Dec 29, 2013

Belasan Ribu Captiva Ditarik - Salah satu model paling populer yang dimiliki General Motors (GM), Captiva, harus ditarik. Ada belasan ribu Captiva yang harus ditarik karena ada masalah pada selang bahan bakar yang bisa menyebabkan kebakaran.

Belasan mobil itu ditarik di Australia dengan label Holden Captiva. Karena masalah selang bahan bakar itu, potensi kebakaran bisa saja terjadi.

Ada 14.230 Captiva yang ditarik. Mobil-mobil yang terkena dampak adalah mobil yang dibangun di Korea antara 5 Februari 2011 sampai 2 November 2012. Mobil-mobil yang ditarik adalah mobil yang dilengkapi dengan mesin turbo-diesel berkapasitas 2.2 liter.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) mengatakan kalau masalah selang bahan bakar itu terjadi karena gesekan yang bisa membuat lubang. "Berpotensi pada bahaya kebakaran," kata pemberitahuan ACCC.

Seorang juru bicara Holden mengatakan kepada Car Advice kalau pemeriksaan kendaraan tengah berlangsung. Bila dirasa perlu, maka selang bahan bakar akan diganti dan itu membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1 jam. Dan itu gratis.

Holden mengakui kalau ada empat kasus terkait kebocoran bahan bakar.

Crazy Wheelie Stunts On Street

Could scientists identify criminals by enhancing their reflection in a victim's EYE by zooming in on photos? - Police could soon be using the reflections of people and objects in the eyes of victims and witnesses to crimes to solve cases, a study revealed today.

'The pupil of the eye is like a black mirror,' lead researcher Dr Jenkins said.

'Eyes in the photographs could reveal where you were and who you were with.'

Jenkins said it was possible for low-resolution passport photos to be 'mined' for information, such as faces of witnesses, bystanders, locations and environmental sign-posts, to help law enforcers piece together a criminal narrative.

He said this technique would be particularly useful in crimes in which victims are photographed, such as hostage-taking and child sex abuse.

In the study, Jenkins and the University of Glasgow's Christie Kerr photographed eight individuals, who were themselves looking at four people who were behind the camera.

Study subjects were asked to either match the images to a series of mug shots, or to identify people who were familiar to them in the eye reflections.

The study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, found test subjects were able to spot familiar faces reflected in the pupils of someone who was photographed 84 percent of the time.

When the reflected images were of unfamiliar people, observers were able to match the person to a second mug shot with 71 percent accuracy.

Test subjects were able to spot familiar faces reflected in the pupils of someone who was photographed 84% of the time, researchers said.

'In the context of criminal investigations, this could be used to piece together networks of associates, or to link individuals to particular locations,' Jenkins, from the University of York, told Kurzweil Artificial Intelligence.

'This may be especially important when for categories of crime in which perpetrators photograph their victims. Reflections in the victims eyes could reveal the identity of the photographer.

'Also, around 40 million photographs per day are uploaded to Instagram alone.

'Faces are among the most frequently photographed objects. Our study serves as a reminder to be careful what you upload.'

However Kerr noted the forensic value of these photos was limited because they must be shot in high- resolution and the subject must be looking directly at the camera.

'For now, our findings suggest a novel application for high-resolution photography: for crimes in which victims are photographed, corneal image analysis could be useful for identifying perpetrators,' the study authors wrote.

The study noted that the word pupil comes from the Latin word pupilla, which can mean young girl or doll, and conveys the idea that when one looks into someone else's eyes, they see a tiny doll-like version of themselves reflected back.

Dec 27, 2013

Hand signals help restaurant servers communicate

Klaim Irit BBM Bohong, KIA dan Hyundai Bayar Rp 4,7 Triliun - Produsen otomotif sering kali menampilkan klaim tingkat keiritan kendaraan yang mereka jual. Namun, produsen wajib jujur. Bila tidak, itu tentu akan merugikan konsumen. Di Amerika, KIA dan Hyundai, terpaksa harus membayar sekitar Rp 4,72 triliun karena klaim yang tidak benar.

Dua merek dari Korea Selatan itu kemarin mengatakan kalau mereka telah mencapai kesepakatan untuk membayar total US$ 395 juta atau sekitar Rp 4,72 triliun untuk menyelesaikan tuntutan hukum yang diajukan oleh pemilik mobil yang merasa dibohongi karena klaim efisiensi bahan bakar yang dilebih-lebih kan.

Perjanjian pembayaran kompensasi itu akan mempengaruhi sekitar 600.000 pemilik mobil Hyundai dan 300.000 KIA di Amerika Serikat. Mobil yang disoroti adalah model tahun 2011-2013.

Cerita ini bermula pada bulan November 2012 saat kedua perusahaan mengakui bahwa mereka membesar-besarkan klaim tingkat efisiensi bahan bakar mereka setidaknya menambah 1 mpg (sekitar 0,43 km/liter) pada kendaraan mereka.

Pengakuan ini diberikan setelah US Environmental Protection Agency menemukan ketidak-cocokan antara klaim dan hasil nyata di 13 model Hyundai dan KIA model tahun 2011-2013.

Akibatnya ada 53 tuntutan hukum pada kedua merek itu di Amerika Serikat. Tuntutan itu kemudian digabungkan.

Pembayaran ini untuk mengganti selisih klaim dan kenyataan. Uang bensin yang tidak semestinya dikeluarkan akibat selisih tadi selama pemilik memiliki mobil harus diganti. Untuk Hyundai saja, rata-rata selisih klaim dan kenyataan ini mengharuskan mereka membayar sekitar US$ 320.

Diperkirakan, Hyundai akan membayar total sekitar US$ 210 juta untuk masalah ini dan KIA membayar sekitar US$ 185 juta. Itu kalau pemilik setuju dengan metode penyelesaian seperti ini.

Masalah serupa juga terjadi di Kanada dimana para pemilik mobil Korea itu juga mengajukan class action atas masalah yang sama. Juru bicara Hyundai Kanada Chad Heard di Reuters mengatakan kalau Hyundai berharap penyelesaian yang diusulkan untuk kasus-kasus tersebut dapat dicapai pada awal 2014.

New Mercedes-Benz C-Class for 2014

Dec 26, 2013

Daftar SPBU di Jakarta Yang Melayani Pemasangan RFID - Pertamina bersama PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (INTI) membuka posko pemasangan Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) di SPBU di Jakarta. Berikut adalah daftar SPBU yang dapat melayani pemasangan RFID.

Jam kerja pemasangan RFID ini mulai pukul 07.00 sampai 17.00 WIB. Berhubung tidak setiap hari posko dibuka di semua SPBU yang ada pada daftar ini, dianjurkan untuk melakukan pengecekan sebelum berangkat dengan menghubungi hotline Pertamina di 500 000.

Idealnya hanya butuh waktu 5 menit saja untuk pemasangan RFID. "Tapi karena banyak pertanyaan dari masyarakat saat pemasangan jadi molor, sekitar 10 sampai 20 menit," jelas Dayu Rengganis, Corporate Services Director PT INTI.

Proses pertama dalam pemasangan RFID adalah proses input data pemilik dan kendaraan dari berdasarkan STNK. Kemudian, tiap satu nama yang tercatat akan mendapatkan gelang RFID yang sebelumnya sudah diprogram sesuai jenis dan kategori kendaraan menggunakan RFID Programmer.

Tiap gelang RFID mewakili satu profil pemilik dan kendaraanya yang tidak bisa saling tukar.  Langkah selanjutnya adalah memasang gelang RFID di mulut tangki bahan bakar. "Satu lagi yang harus diketahui masyarakat juga adalah, pemasangan perangkat RFID ini gratis tidak dipungut biaya," yakin Andi Nugroho Manager Sosialisasi Sistem Monitoring dan Pengendalian Bahan Bakar Minyak (SMPBBM). (

Jakarta Utara
1 / 34-11103 / Jl. Raya KS. Tubun No. 20 
2 / 34-11104 / Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 74/75 Kec Mapar Kel. Taman Sari
3 / 34-11701 / Jl. Kamal Raya 
4 / 34-14107 / Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing (KBN) No. 17  
5 / 34-14201 / Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya, Kelapa Gading  
6 / 34-14204 / Jl. Raya Yos Sudarso 
7 / 34-14205 / Jl. Boulevard Timur Kelapa Gading 
8 / 34-14206 / Jl. Pegangsaan 2 Kelapa Gading 
9 / 34-14207 / Jl. Plumpang Semper 
10 / 34-14209 / Jl. Logistik No. 85 Pegangsaan 
11 / 34-14210 / Jl. Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading Blok D Kav 2 
12 / 34-14301 / Jl. Sunter Paradise 
13 / 34-14304 / Jl. Tongkol No. 7 Kel. Tanjung Priok 
14 / 34-14307 / Jl. Danau Sunter Selatan Blok 05 No. 10 
15 / 34-14403 / Jl. Pluit Raya Selatan No. 10 Kel. Pluit Kec. Penjaringan  
16 / 34-14405 / Jl. Kampung Bandan  Jakarta Utara 
17 / 34-14408 / Jl. Budi Mulya Raya, Pademangan 
18 / 34-14413 / Jl. Benyamin Sueb ex. Bandara Kemayoran  

Jakarta Barat
1 / 34-11403 / Jl. Kemanggisan Utama Raya No. 6-8 RT 11 RW 06 Palmerah  
2 / 34-11407 / Jl. Kemanggisan Utama Raya 
3 / 34-11708 / Jl. Raya Duri Kosambi Cengkareng  
4 / 34-11710 / Jl. Outer Ringroad Cengkareng Pintu Air 
5 / 34-11712 / Jl. Daan Mogot KM. 4-5 Kel. Cengkareng Timur   
6 / 34-11713 / Jl. Raya Daan Mogot KM. 10 Pesing 
7 / 34-11801 / Peta Barat (Jl. Benda)

