi performa yang diberikan tergolong spontan. Itu yang dirasakan ketika membesut MSX. Apalagi dibekali kopling manual, akselerasi yang dihasilkan setiap pergantian gigi lebih ngacirrr...

Maklum saja! Untuk motor bobot 101 kg ini, power yang diumbar bermain di 9,7 hp/7.000 rpm. Tetapi, yang cukup siginifikan torsi yang dihasilkan. Yaitu, sentuh 10,9 Nm/5.500 rpm. Makanya, sejak putaran bawah pun sudah berlari kencang seiring bukaan grip gas.

Dilengkapi diameter pelek 12 inci, jalan bumpy pun masih nyaman dilewati. Mungkin karena suspensi depan belakang turut mendukung MSX buat bejalan.

Makanya, pacuan yang dilengkapi 4 transmisi percepatan ini juga rasanya cocok buat menemani aktivitas harian sobat. Tetapi, pertanyaannya kapan ya APM Indonesia bakal luncurkan.

Jun 23, 2013

Horrific stunt plane crash at Ohio air show kills wing walker, pilot

Toddler falls from window five stories, caught by five men and video

Gara-gara Malpraktik, RS Pondok Indah Dihukum Rp 2 Miliar

Detik.com - Upaya hukum luar biasa Peninjauan Kembali (PK) keluarga pasien yang menggugat Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah (RSPI) dikabulkan Mahkamah Agung (MA). Alhasil, RSPI harus membayar ganti rugi yang dialami keluarga pasien Sita Dewi Darmoko sebesar Rp 2 miliar akibat salah diagnosa tumor.

Putusan MA itu diketok pada 2 Februari 2012 namun baru saja. diumumkan kepada publik lewat website MA. Seperti detikcom kutip dari website MA, Jumat (21/6/2013) dalam putusan PK Nomor 515 PK/Pdt/2011, kasus bermula saat Sita Dewi melakukan operasi Tumor Ovarium di RSPI pada 12 Februari 2005. Tim dokter yang melakukan operasi itu dipimpin Prof DR Ichramsyah A Rachman dengan anggota Dr Hermansyur Kertowisatro dan Prof Dr I Made Nazar.

Dari operasi itu, berdasarkan hasil uji Pathology Anatomi (PA) dinyatakan tumor yang menjangkit di tubuh Sita dinyatakan tidak ganas. Setelah tumor itu diangkat, sampelnya dikirim untuk dites lagi. Hasilnya, pada 16 Februari 2005, PA justru menunjukkan fakta yang sebaliknya. Tumor yang ada di ovarium Sita ternyata ganas.

Namun PA ini tidak pernah dikabarkan ke Sita maupun keluarganya.

Tepat setahun kemudian atau pada pada 16 Februari 2006, Sita mengeluhkan adanya benjolan di sekitar perutnya. Lantas dilakukanlah CT Scan dan hasilnya Sita mengalami kanker liver stadium 4. Hal ini membuat kekecewaan yang sangat mendalam terhadap keluarga pasien karena awalnya dinyatakan bukan tumor ganas.

Lantas keluarga memindahkan Sita ke RS Medistra. Namun sayang, tidak berapa lama nyawa Sita tak tertolong.

Atas kesalahan diagnosa ini, keluarga pasien yang diwakili oleh anak Sita yaitu Pitra Azmirla dan Damitra Almira mengajukan gugatan ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan (PN Jaksel).

Pitra dan Damitra menggugat RSPI beserta para dokter yang menangani ibunya tersebut. Dalam gugatannya, RSPI dkk diminta mengganti rugi kerugian materiil sebesar Rp 172,7 juta dan kerugian immaterial sebesar Rp 20 miliar.

“Almarhum mengalami proses pengobatan yang panjang dan melelahkan, sementara kelalaian penyampaian PA mengakibaktakn almarhum semakin menderita,” papar Pitra dan Damitra dalam berkas gugatan itu.

Kerugian immaterial juga disebabkan kehilangan ibu yang juga kepala rumah tangga. Menjelang akhir hayat sampai berpulangnya almarhum, janji dan tanggug jawab Para Tergugat tidak pernah terealisir.

“Bahkan para Tergugat mencari-cari alasan dan terus melempar tanggung jawab kepada para dokter yang menangani almarhum,” papar penggugat.

Atas gugatan ini, RSPI dkk menolak dengan tegas adanya kelalaian itu. “Para Penggugat telah menuduh Tergugat I kurang tanggap quod non berdasarkan hal-hal yang hanya merupakan suatu asumsi saja tanpa didukung bukti-bukti yang valid dan sah,” demikian salah satu eksepsi pihak rumah sakit dalam halaman 10.

Atas gugatan ini, PN Jaksel pada 30 Agustus 2007 memutuskan RSPI dkk telah melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Oleh sebab itu RSPI dkk harus membayar ganti rugi baik materil maupun immaterial sebesar Rp 2 miliar.

Putusan ini dikuatkan oleh Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta pada 27 November 2008 dalam putusan bernomor 218/PDT/2008/PT.DKI. Dalam vonis banding itu, Tergugat III yaitu Prof Dr I Made Nazar dibebaskan dari hukuman.

Adapun di tingkat kasasi, MA hanya menghukum pihak RSPI sebesar Rp 200 juta. Sedangkan para dokter dinyatakan tidak melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Atas vonis ini, Pitra pun mengajukan PK dan dikabulkan.

“Mengadili kembali, menyatakan para Tergugat telah melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Menghukum para Tergugat membayar kerugian materil dan immaterial sebesar Rp 2 miliar,” putus majelis PK yang diadili oleh Atja Sondjaja, Valerina JL Kriekhoff dan I Made Tara pada 2 Februari 2012 silam.

Jun 21, 2013

Pay - Pas Kena Hatiku (Feat Vanya & Irang)

Pensiun dari MK, Mahfud MD Luncurkan e-keadilan.com

Detik.com - Mantan Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Mahfud MD bersama Menristek Gusti M Hatta meluncurkan e-keadilan.com. Situs tersebut diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesadaran hukum masyarakat Indonesia.

"Kita putuskan soft launching e-keadilan, penegakan hukum melalui media online," ujar Mahfud dalam acara peluncuruan di Kantor Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (19/6/2013)

Situs yang didominasi warna merah dan putih ini situs ini menyematkan statistik peradilan, kolom pengaduan, arsip aduan, pendapat pakar hukum, acuan perundang-undangan. Tidak cukup hanya itu, situs ini juga terintegrasi dengan twitter dan sosial media lainnya.

Dengan adanya beragam fitur tersebut, masyarakat diberi berbagai fasilitas seperti konsultasi hukum. Masyarakat juga bisa memberikan pengaduan, berdiskusi soal kasus hukum, dan memberikan opininya terkait hukum dan keadilan.

"Nanti yang lebih merangkum banyak hal dalam proses keadilan, itu ada saatnya. Leading sektor dalam hal ini adalah Kemenristek, nanti akan dikembangkan lebih luas lagi ke segala segmen masyarakat," ujar Mahfud.

Medium online dipilih karena teknologi informasi telah berkembang ke setiap segmen masyarakat. Mahfud pun menambahkan orang-orang sudah terikat dengan intervensi teknologi ini. Namun ada tiga tujuan utama e-keadilan yang disampaikan Mahfud.

"e-keadilan dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat yang disebut kesadaran hukum. Ini juga untuk mengontrol proses peradilan hukum, dan masyarakat jadi tahu. Kalau kita tidak mengontrol maka banyak akan terjadi tersangka tahu-tahu bebas demi hukum," ujar Mahfud.