Jakarta Pusat
1 / 31-10202 / Jl. Abdul Muis No. 68 Kel. Petojo Sela 
2 / 31-13101 / Jl. Pramuka Raya 
3 / 31-10303 / Jl. Cikini Raya Kel. Cikini Kec. Menteng  
4 / 31-10701 / Jl. Industri II Kemayoran 
5 / 34-10401 / Jl. Kramat Raya No. 116

Jakarta Timur
1 / 31-13602 / Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo
2 / 31-13701 / Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 28, Ps. Rebo 
3 / 34-13205 / Jl. Printis Kemerdekaan  
4 / 34-13206 / Jl. Raya Pemuda Rawamangun 
5 / 34-13208 / Jl. Rawamangun Muka Raya No. 1  
6 / 34-13305 / Jl. Otista Raya
7 / 34-13409 / Jl. Raden Inten  
8 / 34-13414 / Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 64  
9 / 34-13419 / Jl. Raden Inten Kec. Duren Sawit POSPOL  
10 / 34-13421 / Jl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai Pondok Kopi
11 / 34-13422 / Jl. Raya Kalimalang Pd. Kelapa 
12 / 34-13502 / Jl. Raya Condet
13 / 34-13505 / Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 4, Kramat Jati 
14 / 34-13506 / Jl. Pusdik Depnaker No. 80 Pinang Ranti 
15 / 34-13802 / Jl. Raya Pondok Gede 
16 / 34-13806 / Jl. Supriyadi No. 27 Ciracas
17 / 34-13907 / Jl. Centra Primer
18 / 34-13908 / Jl. Hamengkubuwono IX

Jakarta Selatan  
1 / 31-12802 / Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. 18 
2 / 31-12902 / Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2/2 
3 / 34-12412 / Jl. Fatmawati
4 / 34-12703 / Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 14, Pancoran  
5 / 34-12902 / Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 31 

Dec 25, 2013

Why is Canada naming its warships after U.S. defeats? - Warships from the U.S. Navy will someday be sailing alongside the Royal Canadian Navy supply ships HMCS Queenston and HMCS Chateauguay, perhaps on a NATO exercise or a humanitarian relief mission. That might get awkward if a historically minded American sailor notices that Queenston and Chateauguay are battles where Canada defeated America in the War of 1812. Yo, Canada, what's the deal?

Yes, America's good-natured neighbor to the north is naming its newest naval vessels after battles where Canadians trounced U.S. invaders in the War of 1812. The Battle of Queenston Heights, on Oct. 13, 1812, saw an outnumbered force of 1,300 British regulars, Canadian militiamen, and Mohawk irregulars repel a poorly organized attempt by 3,500 U.S. regulars and militiamen to cross the Niagara River. The Battle of Chateauguay, on Oct. 26, 1813*, was another embarrassing U.S. defeat, when a 1,600-strong British and Canadian force defeated 2,600 Americans who were attempting to capture Montreal.

"The Government of Canada has named the new Joint Support Ships (JSS) to commemorate the War of 1812, in recognition of the achievements and sacrifices made by those early Canadians who fought and died in these significant battles of Queenston Heights and Chateauguay," said Canadian Navy spokeswoman Lt. Jennifer Fidler in an email to Foreign Policy. "The War of 1812 was a defining moment that contributed to shaping our identity as Canadians and ultimately our existence as a country. It laid the foundation for Confederation and the cornerstones of our political institutions."

Historians may quibble: Since Canada was a British colony rather than a nation in 1812, then technically the war was fought between Great Britain and the United States, and the glory of these victories belongs to the British. But history is no match for patriotic fervor. "These two key victories helped ensure our independent development in what was then British North America, leading to the eventual achievement of Canadian nationhood and a mutually respectful relationship with the United States of America," Fidler said.

The HMCS Queenston and Chateauguay, which together will cost $2.6 billion Canadian, are scheduled to enter service in 2019. They are designed to replace older Canadian Navy replenishment ships. They are the first vessels to be named after U.S. defeats by Canada, but they may not be the last. "If an additional Joint Support Ships vessel is constructed, the names of other prominent War of 1812 battles will be considered," noted Fidler.

Not surprisingly, the naming of the two ships comes after Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government sought last year to heavily commemorate the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. However, polls suggest that the festivities did not exactly stoke patriotic fires.

Should Americans feel aggrieved at Canada's actions, their northern friends have a fair riposte: We're only giving you a taste of your own medicine. The United States has never been shy about boasting of its own victories. British sailors must sail alongside current U.S. warships such as the USS Bunker Hill, USS Cowpens, and the USS Lake Champlain (at least the cruiser USS Yorktown has been retired). And the Japanese have to put up with the cruiser USS Leyte Gulf and the amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima, the Germans with the USS Normandy and USS Anzio -- and I'm sure the Vietnamese will look forward to a port visit from the cruiser USS Hue City. Not even domestic enemies are spared; Confederate nostalgists can grit their teeth over the USS Gettysburg and USS Vicksburg.

Britain and France are more or less friends now, but the British stuck it to the French with the now-retired nuclear submarine HMS Trafalgar. The Dutch have their frigate HNLMS Tromp (named after two admirals who beat the British). And the French have their frigate La Fayette, named after the general who helped the Americans beat the British, and of course the carrier Charles de Gaulle, named after a leader who drove the Americans and British crazy.

Perhaps the only nations that can't name their ships after famous victories are the former Axis powers. Germany would find it impolitic to name a ship the Denmark Strait or the Admiral Dönitz. The same goes for Japan. Will we ever see a Japanese warship named the Pearl Harbor?

Japan's Kirobo robot chats with astronaut in space for first time

Dec 24, 2013

This Robot Just Won The DARPA Robotics Challenge

Mikhail Kalashnikov, Creator of AK-47, Dies at 94 - Lt. Gen. Mikhail T. Kalashnikov, the arms designer credited by the Soviet Union with creating the AK-47, the first in a series of rifles and machine guns that would indelibly associate his name with modern war and become the most abundant firearms ever made, died on Monday in Izhevsk, the capital of the Udmurtia republic, where he lived. He was 94.

Viktor Chulkov, a spokesman for the republic’s president, confirmed the death, the Itar-Tass news agency reported.

Born a peasant on the southern Siberian steppe, General Kalashnikov had little formal education and claimed to be a self-taught tinkerer who combined innate mechanical skills with the study of weapons to conceive of a rifle that achieved battlefield ubiquity.

His role in the rifle’s creation, and the attention showered on him by the Kremlin’s propaganda machine, carried him from conscription in the Red Army to senior positions in the Soviet arms-manufacturing bureaucracy and ultimately to six terms on the Supreme Soviet.

Tens of millions of Kalashnikov rifles have been manufactured. Their short barrels, steep front-sight posts and curved magazines made them a marker of conflict that has endured for decades. The weapons also became both Soviet and revolutionary symbols and widespread instruments of terrorism, child-soldiering and crime.

The general, who sometimes lamented the weapons’ unchecked distribution but took pride in having invented them and in their reputation for reliability, weathered the collapse of the Soviet Union to assume a public role as a folk hero and unequivocal Russian patriot.

A Soviet nostalgist, he also served as the unofficial arms ambassador of the revived Russian state. He used public appearances to try to cast the AK-47’s checkered legacy in a positive way and to complain that knockoffs were being manufactured illegally by former Soviet allies and cutting into Russian sales.

The weapon, he said, was designed to protect his motherland, not to be used by terrorists or thugs. “This is a weapon of defense,” he said. “It is not a weapon for offense.”

General Kalashnikov’s public life resulted from a secret competition to develop the Soviet infantry rifle for the Cold War. The result was the AK-47 — an abbreviation for “the automatic by Kalashnikov” followed by the year the competition ended.

General Kalashnikov, a senior sergeant at the time who had been injured in battle against German tanks, was credited with leading the design bureau that produced the AK-47 prototype. The Soviet Union began issuing a mass-produced version to soldiers in 1949.

The true AK-47 was short-lived. It was followed in the 1950s by a modernized version, the A.K.M., which retained its predecessor’s underlying design while reducing its weight and manufacturing time.

Shorter than traditional infantry rifles and firing a cartridge midway between the power of a pistol and the standard rifle cartridges of the day, the Kalashnikov line was initially dismissed by American ordnance experts as a weapon of small consequence. It was not particularly accurate or well made, they said, and it lacked range and stopping power.

It cemented its place in martial history in the 1960s in Vietnam. There, a new American rifle, the M-16, experienced problems with corrosion and jamming in the jungles, while Kalashnikovs, carried by Vietcong guerrillas and North Vietnamese soldiers, worked almost flawlessly.

By this time, in an effort to standardize infantry weapons among potential allies, the Soviet Union had exported the rifle’s specifications and its manufacturing technology to China, Egypt, North Korea and Warsaw Pact nations. Communist engineers would eventually share the manufacturing technology with other countries, including Iraq.

The weapon’s design was also incorporated into arms manufactured in Finland, Israel, South Africa and other nations. The result was a long line of derivatives and copies. Almost all are referred to as AK-47s by colloquial, if inaccurate, shorthand.

Dec 20, 2013

Early 'Nymphomaniac' Reviews Praise Lars Von Trier's Sex Drama

This Katy Perry Performance Fail Might Be The Most Awkward Thing You See Today

Aplikasi Lacak Android Sudah Tersedia di Play Store - Fitur Android Device Manager memang telah diperkenalkan oleh Google sejak Agustus lalu, namun baru versi web-nya saja. Kini, Google merilis aplikasi Android Device Manager ke Play Store, untuk digunakan di ponsel Android.

Aplikasi ini bisa digunakan untuk melacak smartphone Android yang hilang. Kemampuan seperti itu mengingatkan kita pada layanan Find My iPhone dari Apple. Fitur tersebut sudah tersedia di iPhone semenjak 2010.

Aplikasi Android Device Manager di Android memiliki antarmuka seperti versi web. Pengguna bisa melacak perangkat Android di peta, melihat terakhir ada di mana, dan kapan digunakan. Google mengklaim aplikasi ini bisa melacak semua perangkat yang memiliki sebuah akun Google.

Selain melacak lokasi, pengguna bisa mengunci layar, mengganti password PIN, atau bahkan menghapus data. Semua bisa dilakukan dari jarak jauh.

Pengguna sebenarnya juga bisa menggunakan Android Device Manager dengan browser di Android, namun aplikasi yang dirancang khusus ini lebih nyaman digunakan. Antarmukanya bisa menyesuaikan ukuran layar yang dimiliki perangkat.

Terdapat juga dropdown menu untuk berganti akun. Aplikasi juga berjalan lebih cepat dibanding versi web-nya.

Namun, aplikasi tersebut nampaknya kurang sesuai jika digunakan di versi mobile. Menggunakan aplikasi di web akan jauh lebih masuk akal, karena jika kita kehilangan smartphone, maka aplikasi di dalamnya tak bisa digunakan untuk melacak. Kecuali jika pengguna memiliki lebih dari satu smartphone Android atau tablet.

Patrick Caffrey, US Airman, Reunites With Family During Idaho Steelheads Game

Dec 19, 2013

86-year-old ‘Howard Stern’ contest winner dies hours before prostitute sex 'prize': report - An 86-year-old man who won a free ménage-a-trois at the famous Bunny Ranch choked to death on a piece of steak shortly before his promised night of carnal delight, said brothel owner Dennis Hof.

Eager octogenarian Johnny Orris, shortly before his last meal, said he was looking forward to “the greatest day of my life” — only to die Thursday on the floor of a Nevada restaurant.

“The guy was so full of life,” said his grandson Ed, who entered Orris in a Howard Stern-sponsored contest for a night of passion at the Nevada brothel.

“He was on cloud nine, and anxious to get back to the Bunny Ranch,” said the 49-year-old grandson, who stopped by the pleasure palace with gramps that afternoon. “He told one of the girls, ‘I’m gonna be back here at 9 o’clock — you’d better be ready!’”

Hof was astounded when Ed returned to the ranch with word of the balding, bespectacled prize winner’s sudden demise before the grand finale of his all-expenses-paid trip.

“Johnny said that he was prepping for the ‘Super Bowl of Sex,’ ” said Hof. “And he never got there.”

Johnny Orris lived alone at his home in Sullivan, Ill., after his wife died 11 years ago, according to his grandson.

It was Ed’s idea to bring the randy retired farmer to New York for the Stern show contest tied to the Johnny Knoxville movie “Bad Grandpa.”

After winning the October competition, Orris was counting down the days until his night with call girls Caressa Kisses and Rain Riches.

“He was ecstatic,” recalled his grandson. “He’d been that way ever since our trip to the Stern show.”

The grandfather began swapping emails with Kisses in a bit of cyber-foreplay, Hof said.

“This went back the last month, month-and-a-half,” said Hof. “He was excited to be with Caressa, and she was excited to be with him.”

The two generations of Orris men spent Thursday afternoon at the Bunny Ranch bar flirting with about 40 women after flying in from Illinois, according to Hof.

“The bunnies loved him,” said Hof.

The pair, accompanied by a pal, then headed to dinner at Harveys Lake Tahoe resort to grab some steaks with a promise to return by 9 p.m. for grandpa to join in the threesome.

But two bites into his prime rib, Orris began choking — and his grandson said repeated attempts to save the senior citizen with the Heimlich maneuver were unsuccessful.

“It was unbelievable,” recounted grandson Ed. “The paramedics worked on him for 30 minutes. We’re still kinda stunned.”

The upset grandson later found solace with one of the ranch’s working girls when Hof granted him a freebie.

Google May Resort To Blackmail If We All Don't Sign Up For Google+

Dec 18, 2013

Infiniti Q50 2014 di "Recall" Bermasalah Pada Setir - Infiniti, merek premium Nissan memanggil untuk perbaikan (recall) terhadap sedan Q50 2014 karena ada gangguan pada perangkat lunak pada sistem kemudi (steer-by-wire).

Dalam laporan perusahaan kepada Badan Regulator Keselamatan disebutkan bahwa penarikan pada sedan Q50 yang dilengkapi setir adaptif, perangkat tersebut bisa menonakltifkan sofware di power steering ketika suhu mesin sangat dingin.

Memang ada pendukung mekanis ketika setir mengalami gangguan seperti menendang balik melalui kopling jika kemudi adaptif rusak. Namun, Lembaga Administrasi Keselamatan Jalan Raya (NHTSA) Amerika menegaskan bahwa pendukung mekanis tidak boleh dipakai karena akan membuka peluang untuk celaka.

Dari pihak Infiniti menyebutkan hanya 23 unit yang terkena pemanggilan. Pemilik telah diperintahkan untuk membawah mobil ke dealer terdekat.

Infiniti Q50 merupakan pengganti dari model G37 dengan fitur baru steer-by-wiren yang pengembangannya menghabiskan waktu 10 tahun. Ini satu-satunya dari line-up keluarga Infiniti memakai teknologi steer-by-wire, tapi untuk pasar di Amerika saja.

Jadi, sistem ini menggunakan tiga unit kontrol elektormik. Sehingga, jika ECU utama mengalami gangguan (gagal), masih ada dua back-up. Dengan kejadian ini, Infiniti berharap untuk mengurangi kompleksitas, berat, dan biaya steer-by-wire.

Crashing Other People's Cell Phone Conversations Makes For Hilarity At The Airport

Dec 17, 2013

Robot dragonfly DelFly Explorer avoids obstacles by itself

Harley-Davidson Tarik Belasan Ribu Motor - Penarikan kembali (recall) terjadi lagi. Kali ini giliran Harley-Davidson yang melakukan recall terhadap belasan ribu motor terbaru mereka karena sebuah masalah.

New York Times melaporkan kalau Harley-Davidson yang bermarkas di Milwaukee ini akan menarik hampir 19.600 Touring karena masalah pada clutch master cylinder.

Harley mengakui kalau akibat masalah ini pengendara menjadi sulit untuk mengganti transmisi dan menyulitkan pula untuk mereka memperlambat atau menghentikan motor mereka.

Dalam laporannya pada Badan Keselamatan Lalu Lintas dan Jalan Raya Amerika atau National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Harley juga mengakui kalau mereka telah menemukan 2 kecelakaan terkait dengan masalah ini dan menyebabkan cedera.

Untuk itu, penarikan pun akan segera mereka lakukan pada motor model tahun 2014 atau keluaran terbaru ini.

Imigrasi Jaksel Buka 'Cabang' Pelayanan Paspor di Ciputat dan Cilandak - Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan (Jaksel) akan membuka 'cabang' pembuatan paspor di Ciputat dan Cilandak. Dua lokasi ini diharapkan bisa mengurangi kepadatan pemohon paspor di Kantor Imigrasi Jaksel yang selalu penuh.

"Terkait berupa pelayanan paspor kita akan menyediakan Unit Layanan Paspor (ULP) wilayah I dan wilayah II," kata Kepala Bagian Humas dan Tata Usaha Ditjen Imigrasi Heriyanto kepada detikcom, Senin (16/12/2013).

ULP wilayah I akan melakukan soft opening pelayanan pemberian paspor pada 18 Desember 2013. Layanan ini berlokasi di Jl Ciputat Raya No 27 RT 005/ RW 006, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan. Kapasitas pelayanan di lokasi ini sebanyak 120 permohonan paspor per harinya. Nomor kontak untuk ULP wilayah I adalah (021) 7650719 – (021) 7650715.

"Diharapkan warga Jakarta Selatan yang berada di sekitar ULP wilayah I tersebut dapat mempersingkat waktu proses permohonan paspornya dengan mengunjungi tempat tersebut," katanya.

Sedangkan untuk ULP Wilayah II akan dibuka pada 23 Desember mendatang. Kapasistas layanan di kantor yang ada di Jl Karang Tengah Blok B/I Nomor 8 H, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, adalah 70 permohonan paspor per hari. Nomor kontak untuk ULP wilayah II adalah (021) 29237049.

"Kita juga berharap warga bisa memanfaatkan kantor layanan ini," katanya.

Heriyanto mengatakan, pembukaan dua ULP ini merupakan terobosan baru yang dilakukan untuk mendekatkan agar mudah mendapatkan pelayanan paspor. Rencananya ULP ini juga akan dikembangkan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia.

"Setelah melalui evaluasi diharapkan ULP tidak saja dapat dikembangkan di Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan namun juga dapat dikembangkan di kantor Imigrasi lainnya," katanya.

Heriyanto mengatakan biaya penerbitan paspor di ULP tersebut sama dengan biaya penerbitan paspor di Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan. "Standar pelayanan dan harga penerbitan paspor sama, sesuai dengan ketentuan pemerintah," katanya.

Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone And John Goodman Are The Three Wise Guys On SNL

Dec 16, 2013

Twitter restores blocking function after outcry - Twitter said late Thursday that it had reversed course after an intense public outcry and will restore a feature that allows users to "block" unwanted followers.