"Ini banyak sekali karena menyangkut orang-orang penting. Lalu untuk membangun kesadaran masyarakat untuk bangsa ini dalam penegakan hukum dan keadilan," ujar Mahfud menambahkan.

Usai memberikan sambutannya, Mahfud kemudian bersama Menristek berpegangan menggenggam palu hakim. Ketukan palu sebanyak tiga kali menandai diluncurkannya portal untuk para pencari keadilan tersebut.

Bill O'Reilly OWNED By Kirsten Powers In Shouting Match Over Drones

Jun 20, 2013

Chrysler Akhirnya Recall 2,7 Juta Mobil Cherokee dan Liberty

Detik.com - Setelah sempat 'melawan' dengan tidak mau menarik 2,7 juta mobil, Chrysler akhirnya bersedia menarik Jeep Grand Cherokee dan Liberty dari pasaran karena masalah keselamatan.

Produsen mobil terbesar di AS itu sadar setelah mendapat laporan dari beberapa pelanggan yang sempat merasakan ada kerusakan pada kedua mobil tersebut seperti dikutip dari myfoxdetroit, Rabu (19/6/2013).

Sebelumnya Badan Keselamatan Lalu Lintas dan Jalan Raya Amerika atau National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) menyarankan agar Chrysler untuk menarik 2,7 juta mobil, namun pihak Chrysler menolak. Penyelidikan NHTSA terkait dua model Jeep tadi sudah dilakukan sejak September 2010.

Namun Chrysler mengatakan sudah setuju setelah mengadakan diskusi mendalam dengan NHTSA pada Selasa (18/6) waktu setempat.

NHTSA mengatakan tangki bensin yang berada di bawah bagian belakang mudah meledak ketika mobil mengalami kecelakaan. Kondisi tangki bensin akan lebih fatal lagi ketika mobil ditabrak dari belakang. NHTSA mengatakan 51 orang tewas dalam kecelakaan tersebut.

Recall ini melibatkan Jeep Grand Cherokee 1993-2004 dan Jeep Liberty 2002-2007. Chrysler dalam waktu dekat akan mulai memeriksa kondisi mobil konsumen dan menambah pelindung di sekitar tangki bensin tersebut. Chrysler menjelaskan konsumen tidak dikenakan biaya.

Firmware PlayStation 3 Terbaru Dilaporkan Bermasalah

Detik.com - Belum lama ini Sony merilis update terbaru untuk PlayStation 3. Tapi dari sekian banyak gamer yang mencoba, beberapa di antaranya mengalami masalah. Konsol kesayangan mereka mati.

Ya, kemarin, secara resmi Sony merilis firmware 4.45 untuk PS3. Dalam keterangannya, software terbaru itu diklaim bisa meningkatkan stabilitas sistem.

Namun setelah dicoba, sejumlah konsol PS3 justru diklaim tidak bisa beroperasi. Seperti dicurahkan sebagian penghuni forum konsol Sony di PlayStation Community Forums.

Beberapa dari mereka mengaku mendapatkan notifikasi untuk update ke firmware 4.45 saat menghidupkan PS3. Tapi setelah didownload dan diinstal, konsol itu malah tidak mau booting seperti biasanya.

"Saya bahkan tidak bisa mematikan konsol," tulis salah satu keluhan gamer. Seperti dikutip detikINET, Rabu (19/6/2013).

Hingga kini belum ada tanggapan resmi dari Sony mengenai insiden tersebut, oleh karena itu para pengguna disarankan untuk tidak mengupdate firmware mereka sebelum ada penjelasan lebih lanjut.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says 'Twins 2' Is Really Happening

Laist.com - From the files of the movie sequels you never knew you wanted to be made (and may still not want to) comes this tidbit from Arnold Schwarzengger, who said today there will be a "Twins 2."

Since it's been a long time since "Twins" graced the silver screen--that would be in 1988 to be precise--a refresher: The buddy comedy featured the goofy premise that muscular big guy Schwarzenegger's long-lost brother was a diminutive and portly crook, played by Danny DeVito.

California's former Governor, who has already returned to the acting game from whence he sprung forth oh so many years ago, said "Twins 2" was a reality during a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session Tuesday.

Last fall, however, "Twins 2," or, as it would be called, "Triplets" seemed in peril, according to AMC Movie News, who noted the plot would involve Eddie Murphy starring as a third "brother" to DeVito and Schwarzenegger.

Original director Ivan Reitman was slated to direct. However, it now appears that “Triplets” may be in serious trouble and may indeed never materialize. In a recent interview, Reitman expressed doubt that the project would move forward into active production, saying:
With Triplets, I’m quite nervous about it. I think it’s somebody’s commercial idea, and usually that’s a scary thought. There’s no writer, and there’s no idea yet. I think that was more of a press release than anything else.

Is "Triplets" closer to reality? Schwarzenegger seems to say it is so.

Jun 19, 2013

Suzuki Beri Diskon Splash Matik Sampai Rp 15 Jutaan, Mau?

Otomotifnet.com - Suzuki padahal baru saja meluncurkan varian baru dari Suzuki Splash, yang kini sudah tersedia versi transmisi otomatis. Namun, bagi konsumen yang berminat, sudah ada potongan harganya sampai belasan juta!

Dealer Suzuki Indomobil Sales MT Haryono misalnya, memberikan promo menarik untuk pembelian Suzuki Splash, baik tipe transmisi manual maupun otomatis, yakni berupa potongan harga sampai Rp 15 juta!

"Sehingga, harga Splash manual Rp 140 juta kini menjadi hanya Rp 125 juta, sedangkan yang otomatis dari Rp 151 juta, kini menjadi Rp 136 juta," ujar salah satu tenaga penjual Dealer Suzuki MT Haryono.

Selain potongan harga tersebut, Suzuki juga memberikan promo-promo lainnya, seperti Cash Back Fantastis, Suzuki Premiere Card berupa diskon service, spare part, juga derek gratis 24 jam selama 3 tahun.

Nah, anda tertarik? Silakan mampir saja!

Jangan Beri Toleransi pada 10 Hal Ini!

Kompas.com - Untuk mencapai kebahagiaan, hidup lebih produktif dan lebih sehat, ada beberapa perubahan yang perlu Anda lakukan. Paula Davis-Laack, JD, MAPP, terapis stres menyarankan untuk berhenti memberikan toleransi pada 10 hal berikut ini.

1. Hidup tak sehat.
Tak ada lagi kata toleransi untuk gaya hidup tak sehat. Dengan semakin banyaknya kasus kelebihan berat badan bahkan obesitas, sudah waktunya Anda hidup lebih sehat. Mulailah dengan membuat perubahan kecil dalam keseharian. Lalu berusahalah konsisten. Dari hal kecil Anda bisa mencapai hasil besar ke depannya.

2. Tak ada aksi.
Kebanyakan orang merasa mandek dengan berbagai hal dalam hidupnya lantaran tak bisa mengatasi rasa takut, rasa bersalah, juga tidak tahu cara mencapai tujuannya. Untuk mencapai tujuan besar, mulailah dengan langkah kecil. Meski tujuan yang Anda ingin capai terasa begitu besar dan seakan sulit dicapai, tetaplah berusaha mencapainya perlahan tapi pasti dengan langkah nyata. Sampai akhirnya Anda bisa mengatakan dengan percaya diri, "Saya berhasil menyelesaikannya, mudah ternyata."

3. Pesimistis dan negatif.
Dalam dunia kerja, begitu banyak informasi negatif yang Anda dengar bahkan dapatkan setiap harinya. Kondisi ini sangat mudah mematahkan semangat, membuat Anda pesimistis dan ikut-ikutan menjadi negatif.