The company was responding to a virtual revolt led by users who had experienced harassment on the popular social media network.

The offending change removed the ability of individuals to block unwanted followers and hide tweets from that user. Instead, the new rules rendered any blocked account invisible to the user -- similar in function to a "mute" button.

The new policy created the possibility that an abusive user would be able to continue their behavior -- but the target would be unaware.

Critics of the new policy said it was the digital equivalent of wearing a blindfold or plugging your ears. The practice, they said, would have questionable benefits to victims of abuse.

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Twitter (TWTR) countered that the new policy would help users who wanted to silence abusive users, but feared retaliation when the offender noticed they had been blocked.

Company executives met Thursday night in San Francisco to discuss the outcry, according to Reuters. A short time later, Twitter said it would reverse the changes.

"We have decided to revert the change after receiving feedback from many users," Michael Sippey, vice president of product, said in a blog post. "We never want to introduce features at the cost of users feeling less safe."

The company said it would continue to explore features designed to protect users from abuse and prevent retaliation. Users still have the option to make their account "private," which restricts all content to approved followers.

The backlash comes after Twitter pledged in August to implement changes that would make its users safer.

In that case, the company was responding to rape threats made against prominent women in the United Kingdom and bomb threats made against journalists.

In response, Twitter introduced an "in-tweet" report abuse button and added extra staff to the teams that handle abuse reports.

New NASA Robot, 'Valkyrie,' Looks Like Iron Man

Rovio Releases 'Angry Birds Go!' in All Major App Stores

Dec 13, 2013

Cara Jitu Operator Blokir Ponsel Curian - Tiga operator seluler di Selandia Baru sepakat untuk memblokir ponsel curian sebagai upaya menekan angka pencurian ponsel, atau setidaknya, membuat ponsel curian tidak bisa digunakan lagi dan dijual kembali. Tiga operator itu adalah Vodafone, Telecom, dan 2degrees.

Pada Senin (9/12/2013), tiga operator seluler di Selandia Baru bersama-sama meluncurkan daftar hitam ponsel curian untuk memblokir ponsel yang dicuri dalam waktu 24 jam setelah ada laporan kehilangan dari pemiliknya. Pemblokiran dilakukan melalui kode identifikasi unik atau IMEI yang telah terdaftar.

Daftar hitam ponsel curian yang digunakan tiga operator itu menggunakan sistem database yang diselenggarakan GSM Association (GSMA) —badan internasional yang mewakili industri mobile— dan dikelola oleh New Zealand Telecommunications Forum.

Inspektur Steve Christian, National Manager Mobility di Kepolisian Selandia Baru, menyambut baik sistem database tersebut. "Kami sangat senang perusahaan telekomunikasi sekarang bergabung bersama-sama membuat perangkat curian menjadi tidak bernilai," katanya.

Setelah masuk daftar hitam, ponsel atau perangkat mobile curian tidak dapat menggunakan jaringan seluler ataupun internet dari tiga operator besar di Selandia Baru tersebut. Bahkan, ponsel tetap terblokir sekalipun berganti kartu SIM.

CEO New Zealand Telecommunications Forum, David Stone mengatakan, langkah ini merupakan contoh kolaborasi lintas industri yang menguntungkan pelanggan dan masyarakat. "Bagi banyak orang, ponsel bukan sekedar ponsel. Ponsel adalah kamera, jam tangan, buku harian, ensiklopedia, peta, dan pengaturan lainnya," terang Stone.

Ia memperingatkan masyarakat setempat untuk berhati-hati dalam membeli ponsel atau perangkat mobile lainnya dari penjual yang tidak jelas, karena bukan tidak mungkin pembeli akan mendapatkan produk yang telah terblokir.

Hilang Insting Liar, Harimau Ini Cuma Menjilati Saat Diberi Anak Ayam - Euro, harimau sumatera penghuni vila 90, yang diselamatkan Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) wilayah I Jawa Barat, mengalami penurunan insting liar. Hal ini terjadi karena Euro terlalu lama berada di kandang.

"Selama diobservasi, kami melihat ada perubahan perilaku dari Euro karena cukup lama dipelihara. Dia sudah jinak dan sulit ditebak," kata Andita Spetiandini, dokter hewan spesialis satwa liar dari Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia (ASTI), yang merawat Euro.

Andita yang ditemui di pusat rehabilitasi satwa ASTI di Megamendung, Selasa (10/12/2013), menyebutkan, Euro merupakan harimau sumatera yang telah jinak. Euro telah dikandangkan dan dipelihara oleh pemiliknya sejak usia satu tahun hingga kini berusia empat tahun.

Euro terlihat jinak dan mengenal namanya ketika dipanggil, termasuk oleh petugas vila yang memberikan makan kepadanya.

Menurut Andita, selama diobservasi di ASTI, Euro dilatih untuk mengembalikan perilaku alamiahnya. Pihak ASTI pernah mencoba menguji insting liar harimau sumatera tersebut dengan memasukkan seekor anak ayam. "Tapi, anak ayam itu cuma dijilatnya, terus dilihatin, jadi seperti mainan," kata Andita.

Andita mengatakan, selain kehilangan insting liarnya, Euro juga takut air. Hewan ini nyaris tidak pernah menyentuh air di dalam kolam yang ada di kandang. Kemungkinan selama dikandangkan ia tidak pernah dimandikan oleh pemiliknya.

"Padahal, di habitatnya, harimau sumatera ini bisa berenang. Mereka menjelajahi hutan dan menyeberangi sungai dengan berenang sebagai salah satu keahliannya," ujar Andita.

Selama sebulan menempti pusat rehabilitasi dan obeservasi satwa liar ASTI di Megamendung, Euro belajar mengembalikan jati dirinya sebagai harimau sumatera bersama seekor harimau sumatera lain, bernama Leony.

Leony direhabilitasi dan diobeservasi di ASTI setelah diselamatkan dari penjualan di Jakarta pada tiga tahun silam. Selama di ASTI, Leony diobservasi secara liar, tidak berinteraksi dengan manusia sehingga sikap alamiahnya masih terjaga.

Selama berada di kandang, ketiga petugas membersihkan kandang keduanya. Euro dan Leony dipertemukan dengan kandang bersebelahan sehingga keduanya bisa berinteraksi. Selama pertemuan tersebut, Euro belajar mengenal air, setelah melihat kebiasaan Leony bermain air.

"Jadi, pernah satu kali Euro masuk ke dalam bak mandinya, kami sangat senang melihatnya. Tapi, itu hanya sebentar, lalu dia keluar lagi, dan hanya terjadi sekali selama di sini," ujar Andita.

Makan ayam potong
Tidak hanya itu, pola makan Euro selama dipelihara oleh pemilik vila ialah selalu diberi makan ayam potong. Sejak di ASTI, Euro diberi makanan sesuai habitatnya, seperti daging kambing, sapi, dan kelinci.

Sejak diberikan makanan sesuai pola di habitatnya, Euro kini tidak lagi menyukai daging ayam. Namun, karena adanya gangguan malnutrisi, kaheksia, dan malabsorpsi akibat adanya dua selang yang bersarang di lambung dan usus, membuat harimau sumatera ini sulit mencerna makanannya.

"Sudah satu minggu ini Euro kita terapkan pola makan sesuai habitatnya, lima hari makan, dua hari puasa," kata Andita.

Harimau sumatera tersebut akan berada di ASTI selama waktu yang belum ditentukan sampai kondisinya membaik baik dari hasil sampel darah maupun pola perilakunya agar bisa bertahan sebelum dikembalikan ke habitat aslinya.

Euro merupakan satu dari sejumlah satwa liar yang dipelihara di vila 90, Kampung Bojong Honje, Desa Gunung Geulis, Kecamatan Sukaraja, Kabupaten Bogor.

Keberadaan Satwa liar di vila tersebut terungkap dari kasus pembunuhan seorang wanita yang dilakukan oleh petugas pemelihara satwa di vila tersebut pada Kamis (24/10/2013) lalu.

Selain Euro, harimau sumatera, sejumlah satwa liar lainnya yang turut dievakuasi dari vila ialah tiga ekor merak, empat ekor rusa timor, seekor owa jaya, seekor lutung, seekor biawak, dan seekor owa sumatera.

Di vila tersebut juga masih tersimpan seekor liger, yakni peranakan harimau dan singa.

Anggota PPNS BKSDA wilayah I Jawa Barat, Adjat Sudrajat, mengatakan, keberadaan satwa liar di vila 90 tersebut adalah ilegal karena izin untuk pemeliharan satwa liar tidak diterbitkan lagi, kecuali untuk konservasi.

Para pemilik satwa dikenakan sanksi Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 tentang satwa liar dengan hukuman lima tahun penjara.

"Saat ini kami masih menyelidiki siapa pemilik satwa. Pemilik vila sudah kita periksa. Ia mengaku hanya dititipkan satwa ini oleh sejumlah pemilik," kata Adjat.

First Trailer For The New Wachowski Movie 'Jupiter Ascending'

Dec 12, 2013

WestJet Airlines shocks passengers by giving Christmas gifts during flight

Microsoft ends Windows 7 retail sales, directs consumers to Windows 8 - Looking for a way to push more people to the latest version of Windows, Microsoft announced that the company discontinued the distribution of retail copies of Windows 7 at the end of October 2013.

While retailers like Amazon still have an existing stock of retail copies to sell to customers, Microsoft will no longer package and supply the official retail version of the software. However, consumers will still be able to purchase the OEM version of Windows 7 for the foreseeable future.

In addition, this doesn’t mean that PC manufacturers will be forced to stop selling computers that offer Windows 7. According to the Windows lifecycle fact sheet, the date for halting all sales of PCs with Windows 7 pre-installed on the device is currently undetermined. Microsoft had previously listed that date as October 31, 2014, but removed that information earlier today.

Releasing a statement to The Next Web about the date change, a Microsoft representative said “We apologize for any confusion this may have caused our customers. We’ll have more details to share about the Windows 7 lifecycle once they become available."

"Additionally, we are confirming that the Retail software end of sales date for Windows 7 did happen on October 30, 2013.” Interestingly, Windows Vista was available in retail form nearly as long as the four-year retail life span of Windows 7.

While customers are still interested in Windows 7, Microsoft is likely looking for ways to boost the adoption rate of Windows 8. According to the latest data from NetMarketShare, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 collectively have about a 9.3 percent market share versus Windows 7 at approximately 46 percent and Windows XP still holding strong at 31 percent.

In addition, Windows 7 had a faster growth rate than Windows 8 during a four month span earlier in the year. Of course, the slow adoption of Windows 8 has hurt Microsoft’s ability to capture a stronger foothold in the tablet market, an area that’s currently dominated by Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android software.

First Teaser Trailer For The New 'Godzilla' Movie

Dec 11, 2013

Toyota Avanza dan Kijang Innova Diskon Sampai Rp 20 Jutaan, Mau? - Butuh Toyota Avanza atau Kijang Innova sekarang? Ini memang waktu yang tepat. Sebab, dipenghujung tahun 2013 ini, Toyota memberikan diskon besar-besaran khusus untuk mobil-mobilnya. Seperti Toyota Avanza dan Kijang Innova. coba menelusuri ke berbagai dealer resmi Toyota di kawasan Jakarta. Hasilnya, Toyota Avanza, juga Kijang Innova bisa diberikan diskon sampai dengan Rp 20 juta jelang akhir tahun.

"Khusus akhir tahun saja mas, Toyota Avanza dan Kijang Innova diskonnya Rp 20 juta," ujar salah satu tenaga penjual dealer resmi Toyota, ketika dikonfirmasi hari ini (10/12).

Selain itu, Toyota Rush juga dikenakan diskon sampai Rp 20 juta, "Plus kita tambahkan lagi kursi belakang sebagai bonus," tambahnya.

Sementara itu, Toyota Etios Valco diskonnya Rp 15 juta, dan Toyota Vios diberikan diskon sampai Rp 7 jutaan. "Kalau mobil LCGC Toyota Agya, maaf, gak ada diskonnya ya mas," tutup sang tenaga penjual.

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What shade is the sqaure in the shadow?

Malware Bisa Kirim Data Curian Tanpa Internet - Selama ini program jahat atau malware selalu membutuhkan semacam medium digital untuk bisa mencuri data dari satu perangkat untuk diteruskan ke perangkat lain, biasanya melalui jaringan komputer dan internet.

Lalu, apakah komputer yang tidak tersambung ke jaringan bisa disebut "steril" dari kemungkinan pencurian data?

Ternyata tidak juga. Sekelompok peneliti dari Fraunhofer Institute of Communications, Jerman, membuktikan bahwa ternyata malware juga bisa mencuri data dari komputer lewat gelombang suara tanpa butuh koneksi data.

Seperti dilaporkan oleh Ars Technica, para peneliti tersebut mengembangkan prototipe malware yang berkomunikasi dan mengirim data lewat mikrofon dan speaker. Caranya adalah dengan mengirim sinyal frekuensi tinggi dari komputer yang terinfeksi ke komputer lain.

Transfer data hanya bisa dilakukan dengan kecepatan sangat rendah, yaitu 20 bit per detik, tapi ini sudah cukup untuk mengirim informasi-informasi vital semacam password dengan cepat.

Terlebih lagi jangkauan metode pengiriman lewat suara ini lumayan luas, mencapai 65 kaki atau 20 meter. Jarak itu bisa diperluas dengan menciptakan jaringan komputer yang terinfeksi untuk melakukan relay sinyal suara.

Malware tersebut membuktikan bahwa isolasi komputer dari internet dan jaringan sudah tidak bisa dipandang cukup untuk mengamankan perangkat. "Konsep jaringan berbasis sinyal suara membuat metode sekuriti konvensional menjadi tidak berguna karena biasanya tak mempertimbangkan komunikasi audio," tulis tim peneliti dari Fraunhofer Institute itu dalam laporan yang dipublikasikan di Journal of Communications.

Tim peneliti dari Fraunhofer Institute itu sendiri tidak benar-benar membuat malware, melainkan hanya membuktikan konsep untuk meningkatkan kesadaran mengenai kemungkinan serangan di masa depan dan cara menangkalnya. Salah satu "penangkal" yang disarankan adalah dengan memakai filter audio yang memblokir suara frekuensi tinggi dan penganalisa audio.

Kate Middleton Fist Bumps Child In Adorably Unscripted Moment

Dec 9, 2013

Leopard Cub Adopts Her Prey's Baby, Shows What We Can Learn From The Animal World

How to cheat at selfies: Guide to the 'digital surgery' apps that can zap zits, whiten teeth and airbrush out imperfections - Almost everyone is aware that celebrities in magazines are usually digitally enhanced to have flawless skin and dazzling white teeth, but how about your friends’ photos on social networks?

A new breed of photo editing app is gaining popularity as people seek to digitally doctor their selfies so that they too can looks ‘perfect’ on social media sites.

One free app, Perfect365, which calls itself a ‘one-tap makeover,’ allows people to opt for a ‘natural touch up,’ which can include smoothing out their skin, eradicating pores and covering up spots far more effectively than concealer.

Users of the app can also opt for a ‘trendy makeover’ allowing them to try out new makeup looks with beguiling names such as ‘ocean breeze’ as well as filters that also have attractive names such as ‘lavender’.

While there are lots of options available, the company said 80 per cent of its users opt for the ‘natural,’ setting which blurs imperfections and evens out skin tone almost undetectably.

While photo retouching technology has long been available in expensive computer packages and used in fashion magazines, the rise of free photo editing apps has enabled more people to make their selfies picture perfect.

However, as social media is meant to be a spontaneous snapshot of life, many people are not freely admitting to using technology to make themselves look better.

While countless selfies are posted on social media networks such as Twitter and Instagram every day, relatively few people disclose they have used photo touch-up technology by using a hashtag such as #Perfect365.

According to The Huffington Post, just 50,000 selfies on Instagram have been marked with the tag but the Perfect365 app has been downloaded a staggering 17million times since its launch in 2011.

Caroline Tien-Spalding, director of consumer marketing at ArcSoft, which owns Perfect365 believes there is more pressure to project yourself looking at your very best.

‘You don’t know how long that photo is going to live or how long the impression that you’re putting out there will last,’ she said.

A number of apps, such as Pixtr and FaceTune allow users to boost specific facial featuresfrom brightening their smile to enhancing their eyes, which is an extension of red eye eradicating tools that have been used for years.

The apps also allow people to get the extra healthy celebrity glow at the tap of a button.

A collection of apps called ModiFace, which have collectively been downloaded over 27million times, allow people to change the shape of their bone structure significantly so that they can almost look like cartoon characters.

Demand for the apps largely comes from young females and 70 per cent of FaceTune users are female, while two thirds of Perfect365’s users are under the age of 24.

Dec 7, 2013

Urus STNK Hilang, Cuma Rp50.000 - Apes. Apalagi kalau kehilangan surat berharga seperti Surat Tanda Kendaraan Bermotor (STNK). Jangan patah arang dulu dan segera meminta bantuan biro jasa untuk mengurusnya. Ternyata, jika Anda mau meluangkan waktu, proses pengurusan di Samsat tidak terlalu ribet dan yang pasti jauh lebih murah. Nah, KompasOtomotif mau berbagi tips untuk mengurus STNK kendaraan pribadi yang hilang.

Pertama, sebelum Anda berangkat ke Samsat untuk meminta STNK baru, pastikan sudah menyiapkan surat keterangan hilang dari Polsek terdekat. Lengkapi berkas dengan BPKB asli dan KTP. Selain itu, pastikan kendaraan yang digunakan dalam kondisi komplet. Misalnya, sepeda motor lengkapi sepasang spion dan pastikan semua lampu dalam kondisi baik berfungsi.

Setibanya di Samsat (usahakan pagi tepat saat loket buka), langsung serahkan berkas ke loket cek fisik untuk mendapat nomor antrian. Sepeda motor atau mobil akan diperiksa dan diarsir nomor rangka serta mesin di atas kertas khusus yang sudah disediakan. Setelah cek fisik, lanjutkan menuju bagian Arsip (Ruang Arsip) untuk mengisi Formulir Permohonan STNK (diisi sendiri) dan dilegalisir. Bagian ini memastikan kalau kendaraan Anda benar milik pribadi dan bukan curian.

Kelengkapan berkas kini bertambah dua lembar, kemudian lanjut ke loket khusus untuk meminta Salinan Pajak. Sebagai bukti kalau kendaraan sudah bayar pajak sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku (bukan STNK mati). Dengan berbekal tiga surat keterangan di atas, plus BPKB, dan KTP lanjut ke Loket Tata Usaha Polri untuk memperoleh surat keterangan STNK hilang.

Keenam, seluruh berkas dialihkan menuju Loket Perubahan Roda2/Roda4. Dari sini, Anda tinggal menunggu dipanggil untuk pembayaran ongkos cetak dan kertas khusus di kasir Rp 50.000. Setelah memegang kuitansi, tinggal menunggu STNK baru Anda jadi.

Untuk melakukan semua langkah ini, ada baiknya Ada datang awal di pagi hari karena butuh waktu sekitar 3-4 jam. Pastikan Anda juga tahu jam operasional Samsat, supaya lebih efektif menentukan waktu kedatangan. Selamat mencoba!