Lawan segala hal yang negatif dengan humor. Studi menunjukkan humor bisa memperkuat sistem imun dalam tubuh, mengurangi rasa sakit, dan mengurangi level stres. Karena humor bisa membangun emosi positif, humor juga bisa mengurangi rasa marah, depresi, dan kecemasan. Emosi positif dapat meningkatkan kegembiraan dan kepuasan hidup.

4. Disorganisasi.
Disorganisasi menjadi penghambat produktivitas. Anda bisa lebih terorganisasi dengan membuat jadwal dan sistem yang kemudian menjadi kebiasaan. Sehingga tak ada lagi alasan menunda pekerjaan, juga tak ada lagi kebiasaan mengatakan "Saya tidak punya waktu melakukan hal X".

5. Stres kronik.
Menurut laporan kerja Catalyst, 75-90 persen pemeriksaan di dokter terkait dengan stres. Laporan ini juga menunjukkan 68 persen karyawan stres karena merasa kelelahan dan terlalu sibuk. Sekitar 44 persen karyawan kehilangan produktivitas satu jam atau lebih dalam sehari karena stres. Terkait hal ini, 22 persen karyawan tak masuk kerja lebih dari enam hari dalam setahun karena stres. Laporan ini menunjukkan kebanyakan karyawan stres karena beban kerja, masalah interpersonal, status pekerjaan, kesibukan kerja dan kehidupan personal. Akibat dari karyawan yang stres ini berdampak pada keluarga, yakni orangtua yang cepat tua atau anak menderita penyakit kritis.

6. Materialistis.
Kebanyakan orang selalu saja mau tahu apa yang dimiliki orang lain, sebagai perbandingan. Termasuk dalam hal materi. Kemudian banyak orang berpikir dengan memiliki materi berlimpah ia akan lebih bahagia. Padahal, studi perilaku terhadap 12.000 remaja tentang kepuasan hidup di usia 37 menunjukkan, mereka yang mengekspresikan kepentingan materi tidak merasa bahagia dalam hidupnya dua dekade kemudian.

7. Sempurna.
Menuntut diri sempurna. Kalau ingin bahagia, jangan lagi mentoleransi nilai ini dalam hidup Anda. Jangan menilai diri juga orang lain dengan standar mutlak. Dengarkan apa kata orang lain. Alih-alih menuntut sempurna, lakukan saja yang terbaik setiap harinya. Fokus pada pencapaian bukan kesempurnaan.

8. Pendapat orang tentang Anda.
Berapa banyak energi yang Anda habiskan untuk memedulikan pendapat orang lain tentang Anda? Merasa khawatir tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan baik dan membuat orang lain berkomentar, hanya akan membuat Anda semakin jauh dari rasa bahagia. Berhenti memikirkan apa kata orang lain dari setiap tindakan yang Anda lakukan. Jangan sampai orang lain mengontrol diri Anda.

9. Membenci pekerjaan.
Anda tak menyukai pekerjaan saat ini? Tenang saja, Anda tak sendirian. Banyak orang mengalaminya. Data di Amerika menunjukkan hanya 44 persen orang yang menyukai pekerjaannya. Kalau Anda tak suka pekerjaan namun tak memungkinkan pindah kerja untuk saat ini, mulai melakukan transisi dengan tetap menjalankan pekerjaan namun juga bersiap untuk pindah kerja saat waktunya tepat.

10. Literasi finansial rendah.
Banyak orang memahami pentingnya merencanakan keuangan, namun hanya sedikit dari mereka yang benar-benar mulai menjalankan rencana keuangan. Mulai sekarang, lakukan aksi nyata untuk merencanakan keuangan, menabung atau investasi. Kenali berbagai macam produk keuangan, seperti reksa dana atau lainnya. Cari informasi, jika perlu cari bantuan tenaga profesional.

Confirmed: 1-Billion-Year-Old Water Tastes 'Terrible'

Theatlantic.com - Last month, a paper published in Nature reported on some water that had been trapped 1.5 miles below the Earth's surface in Canada for a long while. How long? Based on an analysis of the isotopes of natural gases in the water, scientists believe it to be the oldest isolated water ever studied, at least 1 billion years old and maybe as old as 2.64 billion, slightly younger than the rocks that encased it.* For maybe half as long as the Earth's entire existence, this water has been sealed away, unexposed to the atmosphere.

The next question: Is it drinkable? The answer: Not really, but a sip won't kill you. According to an interview in the Los Angeles Times, one of the paper's authors, Barbara Sherwood Lollar, has tasted it, and it was "terrible," she reports. "It is much saltier than seawater."

Her description of its appearance doesn't make it sound very appetizing either:
What jumps out at you first is the saltiness. Because of the reactions between the water and the rock, it is extremely salty. It is more viscous than tap water. It has the consistency of a very light maple syrup. It doesn't have color when it comes out, but as soon as it comes into contact with oxygen it turns an orangy color because the minerals in it begin to form -- especially the iron.

But that didn't stop Lollar. She tasted it anyway -- for science. And because she wanted to know how salty it was. But because she is a lady and a scholar**, she took this one for the team, and did not allow her students to taste it.

Now onto the bigger questions: Is there life in this billion-year-old water? Lollar thinks it's possible. "The water has the same kind of energy that supports the microbial life found near deep-sea vents and in the South African gold mine," she the LA Times's Deborah Netburn, "We have shown these waters are habitable. The next question is whether or not they are inhabited." And if they are, the question will become what's living there and when did it arrive.

Lollar and her team are investigating, but she says it will be about a year before they have results.

Russell Brand Humiliates The Condescending News ‘Professionals’ On MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’

Jun 18, 2013

Yahoo Akan Hapus Akun Pengguna "Malas"

Kompas.com - Sudah lama tidak log in ke akun Yahoo Anda? Jika ya, waspadalah. Bisa-bisa, Yahoo mengambil kembali ID tersebut.

Dalam blog resmi Yahoo, Jay Rossiter, SVP Platform Yahoo, mengungkapkan, pengambilan akun lama yang sudah lama tidak aktif ini dilakukan untuk "memberikan kesempatan kepada pengguna setia atau pengguna baru yang mengincar sebuah nama ID sejak lama".

Sebagai contoh, pengguna yang bernama Oik, berkesempatan mendapatkan alamat ID oik@yahoo.com, dibandingkan harus menggunakan alamat yang dimilikinya selama ini, oik123@yahoo.com.

Yahoo berencana untuk melepas nama akun yang sudah tidak aktif setidaknya selama 1 tahun. Namun, apabila pengguna tersebut log in kembali sebelum 15 Juli 2013, ia akan tetap dapat memiliki akun tersebut.

Jika pengguna memutuskan untuk tetap tidak aktif, maka ID miliknya tersebut akan tersedia untuk "diperebutkan" mulai pertengahan Agustus mendatang.

Yahoo sendiri tidak menyebutkan ada berapa banyak ID yang masuk ke kriteria "lama tidak aktif". Namun, seorang juru bicara Yahoo kepada AP mengungkapkan, ada cukup banyak ID yang akan "dibebaskan" dari pemiliknya.

Google tests balloons to beam internet from near space

Jun 15, 2013

Design Student Creates Side-by-Side iOS 6 and iOS 7 Icon Comparison

Time.com - Everyone, this is Niels. Let’s all thank Niels for taking the time to cobble together this image, which shows what the current iOS icons (on the left) look like compared to the new icons in iOS 7 (on the right).

Would a smartphone 'killswitch' deter thieves?

Cnn.com - As violent crime tied to smartphone theft continues to rise nationwide, law enforcers are publicly calling on manufacturers to install "killswitch" technology that would render a stolen device useless.

The "Secure Our Smartphones" initiative, spearheaded by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón, officially launched on Thursday. The goal is to make smartphones less valuable to thieves, who can currently sell stolen devices on the black market for hundreds of dollars.