Chino The Monkey Wants You To Crush All The Leaves Right. Now.

'You didn't have an abortion and now you come here with your big stomach': Extraordinary catfight between bride and new husband's pregnant mistress at wedding reception

Dec 6, 2013

Terjebak di Pekerjaan yang Salah, Ini Tandanya - Ada banyak alasan mengapa seseorang memilih tawaran pekerjaan tertentu, bisa karena kompensasi yang tinggi atau karena menyukai pekerjaan tersebut. Memang tak semua orang beruntung bisa menekuni profesi yang sesuai panggilan hati.

Pilihan karir yang tepat akan memiliki efek positif pada hidup karena Anda melakukan sesuatu yang membuat bahagia. Di sisi lain, jika Anda terjebak dalam karir yang salah, hidup Anda akan menjadi berat.

Nah, apakah Anda sudah berada di posisi karir yang tepat? Coba cek ciri-ciri berikut :

Terus mengeluh

Tidak peduli apa pun tugas yang Anda lakukan di tempat kerja, Anda sering mengeluh dan tidak puas. Hal ini jelas menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan Anda tidak membuat  bahagia dan kemungkinan pekerjaan tersebut bukan yang tepat untuk Anda.

Tidak merasa bangga

Ketika seseorang bertanya mengenai pekerjaan Anda sekarang, Anda tidak bersemangat menceritakannya dan buru-buru mengalihkan topik tersebut.

Tak ada motivasi untuk bangun dan pergi bekerja

Pekerjaan yang memang sesuai passion akan membuat Anda bersemangat di pagi hari dan tak sabar untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugas. Waspadalah jika Anda merasa malas dan selalu terpaksa berangkat ke kantor.

Tidak melakukan yang terbaik

Biasanya orang yang menyukai pekerjaannya akan melakukan segala cara untuk membuat hasil pekerjaan menjadi bagus. Tapi jika Anda tak memiliki motivasi, maka seluruh potensi yang dimiliki tak akan terlihat.

Berjuang untuk melewati hari

Semua pekerja akan berjuang melewati hari mereka di dalam kantor, menghadapi bos yang kurang pengertian, rekan kerja yang tak sulit bekerjasama, sampai tekanan pekerjaan yang menumpuk. Apabila Anda berada di karier yang benar, maka Anda akan melewatinya dengan bahagia. Namun jika tidak, Anda akan merasa seperti berada di kamp penyiksaan dan selalu tak sabar menunggu jam pulang.

Kurang tertantang

Bagian yang menarik mengenai pekerjaan yakni tantangan dan motivasi untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik. Jika Anda merasa pekerjaan yang dijalani sekarang tak cukup menantang, mungkin ini saatnya berpikir untuk mencari tempat baru yang bisa menampung keterampilan yang dimiliki.

Melakukannya untuk uang

Beberapa dari pekerja memilih gaji yang besar daripada pekerjaannya. Ini sah-sah saja sebenarnya, tapi jika pekerjaan itu berlawanan dengan keinginan hati maka Anda tak akan maksimal mengerjakannya. Karier Anda pun mungkin hanya mandek. Jika Anda menyukai pekerjaan sekarang tapi kurang puas dengan gajinya, pertimbangkan untuk mencari pekerjaan sampingan.

Keterampilan dan minat tidak sesuai

Semua orang memiliki keterampilan dan minat yang tampaknya ideal untuk karir tertentu. Hal ini tidak hanya akan membuat Anda bahagia, tetapi juga bangga dengan apa yang Anda lakukan. Jadi, lihatlah apakah keterampilan dan minat Anda cocok dengan bidang pekerjaan yang Anda jalani saat ini?

Sering iri

Anda selalu membanding-bandingkan diri dengan orang lain dan merasa tidak percaya diri karenanya. Daripada hanya menggerutu, lakukanlah aksi untuk mengubah jalan hidup Anda.

'Frozen' will warm your heart

Ford Tarik Ribuan Escape di Seluruh Dunia - Kasus penarikan kembali untuk diperbaiki atau recall kembali terjadi. Kali ini giliran Ford yang harus menarik puluhan ribu unit mobil di seluruh dunia.

Mobil yang mengalami masalah adalah Ford Escape. Kurang lebih ada 140.000 unit Escape yang harus ditarik diseluruh dunia.

Menurut Badan Keselamatan Lalu Lintas dan Jalan Raya Amerika atau National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) di Amerika Serikat (AS) itu sendiri ada 161.333 unit Escape yang harus ditarik.

Masalah itu karena ditemukan adanya overheating pada kepala silinder yang rentan pecah serta terjadinya pembocoran minyak.

Penarikan ini dilakukan setelah NHTSA mendapatkan 13 laporan dari konsumen dan salah satunya dari Kanada. Ford Escape yang harus ditarik adalah dengan mesin 1.6 liter.

Tak hanya itu, pabrikan asal Amerika ini juga melakukan penarikan kedua dengan total 9649 unit Ford Escape model tahun 2013 dan 11.821 unit di seluruh dunia.

Pemilik Escape diharapkan segera mendatangi diler Ford terdekat, karena potensi kebocoran itu berpotensi terjadi kebakaran pada kompartemen mesin dan bisa meningkatkan risiki kecelakaan.

Dec 3, 2013

Parade "Recall" Yamaha R1 Berlanjut - Setelah melakukan kampanye perbaikan massal (recall) pada R1 lansiran 2010 di Australia, Jerman, dan Inggris, kini giliran Yamaha merambah Amerika Serikat (AS).

Moge full fairing ini dicurigai bermasalah pada kabel yang menghubungkan sensor akselerasi (APS) dan sensor bukaan gas (TPS). Kedua sensor ini berpotensi mengirimkan "perintah" yang salah bukan sesuai kondisi yang dibutuhkan pada ECU.

Dalam beberapa kasus, ketika sepeda motor dalam kondisi "ngebut" tidak bisa mengurangi kecepatan meski ketika gas ditutup. Masalah ini juga diungkap lembaga keselamatan di Inggris (UVOSA) dan Jerman (KBA) dengan diagnosa serupa.

Recall terjadi pada 139 unit R1 yang dipasarkan di Inggris dan 85 unit di Australia. Yamaha tidak mau memberikan informasi berapa jumlah recall di Jerman. Sedangkan, untuk AS, sampai saat ini masih dilakukan pendataan.

Amazon testing deliveries by drone - Online retailer Amazon announced Sunday that it is planning a new delivery service in which products would be delivered with the use of unmanned drones.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled the so-called "Octocopters" in an interview that aired Sunday on CBS "60 Minutes," and claimed that the drones would not be ready to take flight for another four or five years. However, after the interview aired, Amazon released a statement promising that "Prime Air vehicles will be as normal as seeing mail trucks on the road today."

"I know this looks like science fiction. It's not," Bezos said in the CBS interview with Charlie Rose. "It drops the package. You come and get your package and we can do half-hour deliveries."

Federal Aviation Administration regulations currently prohibit the kind of flights Bezos proposes that Prime Air octocopters undertake. However, rule changes could come as early as 2015.

Bezos said that the vehicles currently being tested have a range of ten miles and can carry products under five pounds, which he estimates make up 86 percent of Amazon's inventory.

In urban areas, you could actually cover very significant portions of the population," Bezos said.  "This is all electric, it’s very green, it’s better than driving trucks around."

The CEO also admitted that the drones required more safety testing, noting "This thing can't land on somebody's head while they're walking around their neighborhood."

Kemudi Bermasalah, Suzuki Ertiga Direcall! - Suzuki harus melakukan penarikan kembali MPV tujuh penumpangnya yang sedang naik daun di tanah air, Suzuki Ertiga, karena adanya permasalahan pada sistem kemudinya. Recall ini terjadi di India. Maruti Suzuki melaporkan, harus melakukan recall terhadap 1.492 unit mobilnya di India.

Kampanye penarikan kembali untuk diperbaiki atau recall kembali menimpa pabrikan automotif besar. Kali ini, pabrikan Maruti Suzuki harus melakukan recall terhadap 1.492 unit mobilnya di India.

Steering Column mengalami kerusakan, namun, Maruti Suzuki, sebagaimana dilansir Motorbeam, Senin (2/12) sudah mengirimkan komponen pengganti kerusakan tersebut ke dealer-dealer Suzuki dan telah melakukan simulasi penggantian bagian mobil yang rusak tersebut.

Untungnya, penarikan kembali ini hanya terjadi di India, terhadap Suzuki Ertiga yang diproduksi Maruti Suzuki. Sementara untuk Indonesia, belum bisa dipastikan apakah harus terkena permasalahan yang sama atau tidak.

Dec 2, 2013

Volocopter: 18-propeller electric helicopter takes flight

'Humans evolved after a female chimpanzee mated with a pig': Extraordinary claim made by American geneticist - The human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, a leading geneticist has suggested.

The startling claim has been made by Eugene McCarthy, of the University of Georgia, who is also one of the worlds leading authorities on hybridisation in animals.

He points out that while humans have many features in common with chimps, we also have a large number of distinguishing characteristics not found in any other primates.

Dr McCarthy says these divergent characteristics are most likely the result of a hybrid origin at some point far back in human evolutionary history.

What's more, he suggests, there is one animal that has all of the traits which distinguish humans from our primate cousins in the animal kingdom.

'What is this other animal that has all these traits?' he asks rhetorically. 'The answer is Sus scrofa, the ordinary pig.'

Dr McCarthy elaborates his astonishing hypothesis in an article on, a website he curates. He is at pains to point out that that it is merely a hypothesis, but he presents compelling evidence to support it.

cientists currently suppose that chimpanzees are humans' closest living evolutionary relatives, a theory amply backed by genetic evidence.

However, as Dr McCarthy points out, despite this genetic similarity, there are a massive number of divergent anatomical characteristics distinguishing the two species.

These distinguishing characteristics, including hairless skin, a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, light-coloured eyes, protruding noses and heavy eyelashes, to name but a few, are unmistakeably porcine, he suggests.

There are also a number of less obvious but equally inexplicable similarities between humans and pigs in the structure of the skin and organs.

Indeed, pig skin tissues and heart valves can be used in medicine because of their similarity and compatibility with the human body.

Dr McCarthy says that the original pig-chimp hook up was probably followed by several generations of 'backcrossing', where the offspring of that pairing lived among chimps and mated with them - becoming more like chimps and less like pigs with every new generation.

This also helps to explain the problem of relative infertility in hybrids. Dr McCarthy points out that the belief that all hybrids are sterile is in fact false, and in many cases hybrid animals are able to breed with mates of the same species of either parent.

After several generations the hybrid strain would have become fertile enough to breed amongst themselves, Dr McCarthy says.

Unsurprisingly, Dr McCarthy's hypothesis has come in for substantial criticism from orthodox evolutionary biologists and their Creationist opponents alike.

One important criticism, which dubs his theory the 'Monkey-F******-A-Pig hypothesis', is that there is little chance that pigs and chimps could be interfertile. The two orders of creatures, according to evolutionary theory, diverged roughly 80million years ago, a ScienceBlogs post points out.

'[J]ust the gradual accumulation of molecular differences in sperm and egg recognition proteins would mean that pig sperm wouldn’t recognize a chimpanzee egg as a reasonable target for fusion,' PZ Myers writes.

Furthermore, the blogger explains, while chimps have 48 chromosomes, pigs have just 38.

He adds: 'Hybridizing a pig and a chimp is like taking half the dancers from a performance of Swan Lake and the other half from a performance of Giselle and throwing them together on stage to assemble something. It’s going to be a catastrophe.'

Finally, he suggests rather impudently that Dr McCarthy do the experimental work himself and try mating with a pig to see how far he gets.

But Dr McCarthy believes that, in the case of humans and other creatures, his hybrid modification to evolutionary theory can account for a range of phenomena that Darwinian evolution alone has difficulty explaining.

Despite the opinions of some peer reviewers that Dr McCarthy's work presents a potentially paradigm-shifting new take on conventional views of the origins of new life forms, he has had difficulty finding a publisher, so he has chosen to publish a book-length manuscript outlining his ideas on his website.

In its conclusion he writes: 'I must admit that I initially felt a certain amount of repugnance at the idea of being a hybrid. The image of a pig mating with an ape is not a pretty one, nor is that of a horde of monstrous half-humans breeding in a hybrid swarm.

'But the way we came to be is not so important as the fact that we now exist. As every Machiavellian knows, good things can emerge from ugly processes, and I think the human race is a very good thing. Moreover, there is something to be said for the idea of having the pig as a relative.

'My opinion of this animal has much improved during the course of my research. Where once I thought of filth and greed, I now think of intelligence, affection, loyalty, and adaptability, with an added touch of joyous sensuality — qualities without which humans would not be human.'

Nov 30, 2013

Rumored: The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Final Edition is not the last SLS - If a car has Final Edition in its name, it seems safe to assume the vehicle is the end of the line. Not so with Mercedes-Benz. Despite its moniker, the 583-hp Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Final Edition unveiled at the 2013 L.A. Auto Show and the Tokyo Motor Show last week might not be the last SLS, according to a source from the German carmaker. 

Apparently there is supposed to be one more version of the car, but that's all we were told. As previously reported by Automotive News, the SLS's replacement will be the twin-turbocharged GT meant to compete with Porsche's 911.

With the SLS AMG GT's standard 6.3-liter V-8 under the hood, the Final Edition (should we start using quotes now?) is less powerful than the 622-horsepower SLS AMG Black Series, but it features an exclusive exposed carbon-fiber hood, front splitter, and fixed rear spoiler along with a set of forged alloy wheels. Able to hit 60 mph in a lickety-split 3.6 seconds and 124 mph in 11.2, the gullwing supercar tops out at an electronically limited 197 mph. Mercedes says it plans to make only 350 units of the Final Edition.

Which reminds us: What would Mercedes call the true final version of the SLS? The Last One Forever And Ever Edition? Whatever name they land on, it'd be nice if we didn't have to say goodbye to the spectacular SLS just yet. Even if we did feel a little duped.

If A Living Snowman Would Terrify You, Don't Watch This Prank

Nov 28, 2013

Obama pardons Thanksgiving turkey (and tells jokes)

Gara-gara Minum Air Sungai, Seekor Komodo di KBS Mati

Ilustrasi - Seekor komodo koleksi Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS) mati. Komodo jantan berusia sebelas tahun ini mengalami gangguan ginjalnya hingga tidak berfungsi.

Humas KBS Agus Supangkat mengatakan gangguan ginjal yang dialami komodo tersebut disebabkan air minum yang dikonsumsinya tanpa melalui proses water treatment.
"Suplai air minumnya kan didominasi dari Kali Surabaya," katanya tanpa menyebut sungai yang dimaksut , Selasa (26/11/2013).

Sementara, Direktur Operasional KBS drh Liang Kaspe membenarkan penyebab kematian satwa tersebut. Menurutnya, air minum yang berasal dari Kali Surabaya punya kualitas buruk. Meski masih bisa dikonsumsi, namun beresiko merusak ginjal.

Tim dokter sebenarnya sudah berusaha merawat begitu mengetahu gejala awal gangguan pada komodo tersebut pada seminggu lalu. Sejak saat itu, tim KBS sudah memberi perhatian dan perawatan terhadapnya.

"Dia tiba-tiba diam, lemas walaupun nafsu makan masih normal. Tapi karena komodo termasuk satwa liar yang kuat, maka gejala itu baru terlihat ketika kondisinya sudah parah," ugkapnya.

Mulai Juli 2013, kata Liang, KBS tengah melakukan peralihan sumber air minum dari Kali Surabaya ke perusahaan daerah air minum. Dipastikan air minum bersih itu membutuhkan waktu setahun untuk bisa dijangkau seluruh satwa.

Sementara itu, koleksi komodo di KBS saat ini tersisa 58 ekor. 18 jantan, 15 betina dan 25 anakan yang belum diketahui jenis kelaminnya.

Nov 26, 2013

SPOILER ALERT: Family Guy character KILLED OFF after being hit by car in shock new episode

Ecosia, Mesin Pencari Paling Ramah Lingkungan - Google memang bukan satu-satunya mesin pencari utama di internet. Namun, hanya segelintir atau malah mungkin nyaris tidak ada search engine yang peduli terhadap lingkungan.

Untungnya ada satu mesin pencari yang masih peduli terhadap hal itu, salah satunya adalah Ecosia. Layanan besutan Armchair ini memposisikan diri sebagai penantang Google, dengan algoritma mirip Yahoo dan Bing.

Ecosia tidak sekedar mengembar-gemborkan hasil pencarian yang lebih baik dari Google, namun mereka juga menyisihkan sebagian pendapatannya untuk menanam pohon. Bahkan, target mereka mampu menanam miiaran pohon.

Dikutip detikINET dari Complex, Jumat (22/11/2013), memang 80% pendapatan mereka dari iklan diklaim peruntukan untuk menanam pohon melalui Yayasan The Nature Conservancy. Bahkan mereka mengklaim sudah menanam 105,308 pohon.

Saat pengguna mengunjungi mesin pencari Ecosia ini memang Anda akan disuguhkan kartun dengan tokoh pohon. Di bagian sampingnya tampak berapa jumlah total pengguna aktif dan berapa banyak pohon yang telah ditanam.

"Mulai sekarang, tidak ada lagi alasan melakukan pencarian dengan Google , " kata pendiri Ecosia, Christian Kroli.

"Ecosia memberikan hasil pencarian yang sama kalibernya dengan Google dan memungkinkan Anda membantu memerangi perubahan iklim pada waktu yang sama," tambahnya.

Salah satu ironi dari situasi ini adalah Ecosia memiliki ekstensi untuk Chrome.

Nov 25, 2013

He's got his tail in a spin! The dogs that can operate a washing machine with a quick bark and a push of the paw

7 Things You Should Always Say To Family

Huffingtonpost - Most of us see or talk to our families at least once a week. But how often does the chitchat include letting them know how much they mean to you?

That's the question we asked ourselves after seeing the heartfelt, bittersweet new movie Philomena, which tells the true story of Philomena Lee, a 78-year-old Irish woman (played by Judi Dench) who spends her entire adult life searching for the long lost son she was forced to give up when she was young and unmarried.

Read on for our list of the most important things that should never be left unsaid when it comes to family.

1. "I love you"

Perhaps the most powerful words in the English language. Saying “I love you” lets your family member know she is not alone and that you care. The words also can help decrease fear in kids, and increase trust. As for the health benefits, simply holding someone’s hand relieves pain and makes you feel better, so if you find yourself tongue tied, give a hand squeeze to let your family member know how important she is to you.

2. "Thank you"

Not only does saying ”Thank you” make your family member feel appreciated and acknowledged, researchers at the University of California Davis found that people who show gratitude feel better about their lives, are more optimistic and in better health than people who aren’t.