That big payoff for often little effort, dubbed "Apple picking" because iPhones typically attract the most money, has led to a shocking crime wave. Last year, about half of all robberies in San Francisco involved a mobile device. Phone-theft victims in several cities have been killed.

To address this, Schneiderman summoned executives from smartphone companies Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500), Google (GOOG, Fortune 500), Samsung and Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) to his office in New York City on Thursday. The meeting was closed, but Schneiderman held a press conference before the summit to detail what lawmakers want.

"Our parameters for success are clear," Schneiderman said. He added later that "smartphone makers need to make every stolen phone a paperweight" -- that is, once a device is marked as stolen, it cannot be reactivated.

He stressed that any anti-theft technology needs to be "universal to all phones," and that he thinks "this problem is solvable within a year." Next year's devices should have such technology installed, Schneiderman added.

Lawmakers are putting pressure on smartphone manufacturers after an effort by carriers last year to deter crime did not work. Wireless association CTIA attempted to create a database of smartphones reported as stolen, but Schneiderman referred to that program as a "failure," as thefts continued to rise.

Gascón was blunt about his view on smartphone makers' responsibility, saying they have "a moral obligation" to address the problem.

He was also skeptical of Apple's new Activation Lock feature, which was announced Monday and will be part of Apple's upcoming iOS 7 operating system. Activation Lock requires a user to log in with the phone's associated Apple credentials in order to reactivate the device.

Gascón said he didn't think that "will get us quite where we need to go, but it's a step in the right direction." He added that they would reserve judgment until they have a better understanding of the technology, but he again stressed that lawmakers are pushing for a true "killswitch."

Schneiderman made it clear that he won't rule out legal action if the manufacturers refuse to make changes. Samsung declined to comment, while Microsoft and Google did not reply to a request for comment. Apple released a statement pointing out that the company launched its "Find My iPhone" feature back in 2009, which gives customers "more control" and acts as a theft deterrent.

Schneiderman and Gascón clearly want more, though. What such anti-theft technology will look like depends on smartphone makers. But even a killswitch may not completely end smartphone crime. If we've learned anything about modern technology, it's that any system is hackable -- and even a deactivated, "bricked" phone can be sold for parts.

But Kevin Mahaffey, the co-founder of security tech company Lookout -- which is advising Schneiderman and Gascón on the smartphone theft issue -- said putting barriers between thieves and easy money is the key to deterring much of the current street crime. If a thug needs to pay a hacker a few hundred dollars to reactivate a bricked device, that should lessen the incentive to steal.

"From a security standpoint, there are always ways around any system," Mahaffey said. "There is no silver bullet. But these thieves are not technologically savvy, most of the time -- and if you layer different solutions together it can make a huge difference. At this point, implementing any smart solution is better than the situation we have now."

Finally, a Flying Bike (in Case You Need to Smuggle an Alien)

Jun 14, 2013

Waspadai Modus Copet: Berpura-pura Jadi Tukang Pijat

Detik.com - Aksi kejahatan kini semakin tak terduga. Mereka tak lagi menggunakan cara kekerasan, namun dengan teknik tertentu yang membuat korban tak berdaya. Salah satunya adalah berpura-pura jadi tukang pijat.

Seperti yang dialami seorang pembaca detikcom, Asep (26), saat menaiki angkot 61 jurusan Pasar Minggu-Pondok Labu dari kawasan Cilandak, Jaksel. Di dalam angkot, ada tiga penumpang pria dan satu wanita.

Asep duduk di bangku belakang sopir. Sementara dua pria duduk di sampingnya, satu lagi berada di depannya.

Di perjalanan, pria yang di depan Asep tiba-tiba membagikan selebaran promosi sebuah klinik pengobatan. Pria berpeci itu meminta korban untuk melihat alamat klinik dengan jelas.

"Lalu dia memijit bapak di samping saya. Mulai tangan dan kaki, seperti orang yang sedang promosi gitulah," kata Asep dalam surat elektronik, kepada detikcom, Kamis (13/6/2013).

Tak lama kemudian, si pria pemijat itu beralih ke Asep. Dia mulai memijat tangan, lalu kaki. Lama kelamaan, pijatan di kaki semakin keras sambil sedikit diguncang. Diduga, itu untuk mengeluarkan ponsel yang berada di saku kiri Asep.

"Saya tak curiga, karena pria itu sambil senyum. Saya akhirnya minta pijatan dihentikan dengan sopan," jelasnya.

Lalu, pria pemijat itu turun di sekitar kawasan perempatan Ragunan. Sebelumnya, dia sempat meminta Asep untuk melihat kembali alamat di selebaran klinik. Tak hanya itu, bapak yang di samping Asep kemudian juga meminta untuk dibacakan alamat klinik di selebaran.

"Dia bilang, saya tidak bisa baca. Tolong dibacakan. Rupanya itu untuk mengalihkan perhatian saja," terangnya.

Tak lama kemudian, Asep sadar ponselnya hilang. Seorang pria lain di angkot pun memberi tahu bahwa pria berpeci tadi copet. Asep pun turun, namun tak berhasil mengejarnya.

"Saya curiga, tiga orang itu memang komplotan dan saling mengenal. Sebaiknya kita terus waspada," pesannya.

Jun 13, 2013

Shock as Argentinian football player throws dog off field by its neck

Tak Seperti Xbox One, Game PS4 Bebas Dipinjam

Detik.com - Aturan Microsoft yang membatasi gamer Xbox One untuk meminjamkan atau bahkan menjual kembali game miliknya hingga kini memang masih menjadi perdebatan. Untungnya, hal tersebut tak berlaku di PlayStation 4.

"Ketika seorang gamer membeli disk game PS4, mereka memiliki hak untuk menggunakan disk itu, menjualnya kembali, meminjamkan kepada teman atau menyimpannya selamanya," ucap Jack Tretton, CEO dan Presiden SCEA seperti dikutip detikINET dari NBC News, Selasa (11/6/2013).

Penjelasan yang keluar dari petinggi Sony tersebut dipastikan melegakan hati gamer yang selama ini menantikan generasi keempat PlayStaton tersebut.

Apalagi berbagai isu mengatakan konsol generasi baru ini bakal 'mengharamkan' pengguna untuk saling pinjam game maupun menjual kembali game bekas miliknya.

Kelebihan yang ditawarkan oleh Sony pada PlayStation 4 tersebut tentunya bakal memberikan ancaman tersendiri bagi Xbox One. Namun hingga saat ini belum ada pernyataan dari Microsoft untuk menanggapi hal tersebut.

NYC restaurant bans tipping, opts instead to pay set wage and increase prices

Foxnews.com - Here’s a tip: no tipping allowed.

A sushi restaurant in Midtown Manhattan has eliminated tipping from the fine dining experience. Instead, the 14-year old Japanese restaurant, Sushi Yasuda, has opted to pay its workers a set salary and increase the price of menu items by 15 percent to compensate for employee wages.

The move is closer to the European dining system, in which patrons do not tip, but are accustomed to paying an extra 18 to 20 on dinner bills to compensate for wait staff salaries.

At Sushi Yasuda, there is no tip line on the bill. Instead, there is a line of text to inform customers that "Sushi Yasuda's service staff are fully compensated by their salary."

The starting pay for most New York waiters is a rate of $2.25 per hour, with the assumption that the waiter will make an additional wage via tips. The minimum wage for restaurant workers who are not assumed to receive gratuity is $7.25 per hour.

The pay model at Sushi Yasuda replaces voluntary tipping with a set 15 percent service charge on all purchased items. The owner, Scott Rosenberg, says it will simplify the dining experience.

“I’ve always dreamed,” he told the blog The Price Hike. “Wouldn’t it be great not to have to worry about tipping? Look at your bill, make sure that it’s correct and sign the check if you’re good, and you won’t have think and calculate and do a math equation at the table.”

While it may be slightly off-putting for patrons to pay a little more up front and not leave a tip behind, Rosenberg says he has not seen any change in the volume of customers. He says the move to a no tipping system will help foster stability in his workforce, who receive vacation time and paid sick leave.

Whether the restaurant's no tipping strategy will be successful long term has to be determined, as the policy was only introduced last month. But for now it seems to be working fine, despite the occasional confused gratuity-giving patron.

Jun 12, 2013

Surprisingly close race between Bugatti Veyron and tuned Nissan Juke-R

Butterflies inspire anti-counterfeit tech

Foxnews.com - A Canadian company is fighting counterfeiters by employing one of the most sophisticated structures in nature: a butterfly wing.

To be precise, Nanotech Security Corp. in Vancouver is using the natural structure of the wings of a Morpho butterfly, a South American insect famous for its bright, iridescent blue or green wings, to create a visual image that would be practically impossible to counterfeit. The technology was developed at British Columbia’s Simon Fraser University, and licensed to the company.

The phenomenon Nanotech employs is similar to the way some animals, including male peacocks, produce iridescent colors: instead of using proteins and other chemicals to produce a hue, the creature’s feathers or scales play with light, using very tiny holes that reflect different colors or wavelengths. The Morpho does this with complicated scales on its wing that produce shimmering blues and greens.

Nanotech’s printed security image can be embossed on virtually any surface, including plastics, metals, solar cells, fabrics, and paper, according to Clint Landrock, Nanotech’s chief technical officer. They even could be embedded on pills and capsules to ensure they are genuine pharmaceuticals, instead of fakes.

“It lends itself to anything your imagination can come up with,” he said, “even brake pads.”

The work is another example of what scientists call biomimicry, which adapts nature’s solutions for innovative human devices, in this instance, nano-optics, a burgeoning new technology.

Researchers at the University of Michigan, for example, use nano-optics to print pictures and images without ink or dyes.

Landrock, one of the inventors, said the Simon Fraser researchers actually studied the shingled, patterned plates of a Morpho wing to see how it handled incoming light. The trick was to make artificial “nano-hole arrays,” which produce similar iridescent efforts with simpler structures. That way, the company can mass-produce billions of nano-holes.

“We can tune the colors by changing the geometry of those hole arrays,” he said.

They used a method similar to the manufacturing of computer chips, known as electron beam lithography, to produce master nano-hole patterns embossed on silicon or quartz.

They worked at the scale of nanometers. A single nanometer is hundreds of times smaller than even the tiniest bacterial cell. The holes in the template ranged from 50 to 300 nanometers in diameter, spaced 300-600 nanometers apart. The process takes from a few hours to a couple of days to produce a master pattern, or mask, depending on the size of the mask and the number of structures. After the mastering, a second process grows the image on nickel. From there it can be transferred to any material.

The entire image could be large enough to be seen from a distance, and, if embossed on high-priced items like designer handbags, would make it easy to spot the phonies, said Doug Blakeway, Nanotech’s CEO.

“If you had a hand bag and the clasp on it had the company’s logo on it you would see it and it would turn on and off in very bright colors.” Simply moving the item or the observer would make the color flicker.

There shouldn’t be any issue with putting the image on a capsule or pill, he said. You could see the brand on it to be sure the medicine was authentic. It would not require Food and Drug Administration approval because the image would not involve dyes or pigments so medicine would not be altered in any way.

Counterfeiting this technology is unlikely, Landrock said. The image would be very difficult to reverse engineer, and expensive because of the equipment needed. The image is much brighter than any created by any other technology, he explained, including holograms.

“I like to say it is similar to describing how an old CRT television display looks compared to a new Ultra HD LED TV,” he said “They may be showing the same thing but you would never mistake one for the other.”

Landrock said the most logical use for the technology would be an anti-counterfeiting device on bank notes.

A nano-optics image can be embossed on coated paper, but many countries, including Canada and Australia, have switched to polymer plastics for its bank notes, which are even more receptive to nano-optics images. Those bills last much longer than U.S. paper currency and are much harder to counterfeit.

Since the company has only begun commercializing the technology, no country has yet signed up.

Even so, it is unlikely the U.S. dollar will see nano-optics any time soon. U.S. bank notes do not even use holograms, common in other currencies, or coated or polymer paper, according to Darlene Anderson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

The reason for the conservative bills, is that most American currency is held overseas, where it is often used as the reserve currency for the undeveloped world, said Owen Linzmayer, publisher of Banknote News, an industry observer. A radical change to U.S. bills could upset international economies and flood the country with the old bills.

The same restraints do not apply for Gucci handbags.

Feds Now Back Morning-After Pills for All Girls

Time.com - After setting off a storm of criticism from abortion rights groups, upset that a Democratic president had sided with social conservatives, the Obama administration said it will comply with a judge’s order to allow girls of any age to buy emergency contraception without prescriptions.

But in doing so at least one opponent of easy access to the contraception thinks the president is buckling to political pressure, rather than making the health of girls a priority.

The Justice Department on Monday notified U.S. District Judge Edward Korman it will submit a plan for compliance. If he approves it, the department will drop its appeal of his April ruling.

According to the department’s letter to the judge, the Food and Drug Administration has told the maker of the pills to submit a new drug application with proposed labeling that would permit it to be sold “without a prescription and without age or point-of-sale prescriptions.” The FDA said that once it receives the application it “intends to approve it promptly.”

Advocates for girls’ and women’s rights said Monday the federal government’s decision to comply with the judge’s ruling could be a move forward for “reproductive justice” if the FDA acts quickly and puts emergency contraception over the counter without restriction.

“It’s about time that the administration stopped opposing women having access to safe and effective birth control,” Annie Tummino, lead plaintiff in a lawsuit over unrestricted access to the morning-after pill and coordinator of the National Women’s Liberation, said in an emailed statement.

She said women and girls should have “the absolute right to control our bodies without having to ask a doctor or a pharmacist for permission.”

NARAL Pro-Choice America president Ilyse Hogue welcomed the decision by the Obama administration.

“By making emergency contraception available to women of all ages, the FDA is taking an important step to reduce unintended pregnancies and put women in control of their futures,” Hogue said in a statement.

But an opponent of the contraception plan, at the anti-abortion Family Research Council, criticized the government for not sticking with its decision to appeal.

“We’re very concerned and disappointed at the same time because what we see here is the government caving to political pressure instead of putting first the health and safety of girls (and) parental rights,” said Anna Higgins, director of the council’s Center for Human Dignity.

The government had appealed the judge’s underlying April 5 ruling, which ordered emergency contraceptives based on the hormone levonorgestrel be made available without a prescription, over the counter and without point-of-sale or age restrictions.

It had asked the judge to suspend the effect of that ruling until the appeals court could decide the case. But the judge declined, saying the government’s decision to restrict sales of the morning-after pill was “politically motivated, scientifically unjustified and contrary to agency precedent.” He also said there was no basis to deny the request to make the drugs widely available.

The government had argued that “substantial market confusion” could result if the judge’s ruling were enforced while appeals were pending, only to be later overturned.

Last week, an appeals court dealt the government a setback by saying it would immediately permit unrestricted sales of the two-pill version of the emergency contraception until the appeal was decided.

The morning-after pill contains a higher dose of the female hormone progestin than is in regular birth control pills. Taking it within 72 hours of rape, condom failure or just forgetting regular contraception can cut the chances of pregnancy by up to 89 percent, but it works best within the first 24 hours. If a girl or woman already is pregnant, the pill, which prevents ovulation or fertilization of an egg, has no effect.