3. "I could use your help"

Asking for help isn't always easy—we don’t want to be seen as a burden or weak. However, asking for assistance from family members gives them the opportunity to do a kind act, and be a star. By showing vulnerability you can also help a relationship feel more equal and bring you closer together. The other hidden benefit of asking for help: Research shows that kids do better when they ask for help, rather than being shown immediately how to do something—so your asking for help models good behavior for them.

4. "I love to watch you play"

What is the best thing you can say to your grandchild who is an aspiring athlete? In their article “What Makes A Nightmare Sports Parent and What Makes a Great One" former coaches Bruce E. Brown and Rob Miller of Proactive Coaching LLC compiled decades of research from college students and found that the single best thing a parent (or grandparent!) can say is “I love watching you play.” In this culture of super-competitive sports and pressure to achieve, telling your grandchild how much you just enjoy him or her doing the sport they love is the best compliment you can give.

5. "I was wrong"

Accepting responsibility and owning up to our mistakes is one of the most important things we can do with family members. It is a way to mend relationships that are problematic. Apologizing can also help you feel better physically, according to research by Carol Osborn, Ph.D., author of 21 books about the boomer generation. Dr. Osborn studied 100 baby boomer women whom she considered to be well-adjusted role models for her book The Silver Pearl. She found that the main characteristic the women all shared was their knack for apologizing and straightening out problematic situations. Apologizing makes you feel better!

6. "I've never told you that..."

Sometimes it’s difficult for us to tell the people we care about most how much they mean to us. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by that prospect, just pick out one aspect of their personality and focus on that. Say, “I’ve never told you that I love the way you cook,” or “I’ve never told you that you have the best smile.” Giving a compliment makes the other person feel good about himself and appreciated. And when people feel appreciated, they are happier, which can boost health mentally and physically.

7. "You made my day!"

Perhaps the greatest gift we can give someone is to let him or her know how their actions affected us—how something they did made us happier, stronger, better. Letting them know they have made a difference is good for you and good for them.

Nov 22, 2013

Honda Valkyrie Returns For 2014

11 Reasons To Love Costco That Have Nothing To Do With Shopping - It's not just the bulk toilet paper and $1.50 hot dog combos. There's more going on here.

1. The company pays a living wage. Costco's CEO and president, Craig Jelinek, has publicly endorsed raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, and he takes that to heart. The company's starting pay is $11.50 per hour, and the average employee wage is $21 per hour, not including overtime. Most other big box retailers start their employees at minimum wage.

2. Workers get benefits. About 88 percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance, according to David Sherwood, Costco's Director of Financial Planning and Investor Relations. "I just think people need to make a living wage with health benefits,” Jelinek told Bloomberg. “It also puts more money back into the economy and creates a healthier country. It’s really that simple.”

Jim Sinegal (founder) &  Craig Jelinek (CEO)

3. The CEO makes a reasonable salary. Costco's CEO makes far less than most executives, with a total compensation package of about $4.83 million in 2012. In contrast, Walmart CEO Mike Duke made roughly $19.3 million during the same year. Walmart's CEO earns as much as 796 average employees, according to CNN Money, compared to Costco's CEO making 48 times more than the company's median wage.

4. Costco helped its employees weather the recession. When the economic crisis hit and other retailers laid off workers, Costco's CEO approved a $1.50-an-hour wage increase for many hourly employees, spread out over three years.

5. Costco doesn't kill Thanksgiving. While many of its competitors are forcing employees to work on Thanksgiving Day, Costco will buck the trend and stay closed.

6. It also doesn’t waste money on expensive advertising. The company doesn't advertise nor does it hire a public relations staff. Meanwhile, Walmart dropped $1.89 billion on ads in 2011.

7. Its prices aren't horrendously high. Costco never marks up products by more than 15 percent, while most retailers commonly mark products up by more than 25 percent.

8. It embraces equality. Costco scored extremely well (90/100) on the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index, an assessment of LGBT policies in the workplace.

9. It hires from the inside. More than 70 percent of its warehouse managers began their careers working the register or the floor.

10. Costco's employees are loyal. For employees that have worked at the company for more than one year, the annual turnover rate is below six percent, according to Sherwood. For executives, the turnover rate is less than one percent.

11. Free samples. Need we say more?

Hike to Trolltunga, Norway

This Rabbit Eating In Slow Motion Is Absolutely Enthralling

Nov 21, 2013

Honda Jual Freed Gerak Semua Roda - Saat berkunjung ke pabrik Honda, Yorii, di Saitama, Jepang, Senin (18/11/2013), KompasOtomotif sempat melihat Freed dengan penampilan berbeda dengan versi yang beredar di Indonesia. Muncul asumsi bahwa varian yang dipajang merupakan model facelift, karena ada perbedaan desain pada bemper depan. Namun setelah diteliti ternyata yang dipajang adalah varian gerak semua roda (AWD : All Wheel Drive).

Hal tersebut diketahui setelah menemukan ada logo tambahan bertuliskan AWD di kaca belakang. Untuk meyakinkan dugaan tersebut, KompasOtomotif coba melongok ke kolong bagian belakang. Benar saja, ternyata ada as roda tambahan untuk menggerakkan roda belakang.

Kebetulan ada Tomoki Uchida, Presiden Direktur Honda Prospect Motor. Tanpa basa basi KompasOtomotif minta penjelasan produk tersebut. Dijelaskan, varian tersebut memang versi gerak semua roda. Di pasar Jepang varian tersebut dialokasikan untuk pasar Hokkaido.

"Freed AWD memang dipersiapkan untuk Hokkaido yang intesitas turun salju lebih sering. Tentunya untuk membantu mendapatkan daya cengkram yang lebih baik," jelas Uchida.

Dapat dipastikan pula varian ini tidak akan dijual di Indonesia. Alasan pertama segmen yang sangat kecil dan juga harga jual yang bakal melonjak karena beban pajak. Di Jepang sendiri, lanjut Uchida, harga jual versi AWD diperkirakan Rp 10 juta lebih mahal dari varian tertinggi.

Hasil Tes Honda Mobilio di Motegi - Rasa penasaran untuk berada di dalam Honda Mobilio pun terbayar. KompasOtomotif dan beberapa media lain diberi kesempatan untuk menjajal model-model baru yang akan dijual di Asia. Salah satu yang menarik adalah Mobilio, yang digadang-gadang sebagai volume maker Honda Indonesia, untuk bersaing dengan duet Avanza-Xenia.

Kesempatan kali ini lebih pada bentuk perkenalan (first drive) bukan pengujian lengkap. Sebab sarana yang disediakan sangat terbatas, yakni lintasan aspal dengan permukaan mulus berjarak sekitar 1,5 km, dengan jalur menyerupai elips di pelataran Twin Ring Motegi, Jepang.

KompasOtomotif kebetulan mendapat antrian keempat menjajal MPV 7 penumpang tersebut. Varian yang tersedia hanya satu, dan dikirim langsung dari Indonesia oleh Honda Prospect Motor. Bentuknya pun masih berupa prototipe dari varian E bertransmisi otomatis. Hal tersebut tampak dari beberapa panel interior yang masih berupa plastik polos, tidak seperti saat dipamerkan di IIMS 2013, September lalu. Bagian tersebut antara lain dasbor, konsol dan door trim.

Namun untuk kelengkapan lain sudah dipasang rapih sesuai spesifikasi. Seperti setir yang sudah dilengkapi kontrol audio, power window, head unit 2DIN, AC dan double blower.

Saat masuk ruang kemudi, posisi berkendara hampir sama dengan Brio. Ruang kaki lega, begitu pula dengan ruang kepala. Sedikit berbeda dengan kompetitor, jok terasa empuk dan mantap memeluk tubuh. Begitu pula dengan penumpang belakang yang kebetulan diisi rekan media. Posisi jok kedua bisa diatur maju mundur untuk berbagi ruang dengan penumpang paling belakang. Namun pada prinsipnya baris ketiga biasanya hanya bisa dinikmati oleh anak-anak, jika posisi jok baris kedua mentok pada posisi paling belakang.

Ruang bagasi pun cukup untuk menampung barang bawaan seperti belanja bulanan, termasuk galon air minum. Nah, jika membutuhkan volume bagasi lebih besar, jok belakang bisa dilipat dengan 2 langkah, hingga menempel dengan bagian belakang sandaran baris kedua.

Mesin 1,5 liter yang dipasang di balik kap memiliki kesamaan dengan Jazz, Freed dan City. Namun untuk tenaga sama dengan Freed 118 PS. Begitu pula akselerasi yang dihasilkan. Meski menurut Junichi Teraoka, Chief Engineer LPL Mobilio , Honda R&D Asia Pasific, akselerasi Mobilio sedikit lebih baik dari Freed karena pertimbangan bobot yang lebih ringan.
Perpindahan gigi yang transmisi otomatis tipe CVT terasa cukup halus, meski tidak seresponsif Jazz, namun masih dalam skala nyaman di segmennya. Kesesuaian mesin dengan mesin dan transmisi tersebut juga menjadi penggunaan lebih efisien, dibanding Freed. Menurut Teraoka, lagi-lagi soal bobot.
Hal lain yang membuatnya istimewa adalah minimnya gejala limbung. Selain pemilihan sistem dan material suspensi yang tepat, jarak antara body paling bawah dengan aspal (ground clearence) juga menjadi pertimbangan. Ukurannya secara teknis lebih rendah dari Avanza dan lebih tinggi dari Nissan Grand Livina.
Desain baru lebih segar dan bisa jadi alternatif segmen MPV bawah. Ruang lapang, jok baris kedua bisa diatur untuk berbagi ruang dengan penumpang belakang. Mesin menghasilkan tenaga yang mumpuni untuk mobil keluarga 7 penumpang. Klik tautan info Detail Honda Mobilio untuk melihat desain luar dalam.