The FDA was preparing in 2011 to allow over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill with no limits when Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius overruled her own scientists in an unprecedented move.

The FDA announced in late April that Plan B One-Step, the newer version of emergency contraception, the same drug but combined into one pill instead of two, could be sold without a prescription to those age 15 or older. Its maker, Teva Women’s Health, plans to begin those sales soon. Sales had previously been limited to those who were at least 17.

The judge later ridiculed the FDA changes, saying they established “nonsensical rules” that favored sales of the Plan B One-Step morning-after pill and were made “to sugarcoat” the government’s appeal.

He also said they placed a disproportionate burden on blacks and the poor by requiring a prescription for less expensive generic versions of the drug bought by those under age 17 and by requiring those age 17 or over to show proof-of-age identification at pharmacies. He cited studies showing that blacks with low incomes are less likely than other people to have government-issued IDs.

Reluctant to get drawn into a messy second-term spat over social issues, White House officials have argued that the FDA and the Department of Justice were acting independently of the White House in deciding how to proceed. That approach continued Monday, with the White House referring all questions about the decision to Health and Human Services.

Still, Obama has made clear in the past that he feels strongly about the limits, and he said in 2011 he supported Sebelius’ decision to impose them despite the advice of her scientists.

“As the father of two daughters, I think it is important for us to make sure that we apply some common sense to various rules when it comes to over-the-counter medicine,” Obama said then.

Diagnostic Tools Injeksi Honda HiDS, Dijual Masal Rp 3,3 Juta

Otomotifnet.com - Salah satu special tools wajib untuk melakukan perawatan berkala sepeda motor berteknologi injeksi adalah diagnostic tools. Tiap pabrikan memiliki alat sendiri, termasuk Honda yang sejak awal menggunakan diagnostic tools berlabel HiDS buatan Starnics.

Nah asiknya, HiDS kini bisa dimiliki oleh bengkel umum. Jadi bukan hanya menjadi monopoli bengkel resmi Honda. Tentunya, dengan makin banyak special tools yang menyebar di bengkel-bengkel umum, mampu mengurangi kekhawatiran konsumen soal perawatan teknologi terbaru ini.

"HiDS merupakan perangkat diagnostic motor Honda yang dibuat oleh Starnics dan telah digunakan di dealer resmi motor Honda. Tapi kini, bukan hanya dealer resmi Honda, bengkel umum pun berkesempatan untuk melengkapi alat kerjanya dengan HiDS," jelas Injeksi Motor Globalindo dalam press realese yang diterima redaksi.

HiDS dapat menganalisis atas alat-alat kontrol elektronik pada sepeda motor Honda yang menggunakan teknologi injeksi. Data-data yang dapat ditampilkan diantaranya adalah data kesalahan sensor yang terdeteksi ECM, baik data kesalahan yang sudah terjadi dan tersimpan dalam memori ECM ataupun data yang sedang terjadi yang terdeteksi ECM.

Data-data tersebut akan ditampilkan pada layar peraga HiDS dengan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia sehingga mudah dimengerti dan informatif. HiDS juga memiliki fasilitas untuk melakukan re-set atau menghapus data-data kesalahan yang tersimpan di ECM dengan amat mudah.

HiDS yang dijual Rp 3,3 juta ini dapat digunakan pada seluruh sepeda motor Honda yang dipasarkan di Indonesia yang sudah mengadopsi fuel injection. Mulai dari Supra-X 125 PGM-FI, PCX 150, CBR250R sampai yang terbaru BeAT FI dan CB150R dan Verza150.

Oiya, Injeksi Motor Globalindo dan Starnics juga sedang mencari dealer untuk berbagai area di Indonesia, untuk yang ini bisa menghubungi Injeksi Motor Globalindo di 081-212-967-19, atau kontak lewa BB di 26232FFA.

Formula 1 - Marshal killed in Canadian GP incident

PlayStation 4 Dibanderol Rp 3,9 Juta

Detik.com - Pada Electronic Entertainment Expo, Sony mengungkap PlayStation 4. Dengan desain nyentrik dan kemampuan grafis yang diklaim ciamik, pasti banyak yang penasaran berapa banderol konsol game jagoan Sony tersebut.

Menurut Sony, PS4 akan dibanderol USD 399 atau sekitar Rp 3,9 jutaan. Lebih rendah USD 100 dibanding Xbox One. Pesaing terdekat PlayStation 4 itu diketahui dipatok di angka USD 499 oleh Microsoft.

Sedangkan waktu ketersediaan PS4 di pasar, seperti dilansir NBC News, kemungkinan sekitar musim liburan Natal atau sekitar akhir tahun 2013. Tidak berbeda jauh dengan Xbox One yang dilaporkan mulai tersedia pada bulan November mendatang.

Andrew House, salah satu petinggi Sony sebelumnya telah memamerkan desain utuh PS4 di panggung E3. PlayStation generasi keempat ini mengusung desain elegan layaknya desain PlayStation 2, namun dengan penambahan aksen glossy pada sejumlah bagian.

Jun 10, 2013

Apple Said to Start IPhone Trade-In Program in Stores

Bloomberg.com - Apple Inc. is starting an iPhone trade-in program this month aimed at getting users to upgrade to the iPhone 5 and turn in older models, people with knowledge of the plans said.

Apple has teamed up with Brightstar Corp. a mobile-phone distributor, to run the exchange program, said the people, who asked not to be identified because Apple hasn’t publicly announced the plan.

Brightstar also handles trade-ins for AT&T Inc. (T) and T-Mobile US Inc. (TMUS), as well as other carriers and device makers, amid brisk demand for refurbished iPhone 4s and 4Ss in emerging markets. By offering money for older smartphones, Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook is seeking to entice consumers to upgrade to the latest models, part of the company’s efforts to reignite sales growth and combat declining shares.

“This will help them sell more phones, because it will lower the consumer’s out-of-pocket expense,” said Roger Entner, an analyst at Recon Analytics LLC in Dedham, Massachusetts.

Amy Bessette, a spokeswoman for Cupertino, California-based Apple, and Patrick Foarde, a Brightstar spokesman who works for Ketchum Inc., declined to comment.

AT&T is currently paying as much as $200 for working iPhone 4s and 4Ss, which could let some customers buy an entry-level iPhone 5 for no money down. Ganot estimates that 20 percent of U.S. consumers buying a smartphone this year will do so using a trade-in, up from 11 percent in 2011.
Refurbished Phones

Until now, Apple paid little attention to the refurbished iPhone market. That’s changing as Apple’s growth has slowed in recent quarters. Samsung Electronics Co. (005930) became the best-selling smartphone brand in the U.S. in May, T. Michael Walkley, an analyst at Canaccord Genuity Inc., wrote in a report this week.

Apple sold 37.4 million units of the iPhone in the latest quarter, compared with 35.1 million a year earlier. Apple shares have declined 38 percent from a record in September, weighed down by investor concerns that the company’s era of rapid growth, fueled by the 2007 debut of the iPhone, may be over.

While Cook has said some “game changer” consumer electronics products are in development, Apple is still trading at an 13 percent discount to Suwon, South Korea-based Samsung on a price-to-earnings basis, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Apple shares rose less than 1 percent to $441.81 at the close in New York, leaving them down 17 percent this year.
Emerging Markets

Samsung has become a market leader by offering smartphones based on Google Inc. (GOOG)’s Android mobile operating system, which captured 75 percent of the market in the first quarter, compared with 17 percent for phones running Apple’s iOS software, according to IDC.

Trade-in programs are used to support sales of new hardware in mature markets such as the U.S., where many prospective customers already own a smartphone. Used iPhones collected in the U.S. will only be resold in emerging markets, where Apple’s share is lower and demand for cheap devices is greater, said one of the people. That way, the resale of Apple’s older models won’t cannibalize iPhone 5 sales in the U.S., the person said.

Selling used iPhones in emerging markets may also keep first-time smartphone buyers around the world from committing to Android, buying time for Apple to introduce new models.

“The overall size of this market is increasing rapidly,” said Israel Ganot, chief executive officer of Gazelle Inc., an online mobile device trade-in company.
Global Demand

Apple runs a Web-based recycling service, in a partnership with Roseville, California-based PowerOn Services Inc., offering to pay people for their used iPhones, iPads or Macs. The new trade-in program with BrightStar will only be available at Apple’s retail outlets, letting consumers receive payments instantly and avoid the hassle of shipping their older gadgets, the people said.

Apple also worked with Brightstar to help AT&T and T-Mobile with their recent trade-in promotions, said the people. Brightstar set up its trade-in division a year ago and is on track to buy and resell more than 15 million devices this year, according to Bela Lainck, president of the buyback and trade-in business at Miami-based Brightstar.

The company collects 80 percent of its used devices in the U.S., and resells most of them through distribution centers in 50 countries, Lainck said in an interview in late May. Brightstar also owns an auction house in Hong Kong, and a division that provides refurbished phones to insurers seeking inventory for clients who have lost or broken a smartphone.
Installed Based

“The iPhone is an iconic device that people around the world want to own,” said David Edmondson, CEO of eRecyclingCorp, another trade-in processor. “If they can’t afford a new Mercedes, they’ll get a used one.”

Getting more people to buy iPhones -- whether new or used - - is also becoming more important as Apple starts to introduce services that are delivered via mobile devices, according to Walter Piecyk, an analyst at BTIG LLC.

Cook, who has also hinted that new services were being developed in addition to new hardware, is planning to introduce a new music-streaming service at Apple’s annual developers’ conference in San Francisco on June 10, people familiar with the matter said this week.

“The key is to get iPhones into as many people’s hands as possible,” Piecyk, who is based in New York, said in an interview. “Selling used phones is one way to do that.”

'Pub Loo Shocker,' British Anti-Drunk Driving PSA, Is So Terrifying It Might Just Save Lives

Jun 6, 2013

You Can Own This Revolutionary Flying Car As An R/C Toy First

Video: Peeling Back the Ice of Antarctica

Chrysler Menolak “Recall” 2,7 juta Jeep

Kompas.com - Chrysler Group LLC mengatakan tidak akan me-recall 2,7 juta Jeep dengan masalah, kemungkinan bisa terbakar bila ditabrak dari belakang. Perusahaan mobil Amerika Serikat tersebut - kini sahamnya sebagian besar dimiliki Fiat, Italia - mengaku telah menerima surat Senin lalu dari National Highway traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA) yang meminta melakukan “recall”.

Kendaraan yang di-recall adalah Jeep Grand Cherokee yang diproduksi dari 1993 sampai 2004 dan Jeep Liberty rakitan 2002- 2007. “Keselamatan pengemudi dan penumpang merupakan prioritas Chrysler. Komitmen tersebut dijalankan sampai sekarang,” tegas Sergio Marchionne, Chairman, sekaligus CEO Chrysler dan Fiat.

Foto Kebakaran
National Highway traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA) telah melakukan investigasi terbaru terhadap 5,1 juta unit Jeep dengan masalah, penyimpan bahan bakarnya tidak sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Lembaga tersebut mendapat laporan, dua lusin Jeep terbakar akibat ditabrak dari belakang.

Jika Chrysler tetap menolak recall, NHTSA kemungkinan akan mengumumkan bahwa tingkat keamanaan Jeep tidak memenuhi standar. Sementara itu, surat NHTSA yang ditulis oleh Frank Borris meminta kantor investigasi memeriksa kerusakan dan merilis foto-foto Jeep yang terbakar.
Chrysler berkilah, kesimpulan NHTSA didasarkan pada analisis data yang tidak lengkap. Kendati demikian, Chrysler akan tetap bekerja sama dengan lembaga tersebut untuk mencari titik temu. Chrysler sudah pernah menolak permintaan recall NTHSA pada 1997.

“Chrysler punya hubungan baik dengan NHTSA,” ujar juru bicara Chrysler,  Eric Mayne. “Kami secara rutin me-recall kendaraan sebelum menerima komplain dari konsumen.

“Perusahaan tidak setuju dengan kesimpulan NHTSA. Untuk itu tidak akan melakukan recall. Kendaraan tersebut aman, tidak ada yang rusak,” jelas Chrysler dalam suratnya yang dikutip Automotive News.

Surat NHTSA ke Chrysler pada Senin kemarin mengatakan, investigasi memperlihatkan adanya kematian dan cedera akibat kecelakaan tersebut. “Data kami memperlihatkan, kendaraan bisa rusak dengan risiko keselamatan. Karena itulah kami menulis surat ini ke Chrysler,” jelas David Strickland, Administrator NHTSA.

Jarang Ditolak
“Jarang produsen menolak permintaan NHTSA untuk recall,” kata Allan Kam, seorang pengacara senior NHTSA yang dikutip Automotive News. NHTSA punya otoritas untuk memerintahkan produsen merecall produknya. Biasanya, jika perusahaan menolak, akan diselesaikan NHTSA dengan publisitas yang merugikan.

Menurut pengamat, Chrysler menolak recall untuk menghindari biaya yang harus dikeluarkan. Termasuk tuntutan hukum dari pemilik Jeep yang mengalami kecelakaan, khusus yang terbakar. Di samping itu, diharuskan pula mengirim surat ke pemilik Jeep, memberi tahu komponen yang rusak dan datang ke bengkel untuk diganti!

Jun 5, 2013

Birth Of The May 20, 2013 Tornado In Newcastle, Okla.

Ford Tarik 465.000 Mobil karena Kebocoran Bahan Bakar

Kompas.com - Pabrikan mobil Amerika Serikat, Ford, menarik kembali sekitar 465.000 sedan dan sport utility vehicle (SUV) karena kemungkinan ada kebocoran pada tangki bahan bakar yang bisa menyebabkan kebakaran.

Kantor berita AP hari Senin (3/6/2013) melaporkan, penarikan kembali kendaraan Ford ini berlaku global. Mobil keluaran Ford yang ditarik itu yakni Fusion, Explorer, Taurur, Flex, Police Utility, dan Police Interceptor. Mobil keluaran Ford lainnya yakni Lincoln MKS, MKT, dan MKZ. Semua mobil ini keluaran tahun 2013.

Pihak Ford menegaskan, para pemakai mobil Ford bermasalah ini bisa merasakan bau bahan bakar atau melihat adanya tetesen bahan bakar di tanah. Perusahaan mobil nomor dua AS setelah General Motor Company ini mengaku sejauh ini tidak dilaporkan adanya kebakaran atau kecelakaan yang terjadi akibat adanya masalah kebocoran tangki bahan bakar ini.

Disebutkan, sekitar 390.000 kendaraan Ford yang terkena masalah ini terjual di pasar AS, sekitar 23.000 di pasar Kanada, dan 7.600 di Meksiko. Sisanya berada di Eropa, Amerika Selatan, Asia, dan sejumlah kawasan lainnya.

Miguel's Jump Kick Fail At Billboard Music Awards Results In Singer Landing On Fan's Neck

Jun 3, 2013

Siap-siap, Mobil Tanpa RFID Tak Boleh Isi BBM Bersubsidi

Detik.com - PT Pertamina (Persero) dan PT Inti awal Juli 2013 sudah memulai memasang RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) disetiap kendaraan di DKI Jakarta. Target pemasangan ini seluruhnya selesai selama 3 bulan.

"Juli kita mulai pemasangan RFID di DKI Jakarta, dimana tergetkan 3 bulan selesai seluruhnya termasuk masa sosialisasi," ujar Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina Ali Mundakir kepada detikFinance, Minggu (2/6/2013).

Setelah masa sosialisasi selama 3 bulan tersebut selesai, maka sistem monitoring dan pengawasan (SMP) di seluruh SPBU di Jakarta bisa diterapkan. "Artinya Oktober kendaraan yang tidak memiliki RFID di mulut tangki BBM kendaraanya tidak bisa dilayani untuk pembelian BBM subsidi," ujar Ali.

Menurut Ali, kendaraan yang tidak memiliki RFID dipersilahkan mengisi BBM non subsidi alias Pertamax atau produk BBM non subsidi sejenis. "Ya silahkan beli yang non subsidi saja," ucap Ali.

Selanjutnya akan ada aturan dari Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) terkait aturan kewajiban pemasangan RFID di setiap kendaraan bermotor. "Kita sedang tunggu aturan kewajiban pemasangan RFID di kendaraan dari BPH Migas," tandasnya.

Seperti diketahui PT Pertamina dan PT Inti sedang membangun sistem monitoring pengawasan (SMP) yang nantinya digunakan untuk memonitor dan mencatat setiap transaksi pembelian BBM subsidi.

RFID sendiri akan dipasang di 100 juta kendaraan di Indonesia yang terdiri dari 11 juta mobil penumpang, 80 juta sepeda motor, 3 juta bus, 6 juta truk dan 5.027 SPBU di 33 provinsi.

Kid Breaks Cymbal, Gives Master Class in Recovery from Embarrassment

Jun 2, 2013

Hong Kong Starbucks Used "Toilet Water" To Make Coffee

Kotaku.com - In Hong Kong, Starbucks patrons are upset and for good reason: the coffee chain's Central Hong Kong branch has used "toilet water" to brew coffee since it opened two years ago.

According to Apple Daily, a staffer would push a cart into a men's restroom in a nearby parking garage, fill it will water, and then push the cart back to Starbucks, where the "toilet water" would be then filtered. This would happen up to seventy times a day. The bathroom faucet was used because there was no nearby water source.

The faucet that Starbucks used was only a few feet away from a urinal. There were concerns about hygiene, and Hong Kong's Food and Environmental Hygiene Department told Apple Daily that this Starbucks' use of water was not within regulations. Since this discovery, the department has apparently issued a warning to the coffee chain's Central Hong Kong restaurant.

Ben Cowling, associate professor from the University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health, told HK Magazine that filtering the water should remove harmful bacteria. However, a purifier would be necessary to remove the smaller-sized viruses that could be present in the water.

But that wasn't his only concern, HK Magazine pointed out. "If the staff need to frequently visit the toilet, they may increase the risk of bringing other pathogens from the washroom into their food and drink preparation area," Cowling added.

Patrons are understandably upset. One woman told Apple Daily that it was Starbucks' responsiblity to have a clean water supply, no matter the cost. "People with common sense wouldn't have used the water from toilet pipes," said a male Hong Kong resident. Many Starbucks patrons expressed uneasiness about the whole situation.

While it might be debatable whether what we all are drinking is technically "toilet water", the thing that many patrons seem to find most offensive is where the water was taken from—literally, a faucet next to a urinal.

"Making huge profits globally but chose [SIC] to use toilet water for making coffee in that store rather than spending a few cents to use distilled water," wrote Hong Kong resident Kevin L on the Starbucks Facebook page. "We pay a few dollars to buy a cup of coffee (and you know your profit margin) and we get this kind of disrespect for our mind and health!"

On Facebook, Starbucks Hong Kong issued this reply: "Please kindly accept our apologies for the concerns raised by the coverage on the water source at the Bank of China Tower store. While the water used at that store was drinking water and certified as safe, we would like to clarify any misperceptions, as quality and safety have always been our top priority. We are now using distilled water to serve that store while we work with all parties on acceptable options."

The Starbucks began using distilled bottled water this past weekend.

Gmail's new killer feature: Spam blocking 2.0

Cnn.com - Over the next week, millions of Gmail users will notice that something's changed. Just like the web browser containing it, Gmail will have tabs.

But it won't be tabs for handling different accounts. Instead, the tabs will represent the new auto-sorting powers Google's Gmail has been granted in an attempt to make your email more useful. You might say it's an evolution of the spam blocker.

Leveraging years of data collection from Gmail accounts, Google will be able to take notifications from services like Facebook and Twitter and file them away in a folder titled Social. Groupon deals and the never-ending onslaught of email from Fab will be tucked away in the Promotions folders.

All those bills, receipts, and nagging reminders you don't really want to deal with? Updates folder. And for those who still use message boards and mailing lists, there's a folder for any emails from that corner of the internet.

The amount of email we all get has gone way up. But as our methods of communicating electronically have become more varied, we receive far fewer emails we actually care about -- emails that can get lost in the flood of knockoff Cialis offers.

With the updated Gmail, which Google unveiled earlier this week, what should theoretically remain is an inbox of email you actually want to look at.

Google has tried for years to supply tools to make email less painful. It introduced the aforementioned spam filters, a Starred email folder, and an auto-populating Priority Inbox, all in an attempt to reduce the noise. But aside from the spam filter, people haven't really latched on to any of the other solutions. And even with the spam filter, most people still have way too many emails.

When Mailbox, an app built on top of Gmail, was released for Apple's iOS earlier this year, it stood out for its simplistic approach and painless way for filing non-urgent mail.

Google is wise to build some of that sorting into the core experience of Gmail, but it's even smarter to move a step ahead and automate the process. Few companies arguably have more data and insights on the type of mail people really want to engage with, and if anyone is audaciously qualified to attempt such a feat, it's Google.

Jun 1, 2013

'Wheel of Fortune': California woman becomes second winner ever to take home $1 million

Tersedia "Online", Panduan Gaji Indonesia

Kompas.com - Sebuah perusahaan jasa konsultan tenaga kerja asal Amerika, Kelly Services, merilis panduan gaji pegawai untuk sejumlah sektor usaha di Indonesia. Panduan gaji ini memberikan gambaran bagi para pengusaha dan para pencari kerja mengenai gaji di Indonesia.

Bernadetter Themas, Managing Director Kelly Services Indonesia, mengatakan, panduan gaji itu mencakup beberapa jenis usaha, antara lain perbankan dan finansial, consumer goods, energi dan sumber daya alam, serta industri dan properti. "Investasi asing di sektor tersebut terus mengalami kenaikan dan mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia," ujar dia, Kamis (30/5/2013) malam.

Pertumbuhan investasi ekonomi dari berbagai sektor itu pasti mendorong peningkatan kebutuhan akan tenaga kerja. "Karena itu panduan gaji ini mutlak dibutuhkan untuk para pengusaha dan pencari kerja agar memiliki gambaran tentang pengupahan di Indonesia," urainya.

Data panduan gaji tersebut, kata Themas, didapatkannya dari komparasi data permintaan calon karyawan dan kesiapan perusahaan dengan mempertimbangkan kenaikan upah sektoral, dalam menggaji karyawannya yang disampaikan melalui Kelly Services Indonesia. Dalam panduan gaji yang dapat diakses melalui situs www.kellyservices.com itu dijelaskan secara gamblang, berapa nilai gaji maksimal dan minimal untuk sebuah jabatan menurut masa kerjanya, serta berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan karyawannya.

Julia Gillard hit by salami sandwich